Heat map of taxon relative abundance and hierarchical clustering of samples. References:

Sites: CH: La Charqueada, JMS: Julio María Sanz, ET: El Tigre;

Water source: E: entrance, O: outlet, C: control;

Taxonomic group: Co: copepods, Da: Daphnia, Ch: Chironomidae, Ep: Ephemeroptera, Oa:

Other aquatics, Am: Amphipoda, Hy: Hydrophilidae, Sy: Syrphidae, Mi: Mites, Ga: Gastropoda, Cx: Corixidae.

Values are scaled by taxon relative abundances across each site and water source.

  Part of: Bao L, Martínez S, Cadenazzi M, Urrutia M, Seijas L, Castiglioni E (2021) Aquatic macroinvertebrates in Uruguayan rice agroecosystem. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e60745. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.9.e60745