Procedure 1: stages of data filtering to obtain the angiosperm species list for lowland inselbergs, SE Brazil, based on the list available from BFG (2015). The left column shows species that remained during the construction and validation of the list and the right column represents species removed from the list; S1-S4: indicates steps 1- 4 (see text for more details). Procedure 2: stages of data addition to obtain the final angiosperm species list for lowland inselbergs, SE Brazil.

  Part of: de Paula LFA, Azevedo LO, Mauad LP, Cardoso LJT, Braga JMA, Kollmann LJ.C, Fraga CN, Menini Neto L, Labiak PH, Mello-Silva R, Porembski S, Forzza RC (2020) Sugarloaf Land in south-eastern Brazil: a tropical hotspot of lowland inselberg plant diversity. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e53135.