Argiope caesarea Thorell, 1897 AC female TRU-Araneidae-318, DK male TRU-Araneidae-317. A, D habitus, dorsal view; B, E ibid., ventral view; C, F ibid., lateral view; G leg I, prolateral view; H leg II, prolateral view; I leg III, prolateral view; J leg IV, prolateral view. Scale bars: 5.0 mm (A–F); 1.0 mm (G–J).

  Part of: Xiaoqi M, Zhang T, Wang C (2024) Description of two species of the orb-weaver spider genus Argiope Audouin, 1826 (Araneae, Araneidae) from Xizang, China. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e125601.