Overview of availability of (a) (capture-)mark-recapture-recovery (CMRR) data and (b) growth data over the course of the study period (1966 - 2017). For CMRR data, counts of trout captures are categorised by capture type (see colour legend). Captures of types "trap dead" and "trap alive" occur in the trap within the Hunderfossen fish ladder; "harvest" and "catch release" are captures by fishers in any location and resulting in death of the fish for the former and alive re-release for the latter; capture type "found dead" is assigned to fish that are discovered already dead in any location except for the trap within the Hunderfossen fish ladder. For more details, see Table S.2 in Suppl. material 1.

  Part of: Moe SJ, Nater CR, Rustadbakken A, Vøllestad LA, Lund E, Qvenild T, Hegge O, Aass P (2020) Long-term mark-recapture and growth data for large-sized migratory brown trout (Salmo trutta) from Lake Mjøsa, Norway. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e52157. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.8.e52157