Recapture of an Andean bear recorded in 2011 at the Chamanapamba Natural Reserve (Ríos Alvear and Reyes Puig 2013) (left) and the individual C recorded at the Candelaria Reserve in our study (right).

  Part of: Reyes-Puig JP, Reyes-Puig C, Pacheco-Esquivel J, Recalde S, Recalde F, Recalde D, Salazar J, Peña E, Paredes S, Robalino M, Flores F, Paredes V, Sailema E, Ríos-Alvear G (2023) First insights in terrestrial mammals monitoring in the Candelaria and Machay Reserves in the Ecuadorian Tropical Andes. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e98119.