Grasslands and coastal habitats of southern Ukraine: A - steppe depression ("pody"); B - grey dune with Leymus racemosus subsp. sabulosus, Odontarrhena borzaeana and Carex colchica; C - sandy mesic grassland with Scirpoides holoschoenus and Anacamptis palustris; D - desert steppes with Artemisia taurica, A. lerchiana and Tanacetum millefolium agg.; E – pioneer halo-nitrophilous vegetation on the coastline of the Yahorlyk Bay with Cakile euxina and Crambe pontica; F – dry bunchgrass steppes on the Syvash shore with Stipa lessingiana and Festuca valesiaca aggr.; G – subsaline steppe, Potiivka site of the Black Sea Reserve with Pastinaca clausii, Agropyron pectinatum, Halimione verrucifera; H – sandy steppe with dominated Stipa borysthenica in the Black Sea Reserve; I – steppe gully landscape in the Kamianska Sich National Park; J – community with Stipa lessingiana and Salvia nutans in Kamianska Sich National Park (photos A, G, H - D. Vynokurov, B, I, J - D. Borovyk, C - O. Kucher, D-F Dengler). |
Part of: Skobel N, Borovyk D, Vynokurov D, Moysiyenko I, Babytskiy A, Bednarska I, Bezsmertna O, Chusova O, Dayneko P, Dengler J, Guarino R, Kalashnik K, Khodosovtsev A, Kolomiychuk V, Kucher O, Kuzemko A, Shapoval V, Umanets O, Zagorodniuk N, Zakharova M, Dembicz I (2023) Biodiversity surveys of grassland and coastal habitats in 2021 as a documentation of pre-war status in southern Ukraine. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e99605. |