Biodiversity Data Journal :
Data Paper (Biosciences)
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Academic editor: Pavel Stoev
Received: 17 Sep 2016 | Accepted: 03 Nov 2016 | Published: 09 Nov 2016
© 2016 Yuichi Kano, Prachya Musikasinthorn, Akihisa Iwata, Sein Tun, LKC Yun, Seint Win, Shoko Matsui, Ryoichi Tabata, Takeshi Yamasaki, Katsutoshi Watanabe
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Kano Y, Musikasinthorn P, Iwata A, Tun S, Yun L, Win S, Matsui S, Tabata R, Yamasaki T, Watanabe K (2016) A dataset of fishes in and around Inle Lake, an ancient lake of Myanmar, with DNA barcoding, photo images and CT/3D models. Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e10539.
Inle (Inlay) Lake, an ancient lake of Southeast Asia, is located at the eastern part of Myanmar, surrounded by the Shan Mountains. Detailed information on fish fauna in and around the lake has long been unknown, although its outstanding endemism was reported a century ago.
Based on the fish specimens collected from markets, rivers, swamps, ponds and ditches around Inle Lake as well as from the lake itself from 2014 to 2016, we recorded a total of 948 occurrence data (2120 individuals), belonging to 10 orders, 19 families, 39 genera and 49 species. Amongst them, 13 species of 12 genera are endemic or nearly endemic to the lake system and 17 species of 16 genera are suggested as non-native. The data are all accessible from the document “A dataset of Inle Lake fish fauna and its distribution (”, as well as DNA barcoding data (mitochondrial COI) for all species being available from the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank (Accession numbers: LC189568–LC190411). Live photographs of almost all the individuals and CT/3D model data of several specimens are also available at the graphical fish biodiversity database (; The information can benefit the clarification, public concern and conservation of the fish biodiversity in the region.
Myanmar; Shan State; Inle Lake; freshwater fishes; endemic species; alien; GBIF; mitochondrial DNA; COI; CT scan; 3D model
Inle Lake is located on the southwestern part of Shan State, which is the easternmost state of Myanmar. The lake is surrounded by Shan Hills, which isolate it from the neighbouring aquatic habitats. The lake harbours several endemic fish species (
Current status, origin and conservation of endemic fishes in an ancient lake, Inle Lake.
Katsutoshi Watanabe (Project director, fieldwork and DNA barcoding), Prachya Musikasinthorn (fieldwork, fish identification, photographs and specimens management), Yuichi Kano (fieldwork, photographs and database management), Akihisa Iwata (fieldwork and fish identification), Shoko Matsui (DNA barcoding), Ryoichi Tabata (DNA barcoding), Sein Tun (management and local information), LKC Yun (fieldwork and local information), Seint Seint Win (fieldwork and local information) and Taksehi Yamasaki (CT scanning).
Inle Lake is located on the Southwestern part of Shan State, which is the easternmost state in Myanmar. The lake is surrounded by Shan Hills and harbours several endemic fish species. The surveys were carried out in the lake and its surroundings from 23 September 2014 until 2 July 2016. In addition, local markets were also investigated for fishes caught in the study area.
This study focused on fish fauna of Inle Lake, a representative ancient lake in mainland Southeast Asia. Until now, the lake has not been investigated for nearly a century (
JSPS (The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) KAKENHI Grant Number JP26304007.
The fish samples were either collected from 43 wild habitats as well as from one fish cage in the lake or purchased at 24 local markets (Fig.
All the scientific names of fish samples were validated by the updated fish checklist in the Catalogue of Fishes, California Academy of Sciences (,
Step 1: Sampling locality and date were recorded.
Step 2: Specimens were given IDs, photographed, fin-clipped and roughly classified on site.
Step 3: Specimens were fixed in 10% formalin solution for two or more weeks. Subsequently, they were cleaned with water and preserved in 75% ethanol.
