Line drawings of Parasphaerosyllis irregulata sp. nov. (holotype UANL 8158). A Anterior end, dorsal view; B Middle section of body, dorsal view; C Posterior bulbous and moniliform dorsal cirri, chaetiger 260; D Acicula, chaetiger 10; E Acicula, posterior chaetiger; F Ventral simple chaeta, chaetiger 302; G Dorsal simple chaeta, chaetiger 302. Scale bars: A, B = 0.5 mm; C = 0.25 mm; D–G = 20 µm. |
Part of: Góngora-Garza G, Tovar-Hernández MA, de León-González JA (2024) Re-description of Parasphaerosyllis indica Monro, 1937 (Annelida, Syllidae), with the establishment of a new species from western Mexico. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e116082. |