Structures of spermatheca (A) and prostate gland (B). A1 Fig. 4A in Blakemore and Lee (2013) modified (voucher number H3); A2 Figure 8B in Dong et al. (2020); A3 Specimen from Taiwan (voucher number East 567); A4 Fig. 7 in Blakemore (2012c) modified (voucher number WO2); A5 Figure 3f in Sun et al. (2021) (GenBank accession number KF179570); B1 Fig. 4A in Blakemore and Lee (2013) modified (voucher number H3); B2 Figure 8C in Dong et al. (2020) modified; B3 Specimen from Taiwan (voucher number East 567); B4 Fig. 7 in Blakemore (2012c) modified (voucher number WO2); B5 Figures 3de in Sun et al. (2021) modified (GenBank accession numbers KF179570 and MF541646).

  Part of: Chang C-H, Shen H-P, Sherlock E, Csuzdi C (2024) A review of the earthworm Amynthas masatakae (Beddard, 1892) (Clitellata, Megascolecidae), with designation of two new synonyms. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e119599.