Pholcus maxian sp. nov. A Paratype female, external genitalia, ventral view; B Paratype female, vulva, dorsal view, arrow points at posterior part of arch; C Holotype male, bulbal apophyses, prolateral view, arrows 1–2 point at proximal and distal apophysis; D Holotype male, chelicerae, frontal view; E Holotype male, habitus, dorsal view; F Holotype male, habitus, lateral view; G Paratype female, habitus, dorsal view; H Paratype female, habitus, ventral view. da = distal apophysis, e = embolus, fa = frontal apophysis, pa = proximo-lateral apophysis, pp = pore plate, u = uncus. Scale bars: 0.20 (A–D), 1.00 (E–H).

  Part of: Lu Y, Yang F, He Q (2021) Pholcus maxian sp. nov., the fifth endemic spider species of Pholcus phungiformes species-group (Araneae: Pholcidae) at the border between Jilin, China and North Korea. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e72464.