Asexual and sexual reproductive bodies of Pythium huanghuaiense (Chen 94). A. Obturbinate hyphal swelling; B. globose hyphal swelling; C. sub-globose hyphal swelling; D. pyriform hyphal swelling; E, F. intercalary hyphal swellings; G, H. oogonia with a projections; I. nearly plerotic oospore; J. elongated antheridial cell wavy in contour; K. intercalary oogonium; L. Nearly plerotic oospore and two antheridia. Bars: A–E 10 μm; G–J 5 μm.

  Part of: Chen J-J, Feng H, Yu J, Ye W, Zheng X (2021) Pythium huanghuaiense sp. nov. isolated from soybean: morphology, molecular phylogeny and pathogenicity. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e65227.