Synchroa medogensis sp. nov., male, holotype. A habitus, dorsal view; B head and pronotum, dorsal view; C antenna, right; D left side of pronotum, dorsolateral view; E pro- and mesosternum, ventral view; F  metatibial apex and spurs and metatarsi, lateral view; G abdominal tergite VIII, dorsal view; H abdominal sternite VIII, ventral view; I abdominal sternite IX and fused tergite IX and X, dorsal view; J–K aedeagus: J dorsal view; K lateral view. Scale bars: 5 mm (A); 0.05mm (D); 1 mm (others).

  Part of: Pan Z, Wang S (2024) Synchroa medogensis, a new species of Synchroidae (Coleoptera) from Xizang, China. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e122792.