Two-dimensional t-SNE (t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding) plots of the birdnet embeddings for the aggregated biotic unknown avian chip vocalisation class (eBird code: unk). Each data point on the plot corresponds to an individual 2-second audio clip. Panels B, C and D provide detailed spectrograms for selected audio clips marked by opaque black points on the t-SNE plot. Panel B exemplifies a typical audio clip near the centre of the primary unknown chip cluster within the t-SNE plot. Many audio clips in this cluster contain only an avian chip vocalisation. Panel C features the spectrogram of an audio clip from the most negative sub-cluster along the t-SNE axis 2. Audio clips within this sub-cluster primarily contain vocalisations from the aggregated Setophaga class. Panel D displays the spectrogram of an audio clip from the most positive cluster along t-SNE axis 1. Audio clips within this cluster predominantly consist of Red-breasted Nuthatch vocalisations.

  Part of: Weldy M, Denton T, Fleishman AB, Tolchin J, McKown M, Spaan RS, Ruff ZJ, Jenkins JMA, Betts MG, Lesmeister DB (2024) Audio tagging of avian dawn chorus recordings in California, Oregon and Washington. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e118315.