Traits coverage with the total number of entries and the number of entries with and without text excerpt. Graph based on data in Suppl. material 9. Abbreviations of traits as follows: BP = Parental care / Brood protection; BS = Body size (max); COMP = Intra- and Interspecies competition; CPLX = Complex species; DEV = Developmental mechanism; DZ = Depth zonation (benthos); DZP = Depth zonation (pelagic); EGG = Egg size; EPKY = Epitoky; FAC = Factors triggering reproduction; FEC = Fecundity; FEED = Feeding type; FER = Fertilization type; FREQ = Spawning frequency of a population; HAB = Habitat type; HSET = Habitat type of settlement/early  development; JMOB = Juvenile mobility; LDEV = Larval development; LFT = Larval feeding type; LIFE = Lifespan; LM = Larval mode of development; MAT = Age at first reproduction; MIGR = Migrations of adult; MOB = Mobility of adult; MV = Metamorphosis volume; OOG = Pattern of oogenesis; PC = Location of parental care; PHF = Physiographic feature; PRED = Predated by; PSR = Population sex ratio; REP = Mode of reproduction; RESORP = Resorption of eggs; RT = Reproduction temperature; RW = Ecosystem engineering; SAL = Survival salinity; SETTL = Substrate type of settlement; SM = Sexual metamorphosis; SOC = Sociability; SPERM = Sperm type; STRAT = Reproduction strategy of the individual; STRUCT = Feeding structure; SUBST = Substrate type; SYNC = Synchronization of spawning; TEMP = Survival temperature; TF = Typically feeds on; TOL = Tolerance (AMBI index); TUBE = Tube / burrow material.

  Part of: Faulwetter S, Markantonatou V, Pavloudi C, Papageorgiou N, Keklikoglou K, Chatzinikolaou E, Pafilis E, Chatzigeorgiou G, Vasileiadou K, Dailianis T, Fanini L, Koulouri P, Arvanitidis C (2014) Polytraits: A database on biological traits of marine polychaetes. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e1024.