Boxplots of DNA yields from replicated elutions of Tephritidae and Syrphidae of A whole body digestions and B leg digestions per DNA extraction method (Qiagen, DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit, cat. 69506; QIAamp DNA Mini, cat. 51304; QIAamp DNA Micro, cat. 56304; MinElute PCR Purification, cat. 28004).

  Part of: Ferrari G, Esselens L, Hart ML, Janssens S, Kidner C, Mascarello M, PeƱalba JV, Pezzini F, von Rintelen T, Sonet G, Vangestel C, Virgilio M, Hollingsworth PM (2023) Developing the Protocol Infrastructure for DNA Sequencing Natural History Collections. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e102317.