Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomic paper
New records of Microgaster deductor Nixon, 1968 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae) for the Holarctic region, with comments on its historical distribution
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Academic editor: Lyubomir Penev
Received: 17 Dec 2013 | Accepted: 31 Dec 2013 | Published: 03 Jan 2014
© 2014 Jose Fernandez-Triana
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Fernandez-Triana J (2014) New records of Microgaster deductor Nixon, 1968 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae) for the Holarctic region, with comments on its historical distribution. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e1040.
Four new localities for the species Microgaster deductor Nixon (1968) are recorded from the Nearctic (Canada and the United States) and the Palaearctic (Sweden), expanding significantly the range of the species. M. deductor seems to be widely distributed in boreal areas of the Holarctic, and it is characterized by unique morphological (tarsal claw structure) and molecular (COI) traits. Preliminary evidence, to be corroborated when more data is available, suggests that the species might have shifted northwards between 1950 and the present day.
Microgastrinae, Nearctic, Palaearctic, Holarctic distribution, COI gene, morphology, species distribution
Microgaster deductor Nixon (1968) is a very distinctive microgastrine wasp (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), and can be easily separated from all Holarctic species of Microgaster based on its tarsal claws, which have a lobe (
Here Microgaster deductor is recorded from four additional localities, three in the Nearctic and one in the Palaearctic, which expand significantly the known range of the species. Morphological and molecular data that serve as diagnostic tools are presented, and the potential of a shift northwards of the species distribution is briefly discussed.
All the specimens studied for this paper are deposited in the Canadian National Collection of Insects (CNC), Ottawa, Canada. The only exception is one female deposited in the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, which was not examined directly. Instead it was studied based on a single photo (habitus, lateral) and associated DNA barcode, both freely available as public data in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) (
Additionally, 40 specimens of Microgaster spp., representing contemporary collecting from the Swedish Malaise Trap Project ( were examined, although no specimen of M. deductor was found in those samples.
The historical data on the distribution of the species was extracted from the original references (
New distribution records for Microgaster deductor in the Nearcitc include three localities: Unalakleet, Alaska (United States), and Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories and Herschel Island, Yukon Territory (Canada). They expand considerably the distribution of the species in the Holarctic, and the Alaskan record suggests the possibility that the species might also be in Siberia, Russia (although that could not be confirmed during this study). The new record in the Palaearctic is from Abisko in Sweden, a locality very close to that of Torneträsk, where one of the paratypes, included by Nixon (
Considering all the available information for M. deductor, the species is relatively widely distributed in Arctic or sub-Artic localities of the Holarctic region, mostly from 59°–70°N (Fig.
Morphologically, this species is rather uniform (Figs
The two specimens recently collected (2008 and 2010) rendered full DNA barcodes – a section of 658 base pairs of the mitochondrial COI gene. Among the material collected in Churchill in 1952, one specimen rendered about half a barcode (320 base pairs), and for another 33 specimens short sequences of 129-144 base pairs were obtained. All sequences were identical, with the shorter ones perfectly matching the corresponding section of the full barcode obtained from the two recent specimens. The closest sequences in BOLD (which contains a library of over 2.7 million sequences, including more than 800 specimens and 70 species of Microgaster) differed from Microgaster deductor by 46 base pairs (7%). Full data of the sequences and specimens can be freely accessed in BOLD from the public projects with codes CNCAS, HARC and WOMIA. The nucleotide sequence of the full barcode of Microgaster deductor, in FASTA format is:
Based on the studied molecular and morphological data, M. deductor is a very distinctive and defined species across its whole Holarctic range. At present nothing is known of the Lepidoptera host(s) species that this wasp parasitizes.
The relatively scarce information about historical (1950–1960) and present (2008–2010) distribution of Microgaster deductor, seems to suggest that its range might have shifted northwards recently. For example, the species was the most commonly collected Microgastrinae in Churchill during a period of intense study of insects in the area around the 1950's. However, it has never been found there again, in spite of even more intense collecting efforts carried out in the same locality between 2006–2011 (
However, both historical and current day distribution patterns are likely to be biased by incomplete sampling efforts. The study of more specimens and more localities will be necessary before reaching any conclusions on this topic.
The author is very thankful to many fellow colleagues at the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario (Canada) for their support during the past few years, the loan of Arctic material used for this study, and the DNA barcoding of specimens. I am also very thankful to Pelle Magnusson and his colleagues at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm and the Station Linné in Öland (Sweden) for sending specimens of Microgastrinae collected as part of the Swedish Malaise Trap Project. The comments of four reviewers improved the final version of the paper.