Phylogenetic tree inferred from the Maximum Likelihood analysis of the DNA sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Sequences acquired in this study and those available from Blakemore (2012c)Blakemore (2013a) and Blakemore and Lee (2013) were labelled with their voucher numbers. Sequences retrieved from GenBank were labelled with their GenBank accession numbers. All voucher and accession numbers were followed by their scientific names and then by their localities. Numbers around nodes are ultrafast bootstrap values. Scientific names in quotation marks are names synonymized with Amynthas masatakae in this study.

  Part of: Chang C-H, Shen H-P, Sherlock E, Csuzdi C (2024) A review of the earthworm Amynthas masatakae (Beddard, 1892) (Clitellata, Megascolecidae), with designation of two new synonyms. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e119599.