Morphology of Modicella guangxiensis. A Sporocarps and its habitat; B Dried yellowish sporocarps; C–F Intact sporangia; G, H Sporangiospores; I, J, K Different kinds of hyphae. Scale bar A–B = 5 mm; C–F = 25 μm; G–H = 20 μm; I–K = 10 μm. C, D, G, I. in purified water; E, J, K. in 1% Congo Red; F, H. in Cotton Blue; Photos by Guang-fu Mou, from M2021081545 (holotype IBK!).

  Part of: Mou G-F, Bau T (2024) Modicella guangxiensis (Mortierellomycota, Mortierellaceae), a new species from south-western karst areas of China. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e115044.