Phylogenetic tree generated from RAxML analysis of a combined ITS, LSU and TUB2 dataset. ML bootstrap (BS) support values ≥ 60% and Bayesian PP ≥ 0.95 are indicated above branches as MLBS/PP. Paecilomyces fulvus (CBS 146.48) and Byssochlamys lagunculariae (CBS 100.11) serve as outgroup taxa. Type strains are highlighted in bold; the new species is shown in blue bold.

  Part of: Chandrasiri SK.U, Liu Y-l, Huang J-E, Samarakoon MC, Boonmee S, Calabon MS, Hu D-M (2021) Veronaea aquatica sp. nov. (Herpotrichiellaceae, Chaetothyriales, Eurotiomycetes) from submerged bamboo in China. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e64505.