The mean number of C. pruni adults caught by sticky traps of different colours during the complete observation period. The catches were summarised across all colours (black line) or within colours (coloured lines) for trap replacement periods and the means were calculated from 10 repetitions. Lower boxes indicate phenological stages of C. pruni apricot trees, based on field observations during the complete study. Dots represent means with error bars as standard errors. The spline is fitted continuously. The lower X-axis marks dates, the upper one the days passed from the start of the study.

  Part of: Bodnár D, Koczor S, Tarcali G, Tóth M, Ott PG, Tholt G (2022) Cacopsylla pruni (Hemiptera, Psyllidae) in an apricot orchard is more attracted to white sticky traps dependent on host phenology. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e93612.