Lepidisis sp. indet. in situ at the South East Indian Ridge within Vent site 5 in Cluster 11 of the INDEX area. The individual is an example for the species complex Lepidisis spp. indet., with more images and entries in the supplementary imagery and data table. Image corresponds with the data (Image attribution: BGR).

  Part of: Gerdes K, Kihara TC, Martínez Arbizu P, Kuhn T, Schwarz-Schampera U, Mah CL, Norenburg JL, Linley TD, Shalaeva K, Macpherson E, Gordon D, Stöhr S, Messing CG, Bober S, Guggolz T, Christodoulou M, Gebruk A, Kremenetskaia A, Kroh A, Sanamyan K, Bolstad K, Hoffman L, Gooday AJ, Molodtsova T (2021) Megafauna of the German exploration licence area for seafloor massive sulphides along the Central and South East Indian Ridge (Indian Ocean). Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e69955. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.9.e69955