Phylogram of Papiliomyces longiclavatus generated from the Maximum Likelihood (IQ-tree) analysis of combined ITS, SSU, TEF-1α, RPB1, LSU and RPB2 sequence data. The tree was rooted to Keithomyces carneus (CBS 399.59) and Keithomyces carneus (CBS 239.32). Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values greater than 75% and posterior probabilities from Bayesian Inference more than 0.95 were indicated above the nodes. The new species is indicated in red.

  Part of: Zhang Y, Wen T, Xiao Y, Yang Y, Peng X (2023) A new species of Papiliomyces (Clavicipiteae, Hypocreales) from China. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e86868.