Biodiversity Data Journal :
Research Article
Corresponding author: Vincent Droissart (
Academic editor: Lorenzo Peruzzi
Received: 10 May 2023 | Accepted: 09 Sep 2023 | Published: 19 Sep 2023
© 2023 Vincent Droissart, Simon Verlynde, Brigitte Ramandimbisoa, Lalao Andriamahefarivo, Tariq Stévart
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Droissart V, Verlynde S, Ramandimbisoa B, Andriamahefarivo L, Stévart T (2023) Diversity and distribution of Orchidaceae in one of the world`s most threatened plant hotspots (Madagascar). Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e106223.
Introduction. In recent decades, Madagascar has become one of the most important plant hotspots in the world. The country's remaining forests and vegetation are disappearing at an alarming rate, while dozens of new species are discovered each year. Amongst the plant families that have long been studied, Orchidaceae appear as one of the most charismatic, diverse and of high conservation concern. Based on a reviewed, comprehensive herbarium dataset, we have compiled a curated checklist of all orchid species occurring in Madagascar. Based on this complete dataset, we then compiled sampling effort, species diversity distribution and some general statistics on their ecology and IUCN conservation status.
Methods. We compiled and standardised a global dataset using five public databases as the main data sources, supplemented by the most recent publications. The database contains ~ 10,000 geolocated records collected between 1816 and 2021. We used GIS software and rarefaction methods to examine sampling and diversity patterns.
Results. According to our dataset, there are currently 913 orchid species collected in Madagascar, of which 759 orchid species (83.1%) are endemic. Doubling the sampling effort could lead to the discovery of around 100 more species, bringing the total estimated number of orchid species in Madagascar to between 986 and 1048. About one-third (297 species) of all orchid species are known only by type specimens (189 species) or have not been collected in Madagascar for more than 50 years (214 species). Although the raw data show that the Andasibe-Moramanga area would have the highest orchid species concentration, our analysis of the data, adjusted for bias, shows that the centres of orchid diversity in Madagascar are in the Tsaratanàna Strict Nature Reserve and the Ranomafana National Park. Life-form statistics show that 55.0% of orchid species are strict epiphytes. The main flowering period of orchids in Madagascar is between November and March. To date, 84% of the 226 Malagasy orchid species listed in the IUCN Red List are threatened with extinction (CR, EN or VU).
Conclusion. Despite geographically uneven coverage, the biodiversity of Malagasy orchids appears to be already well documented. We provide maps corrected for sampling bias that indicate priority areas for future surveys. Upcoming efforts should also focus on rediscovery and conservation of rare and/or threatened species and ensure that the protected area network is well aligned with the distribution of priority species for conservation. Finally, the conservation status of 75% of the orchid species found in Madagascar is not yet known and the inclusion of these species must be a top priority in the coming years.
biodiversity hotspot, Malagasy orchids, plant database, sampling gaps, tropical Flora
Oceanic islands generally harbour a rich endemic flora and Madagascar, the fourth largest island in the world, does not deviate from this rule (
Madagascar has experienced extensive deforestation in the last decade and 44% of the natural forest area has been lost in the period 1953–2014 (
To date, there have been few studies on the spatial distribution and diversity of plants in Madagascar (but see, for example, Palms:
In this study, we compiled a database of all herbarium records of Madagascar’s largest plant family, the Orchidaceae, to: i) analyse sampling and diversity patterns of orchids in Madagascar, accounting for sampling biases and ii) provide scientists and conservationists with an updated checklist of orchid species collected in Madagascar along with summary statistics on their ecology and conservation. In particular, we addressed the following three important questions: i) how many orchid species have been collected in Madagascar to date and to what extent are these species well known and/or collected? ii) how many species remain to be potentially discovered and iii) what should future plant surveys focus on to increase the likelihood of finding rare or unknown orchid species?
The main goal of this work is to provide scientists and conservationists with a state-of-the-art dataset and key figures on the diversity and distribution of orchid species in Madagascar. To estimate the total number of orchid species in Madagascar, we compiled a global dataset using five public databases as main data sources: the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Tropicos database (, last excerpted 10 March 2021), the GBIF database (
To avoid taxonomic conflicts, we restricted the identification of specimens to the species level, although some specimens were identified as infraspecific taxa (subspecies or varieties). In addition, because identification of Malagasy orchids can be difficult, we preferred not to use direct observations or photographs without herbarium vouchers (e.g. iNaturalist, or Pl@ntnet, to avoid dubious or/and unverifiable data. All occurrences in our dataset are, therefore, supported by specimens deposited in public herbaria.
Geographic coordinates of recent collections were recorded using a global positioning system or assigned retrospectively using a gazetteer of botanical collecting localities (e.g. for old specimens. One should note that locality data for some of the used databases (especially P and K) are sometimes incomplete and this will affect the results of spatial analysis. In order to minimise these biases, we avoided performing fine scale analyses and applied data resampling methods (see below).
