Papiliomyces longiclavatus (GACP YC20064103), sexual morph. a Habitat; b Overview of the host and stroma; c Stroma; d Host; e, f Vertical section of the stroma; g, h Immature to mature asci; i Apical cap; j, k Part of ascospores; l, m Secondary spores. Scale bars: b = 3 cm, c = 1 cm, d = 1 cm, e = 0.1 cm, f = 400 μm, g = 150 μm, h–j = 100 μm, k = 50 μm, l, m = 5 μm.

  Part of: Zhang Y, Wen T, Xiao Y, Yang Y, Peng X (2023) A new species of Papiliomyces (Clavicipiteae, Hypocreales) from China. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e86868.