#!/bin/bash -l # Step 1: Importing the data into Qiime2 module load bioinfo-tools module load qiime2 source activate qiime2-2018.11 qiime tools import \ --type 'SampleData[PairedEndSequencesWithQuality]' \ --input-path /proj/snic2018-8-341/P10156/P10156_1001/02-FASTQ/180420_M01548_0170_000000000-BRNFY \ --input-format CasavaOneEightSingleLanePerSampleDirFmt \ --output-path /proj/snic2018-8-341/18S/demux-paired-end-1.qza # Step 1b: Summarizing the Imported Data qiime demux summarize \ --i-data demux-paired-end-1.qza \ --o-visualization demux-paired-end-1.qzv # Step 2: DADA2 qiime dada2 denoise-paired \ --i-demultiplexed-seqs demux-paired-end-1.qza \ --p-trim-left-f 9 \ --p-trim-left-r 7 \ --p-trunc-len-f 300 \ --p-trunc-len-r 300 \ --o-table table-1.qza \ --o-representative-sequences rep-seqs-1.qza \ --o-denoising-stats denoising-stats-1.qza # Step 2b: Summarizing DADA2 qiime feature-table summarize \ --i-table table-1.qza \ --o-visualization table-1.qzv qiime feature-table tabulate-seqs \ --i-data rep-seqs-1.qza \ --o-visualization rep-seqs-1.qzv & qiime metadata tabulate \ --m-input-file denoising-stats-1.qza \ --o-visualization denoising-stats-1.qzv #Step 3: Rarefaction Curves qiime feature-table merge \ --i-tables table-1.qza \ --i-tables table-2.qza \ --i-tables table-3.qza \ --i-tables table-16.qza \ --i-tables table-17.qza \ --i-tables table-18.qza \ --o-merged-table table-Tjarno.qza qiime feature-table merge-seqs \ --i-data rep-seqs-1.qza \ --i-data rep-seqs-2.qza \ --i-data rep-seqs-3.qza \ --i-data rep-seqs-16.qza \ --i-data rep-seqs-17.qza \ --i-data rep-seqs-18.qza \ --o-merged-data rep-seqs-Tjarno.qza qiime feature-table summarize \ --i-table table-T12.qza \ --o-visualization table-Tjarno.qzv qiime feature-table tabulate-seqs \ --i-data rep-seqs-Tjarno.qza \ --o-visualization rep-seqs-Tjarno.qzv qiime diversity alpha-rarefaction \ --i-table table-Tjarno.qza \ --p-max-depth 900000 \ --o-visualization alpha-rarefaction-Tjarno.qzv #Step 3b: Diversity Measurements qiime feature-table rarefy \ --i-table table-ALL-CO1.qza \ --p-sampling-depth 269894 \ --o-rarefied-table CO1_ALL_rare.qza qiime diversity alpha-rarefaction \ --i-table table-ALL-CO1.qza \ --p-max-depth 269894 \ --p-metrics chao1 \ --m-metadata-file CO1_Metadata.txt \ --o-visualization alpha_rare_chao1_CO1.qzv qiime diversity alpha \ --i-table CO1_ALL_rare.qza \ --p-metric chao1 \ --o-alpha-diversity CO1_ALL_chao1.qza qiime diversity alpha-group-significance \ --i-alpha-diversity CO1_All_chao1.qza \ --m-metadata-file Metadata3.txt \ --o-visualization CO1_GROUPED_chao1_sign.qzv qiime diversity beta \ --i-table CO1_ALL_rare.qza \ --p-metric jaccard \ --o-distance-matrix CO1_ALL_jaccard.qza qiime diversity pcoa \ --i-distance-matrix CO1_ALL_jaccard.qza \ --o-pcoa CO1_ALL_jaccard_pcoa.qza qiime diversity beta-group-significance \ --i-distance-matrix CO1_ALL_jaccard.qza \ --m-metadata-file Metadata3.txt \ --m-metadata-column site \ --p-method anosim \ --p-pairwise \q --o-visualization CO1_beta_sign.qzv qiime emperor plot \ --i-pcoa CO1_ALL_jaccard_pcoa.qza \ --m-metadata-file Metadata3.txt \ --o-visualization CO1_ALL_emp_plot.qzv #Step 4: Initial Identification with SILVA128 qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn \ --i-classifier /proj/snic2018-8-341/TestQiime/SILVA128_18S_99_classifier.qza \ --i-reads rep-seqs-1.qza \ --o-classification SILVA128_18S_99_taxonomy-1.qza qiime metadata tabulate \ --m-input-file SILVA128_18S_99_taxonomy-1.qza \ --o-visualization SILVA128_18S_99_taxonomy-1.qzv #Step 5: Creating the reference tree for taxa of interest and identification of OTUs with PPlacer module load raxml raxmlHPC -m GTRGAMMA -s Acoela18S.fasta -n ref.tre -f d -p 12354 -# 2 -T 2 raxmlHPC -m GTRGAMMA -f I -t RAxML_bestTree.ref.tre -n root.ref.tre -# 2 raxmlHPC -m GTRGAMMA -f J -p 12354 -t RAxML_rootedTree.root.ref.tre -n conf.root.ref.tre -s Acoela18S.fasta -# 2 source ~/taxtastic/taxtastic-env/bin/activate taxit create -l 18S_DNA -P Acoela18S.refpkg --aln-fasta Acoela18S.fasta --tree-stats RAxML_info.ref.tre --tree-file RAxML_fastTreeSH_Support.conf.root.ref.tre module load pplacer pplacer -o Acoela18S.jplace -p --keep-at-most 20 -c Acoela18S.refpkg Acoela18S_All.fasta guppy to_csv --point-mass --pp -o Acoela18S.csv Acoela18S.jplace guppy fat --node-numbers --point-mass --pp -o Acoela18S.phyloxml Acoela18S.jplace