Sequencing coverage of targeted loci and library complexity for Rhododendron specimens. A Coverage of targeted nuclear loci. B Proportion of PCR duplicates. LIV = libraries generated from living collection samples, ssDNA = single-stranded DNA libraries made from degraded herbarium DNA, NEB = double-stranded DNA libraries made from sheared herbarium DNA using a commercial kit. C DNA deamination patterns of read data obtained from NEB (red, blue) and ssDNA (dark red, dark blue) herbarium libraries with mapDamage v.2.2.1. First base was removed for visualisation.

  Part of: Ferrari G, Esselens L, Hart ML, Janssens S, Kidner C, Mascarello M, Peñalba JV, Pezzini F, von Rintelen T, Sonet G, Vangestel C, Virgilio M, Hollingsworth PM (2023) Developing the Protocol Infrastructure for DNA Sequencing Natural History Collections. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e102317.