Matt Bowser – order 4869 – Used Omega’s Mag-Bind Plant DNA DS kit optimized for Kingfisher 1.) Insects were removed from the propylene glycol antifreeze and placed into 15ml centrifuge tube. 2.) Using 100% Ethanol, insects were washed twice with approximately 2-3ml in order to remove residual propylene glycol. Using fresh 100% Ethanol, the insects were covered and stored at room temperature for 1 week. 3.) After 1 week, the ethanol was removed and discarded. 4.) Using Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS), the insects were washed with approximately 2-3ml to remove residual ethanol. Covering the insects with fresh PBS, they were stored at room temperature for a weekend. 5.) After sitting in PBS over the weekend, the PBS was removed and discarded. 6.) Using an Omni Tissue Homogenizer, the insects were thoroughly homogenized. 7.) Using a small spatula, a pea size amount of the insect homogenate was loaded into a 2ml deep well plate. 8.) To each well, 700ul of CSPL buffer and 20ul of Proteinase K was added. 9.) The plate was sealed using a thick Adhesive seal and vortexed. 10.) After a quick spin, the plate was incubated at 56°C for 1 hour. 11.) Centrifuge plate at 4500g for 10 minutes 12.) Transfer 475ul of lysate to a new deep well plate. 13.) To each well, 475ul of RBB buffer and 20ul of MagBind HDQ particles was added. 14.) Make CSPW1 wash plate – each well contains 500ul wash buffer. 15.) Make CSPW2 wash plate – each well contains 500ul wash buffer. 16.) Make SPM wash plates – each well contains 500ul wash buffer. 17.) Make water rinse plate – each well contains 500ul of DNase/RNase, Protease and Endotoxin free Molecular Grade Water 18.) Make elution plate – each well contains 50ul of elution buffer. 19.) Place plates on the Kingfisher Machine using Omega M1130_50 program. a. Binding step – beads are mixed for 1 minute at fast speed, 1 minute at bottom mix, then 1 minute at half mix, repeating this mixing for a total of 3 times. b. CSPW1 Wash 1 – beads are mixed for 2 minutes at fast speed c. CSPW2 Wash 2 – beads are mixed for 1 minute at fast speed d. SPM Wash 3 – beads are mixed for 1 minute at fast speed e. SPM Wash 4 – beads are mixed for 1 minute at fast speed f. Water Dip – beads are dipped into water for 5 seconds g. Elution – beads are mixed for 2 minutes at slow speed, then bottom mixed for 1 minute in the elution buffer with heat at 65°C. It is repeated following the same mixing pattern. The beads are removed from the elution buffer and dropped into wash 4 plate to be discarded.