Hierarchical cluster analysis using the presence/absence matrix of diatom communities collected by different sampling methods from various biotopes of Abrau Peninsula (binary method, Ward.D2 clustering). Different symbols at the nodes of clusters illustrates biotope types: triangles – streams, squares – puddles (temporary waterbodies) and circles – permanent waterbodies. Right part of labels illustrates the type of sampling method: Moss – moss squeeze, Sedim – sediment from the bottom of waterbody or stream, Scrap – scrapping from the stones and Soil – soil in the littoral zone of waterbodies. Values at branches are approximately unbiased p-values (red colour) and bootstrap probabilities (green colour) in percentage. Clusters that are framed by red dashed line are supported by a p-value < 0.05.

  Part of: Neplyukhina AA, Saifutdinov RA, Paskhina AA, Korobushkin DI (2022) Diatom diversity, distribution and ecology in Mediterranean ecosystems of Abrau Peninsula, north-western Caucasus. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e89405. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.10.e89405