Annual means and standard error for a) mowing frequency in mown plots, i.e. the number of cuts per year, b) grazing intensity in grazed plots, in livestock unit days per hectare and year, calculated by multiplying the number of livestock by a conversion factor (see Table 3) and the number of grazing days and dividing the product by the size of the management unit and c) nitrogen fertilisation in fertilised plots, calculated as total nitrogen input in kg per hectare and year, in the three study regions of the Biodiversity Exploratories (light grey: Schwäbische Alb (ALB), grey: Hainich-Dün (HAI) and dark grey: Schorfheide-Chorin (SCH)). Only the subset of plots (out of 50 in each region), where the respective management was applied, are included in the figure panels (numbers above the bars).

  Part of: Vogt J, Klaus VH, Both S, Fürstenau C, Gockel S, Gossner MM, Heinze J, Hemp A, Hölzel N, Jung K, Till K, Lauterbach R, Lorenzen K, Ostrowski A, Otto N, Prati D, Renner S, Schumacher U, Seibold S, Simons N, Steitz I, Teuscher M, Thiele J, Weithmann S, Wells K, Wiesner K, Ayasse M, Blüthgen N, Fischer M, Weisser WW (2019) Eleven years’ data of grassland management data in Germany. Biodiversity Data Journal 7: e36387.