Maximum Likelihood tree of Glossiphoniidae, obtained from 52 nucleotide COI sequences. Bootstrap values > 50% are provided at major nodes for both tree calculation methods (ML/NJ). In addition, posterior probability values ≥ 0.98 of the BI analysis are provided (third value). The results of species delimitation are indicated by vertical bars. Sequences generated in the course of the present study are given in bold. Country codes are the same as in Table 1. Asterisks mark specimens from the type locality.

  Part of: Jovanović M, Haring E, Sattmann H, Grosser C, Pesic V (2021) DNA barcoding for species delimitation of the freshwater leech genus Glossiphonia from the Western Balkan (Hirudinea, Glossiphoniidae). Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e66347.