Step 4: Specimens were shipped back to the lab for correct species identification.
Rank | Scientific Name | Common Name |
kingdom | Animalia | Animals |
phylum | Chordata | Chordates |
subphylum | Craniata | Vertebrates and hagfishes |
class | Osteichthyes | Bony fishes and tetrapods |
subclass | Actinopterygii | Ray-finned fishes |
order | Anabantiformes | Labyrinth fishes |
order | Beloniformes | Needlefishes |
order | Cichliformes | Cichlids and convict blennies |
order | Cypriniformes | Carps, loaches, minnows and relatives |
order | Cyprinodontiformes | Killifishes |
order | Gobiiformes | Gobies |
order | Osteoglossiformes | Bonytongues |
order | Perciformes | Perches |
order | Siluriformes | Catfishes |
order | Synbranchiformes | Swamp eels |
family | Anabantidae | Climbing gouramies |
family | Adrianichthyidae | Adrianichthyids |
family | Ambassidae | Asiatic glassfishes |
family | Balitoridae | Hillstream loaches |
family | Channidae | Snakeheads |
family | Chaudhuriidae | Earthworm eels |
family | Cichlidae | Cichlids |
family | Clariidae | Airbreathing catfishes |
family | Cobitidae | True loaches |
family | Cyprinidae | Cyprinids |
family | Gobiidae | Gobies |
family | Heteropneustidae | Airsac catfishes |
family | Mastacembelidae | Spiny eels |
family | Nemacheilidae | Stone loaches |
family | Notopteridae | Knifefishes |
family | Osphronemidae | Gouramies and fighting fishes |
family | Poeciliidae | Livebearers |
family | Sisoridae | Sisorid catfishes |
family | Synbranchidae | Swamp eels |
species | Anabas testudineus (Bloch 1792) | Climbing gourami |
species | Balitora sp. | A species of balitorid loach |
species | Barbonymus gonionotus (Bleeker 1849) | Silver barb |
species | Celestichthys erythromicron (Annandale 1918) | A species of Celestichthys minnow |
species | Channa harcourtbutleri (Annandale 1918) | Inle snakehead |
species | Channa striata (Bloch 1793) | Striped snakehead |
species | Chaudhuria caudata Annandale 1918 | Inle swamp eel |
species | Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) | African sharptooth catfish |
species | Clarias cf. batrachus (Linnaeus 1758) | Walking catfish |
species | Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes 1844) | Grass carp |
species | Cyprinus intha Annandale 1918 | Inle carp |
species | Cyprinus rubrofuscus Lacepède 1803 | Common carp |
species | Devario kakhienensis (Anderson 1879) | A species of Devario minnow |
species | Devario sp. | A species of Devario minnow |
species | Esomus danrica (Hamilton 1822) | Flying barb |
species | Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard 1853) | Western mosquitofish |
species | Garra gravelyi (Annandale 1919) | Burmese Garra |
species | Glossogobius cf. giuris (Hamilton 1822) | A species of Glossogobius goby |
species | Glyptothorax granosus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen 2012 | A species of sisorid catfish |
species | Glyptothorax rugimentum Ng & Kottelat 2008 | A species of sisorid catfish |
species | Gymnostomus horai (Bănărescu 1986) | A species of Gymnostomus minnow |
species | Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch 1794) | Stinging catfish |
species | Inlecypris auropurpureus (Annandale 1918) | A species of Inlecypris minnow |
species | Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822) | Rohu |
species | Lepidocephalichthys berdmorei (Blyth 1860) | A species of cobitid loach |
species | Mastacembelus caudiocellatus (Boulenger 1893) | A species of spiny eel |
species | Mastacembelus oatesii Boulenger 1893 | A species of spiny eel |
species | Microrasbora rubescens Annandale 1918 | Red dwarf rasbora |
species | Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton 1822) | Gangetic mud eel |
species | Monopterus javanensis Lacepède 1800 | Asian swamp eel |
species | Neolissochilus nigrovittatus (Boulenger 1893) | A species of Neolissochilus barb |
species | Notopterus notopterus (Pallas 1769) | Bronze featherback |
species | Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus 1758) | Nile tilapia |
species | Oryzias uwai Roberts 1998 | A species of rice fish |
species | Parambassis lala (Hamilton 1822) | A species of Asiatic glassfish |
species | Parambassis ranga (Hamilton 1822) | A species of Asiatic glassfish |
species | Pethia stoliczkana (Day 1870) | Stoliczka's barb |
species | Petruichthys brevis (Boulenger 1893) | A species of nemacheilid loach |
species | Physoschistura rivulicola (Hora 1929) | A species of nemacheilid loach |
species | Physoschistura shanensis (Hora 1929) | A species of nemacheilid loach |
species | Poecilia reticulata Peters 1859 | Guppy |
species | Poropuntius schanicus (Boulenger 1893) | A species of Poropuntius barb |
species | Puntius sophore (Hamilton 1822) | Spotfin swamp barb |
species | Puntius cf. sophore (Hamilton 1822) | A species of Puntius barb |
species | Sawbwa resplendens Annandale 1918 | Burmese rammy nose |
species | Schistura sp. | A species of nemacheilid loach |
species | Systomus cf. rubripinnis (Valenciennes 1842) | A species of Systomus barb |
species | Trichogaster labiosa Day 1877 | Thick-lipped gourami |
species | Trichopodus pectoralis Regan 1910 | Snakeskin gourami |
23 September 2014 – 2 July 2016.
Inle Lake has an outstanding endemic fish fauna while non-native species have established in and around the lake. Thus, the species were discriminated by endemic, native (but not endemic), non-native and unknown as shown in Fig.
Endemic: Celestichthys erythromicron; Channa harcourtbutleri; Cyprinus intha; Gymnostomus horai; Inlecypris auropurpureus; Mastacembelus caudiocellatus; Mastacembelus oatesii; Microrasbora rubescens; Neolissochilus nigrovittatus; Petruichthys brevis; Physoschistura shanensis; Poropuntius schanicus; Sawbwa resplendens.
Native (but not endemic): Anabas testudineus; Channa striata; Chaudhuria caudata; Clarias cf. batrachus; Devario kakhienensis; Garra gravelyi; Glyptothorax granosus; Glyptothorax rugimentum; Lepidocephalichthys berdmorei; Monopterus cuchia; Monopterus javanensis; Notopterus notopterus; Pethia stoliczkana; Physoschistura rivulicola; Systomus cf. rubripinnis.
Non-native: Barbonymus gonionotus; Clarias gariepinus; Ctenopharyngodon idella; Cyprinus rubrofuscus; Esomus danrica; Gambusia affinis; Glossogobius cf. giuris; Heteropneustes fossilis; Labeo rohita; Oreochromis niloticus; Oryzias uwai; Parambassis lala; Parambassis ranga; Poecilia reticulata; Puntius sophore; Trichogaster labiosa; Trichopodus pectoralis.
Unknown: Balitora sp.; Devario sp.; Puntius cf. sophore; Schistura sp.
Endemic species unascertained: Systomus compressiformis; Silurus burmanensis.
We deeply appreciate the kind assistance from Nyi Nyi Kyaw (Forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Myanmar [FD-MOECAF]), Win Naing Thaw (Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division, FD-MOECAF), the late Than Htay (Inle Lake Wildlife Sanctuary, FD-MOECAF), Ohn and Than Nwai (Forest Resource Environment Development and Conservation Association, Myanmar [FREDA]) and Nyi Nyi Lwin (Green Leaf, Myanmar). 2016 GBIF Asia Biodiversity Informatics Workshop, hosted by TaiBIF and JBIF kindly assisted with the GBIF data registration and submission of the paper.