Terminalia of female paratype of Coelosynapha heberti sp. n. (A = dorsal view. B = lateral view). Abbreviations: C1 = cercus 1; C2 = cercus 2; G8 = gonocoxite 8; HP/S10 = hypoproct and sternite 10; S9 = sternite 9; T8 = tergite 8; T9 = tergite 9.

  Part of: Kjærandsen J, Polevoi A, Salmela J (2020) Coelosynapha, a new genus of the subfamily Gnoristinae (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) with a circumpolar, Holarctic distribution. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e54834. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.8.e54834