Maps of the trapping lines (red points) represented at a local scale for each of the following localities: A- FRPLTO: Lyon, Parc de la Tête d’Or; B- FRPDLL: Marcy l'étoile, Domaine Lacroix Laval; C- FRFCOR: Cormaranche en Bugey; D- FRFGRI: Arvière, La Griffe au diable; E- FRFMIG: Mignovillard; F- FRFGLA: Esserval-Tartre, La Glacière. The landscape around the trapping lines is represented by different colours corresponding to water bodies (blue; corine land cover 5), Forest and semi-natural areas (green, Forest database), artificial areas (grey; corine land cover 1) or other land-cover classes (white).

  Part of: Pradel J, Bouilloud M, Loiseau A, Piry S, Galan M, Artige E, Castel G, Ferrero J, Gallet R, Thuel G, Vieira N, Charbonnel N (2022) Small terrestrial mammals (Rodentia and Soricomorpha) along a gradient of forest anthropisation (reserves, managed forests, urban parks) in France. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e95214.