Main threats to inselberg biodiversity in SE Brazil. A, B. Mining in Espírito Santo State; C, D. Burned populations of Alcantarea extensa (Bromeliaceae) and Vellozia plicata (Velloziaceae), respectively, due to anthropogenically-caused fire in Minas Gerais State; E, F. Invasive grass (Melinis repens) on inselbergs in Minas Gerais State; G, H. Grazing on inselberg surroundings and on the top of an inselberg, respectively, in Minas Gerais State; I, J. Urban expansion on to inselbergs in the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro State) and Vitória (Espírito Santo State), respectively. Photos by L.F.A. de Paula, except for photo I by J.M.A. Braga.

  Part of: de Paula LFA, Azevedo LO, Mauad LP, Cardoso LJT, Braga JMA, Kollmann LJ.C, Fraga CN, Menini Neto L, Labiak PH, Mello-Silva R, Porembski S, Forzza RC (2020) Sugarloaf Land in south-eastern Brazil: a tropical hotspot of lowland inselberg plant diversity. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e53135.