Sampling intensity and species richness were calculated using fixed grid cell sizes of 0.5° x 0.5° and 1° x 1°, providing an appropriate balance between precision and detail. Rarefaction methods were used to calculate an unbiased estimate of species diversity per grid cell, Hurlbert’s effective number of species (Ek) found in fixed-size k subsamples (
Life forms of orchid species were classified into three different growth form types (epiphyte, lithophyte and terrestrial) and were mainly taken from
A total of 913 orchid species, representing 53 genera, are reported from Madagascar (Suppl. material
In Madagascar, the first orchid specimens were collected in 1816 (three specimens were collected by Louis-Marie Aubert du Petit-Thouars) and about 60% of specimens were collected after 2000 (Fig.
Temporal distribution of orchid’s collections across Madagascar. Maps present the number of botanical collections made within 0.5° grid cells on different dates (1900, 1950, 2000, 2020). The upper figure is based on dated herbarium records (12693 records), while lower maps are based on dated and georeferenced herbarium records (9824 records).
The current sample coverage for Malagasy orchid species diversity was strikingly high (98.3%), suggesting that the family is relatively well known in Madagascar (Fig.
The large majority of specimens and species known to date have been collected in the moist forest of eastern Madagascar (Fig.
Distribution of orchid records and species richness across Madagascar, using fixed grid cell sizes of 1° x 1° (a-d) and 0.5° x 0.5° (e-h); a and e, number of herbarium records (samples) collected per grid-cells; b and f, number of species collected per grid-cells; c and g, unbiased estimate of species diversity per grid cell, Hurlbert’s effective number of species (Ek) found in grid-cells that contain at least 10 herbarium records (Ek = 10); d and h, unbiased estimate of species diversity per grid cell, Hurlbert’s effective number of species (Ek) found in grid-cells that contain at least 100 herbarium records (Ek = 100).
Statistics on life forms (Fig.
The main flowering season of orchids (Fig.
Flowering patterns for orchids in Madagascar. The blue and orange bars indicate the number of samples and the number of species collected with flowers per month, respectively. Monthly precipitation data (lines) were collected between 1999 and 2019 (source:
To date, the extinction risk of 226 Malagasy orchid species has been assessed using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (Fig.
IUCN Red List Categories of the 226 Malagasy orchids assessed to date and published on the IUCN Red List Portal (
Our database and checklist analyses, as well as recent literature (e.g.
Of particular significance for the diversity analysis presented here are the potential error margins in the identification of orchid specimens. Indeed, our dataset and subsequent analysis incorporated some herbarium specimen identification as they were originally recorded. Based on our expertise (but also
Many orchid collections in Madagascar are concentrated near roads and within the established nature reserves and parks. Consequently, significant portions of the country, notably remote parts such as the eastern rainforests (e.g. the Ambatovaky Special Reserve or the Vondrozo Forest Corridor) and extensive regions of arid western forests remain largely unexplored for their orchid diversity. Our sampling bias-corrected analysis also indicated that future inventories should be conducted primarily in two of Madagascar’s most famous protected areas, Tsaratanàna Strict Nature Reserve and Ranomafana National Park. These two conservation zones have historically been important areas for orchid sampling, but many of the collections are relatively old and may not reflect the current status of their orchid diversity.
There is still much to learn about the orchids of Madagascar and their conservation remains a neglected priority. Our study highlighted that a significant number of species have not been seen for a long time and may already be extinct, as more than 25% of the Malagasy orchids have not been observed in the last 50 years. Conversely, our dataset surprisingly shows that several species, predicted by
Recent publications have highlighted Madagascar as a top global priority for orchid conservation (e.g.
The authors are grateful to the curators and staff at BRLU, K, P and TAN for making their collections available, hosting us during multiple stays and providing facilities. We are also thankful to the Direction générale des Forêts in Madagascar for delivering collecting permits and research authorisations. We express our warmest thanks to the Madagascar’s Missouri Botanical Garden team for its indispensable help in this work, especially the field botanists. We express our gratitude to the National Geographic Society (Grant NGS-50970C-19, V. Droissart as PI) and the American Orchid Society (Grant C-2020-22, V. Droissart and T. Stévart as co-PI), both of which have supported recent fieldwork and conservation efforts (living orchid collection and seed bank) in Madagascar. We would also like to thank Ambatovy Minerals S.A. for their financial support. Finally, we thank J. Hermans and P.J. Cribb for comments on earlier versions of the manuscript.
VD conceived and designed the analysis; VD, SV, BR and TS collected the data; VD performed the analysis and designed the figures; VD wrote the paper with input from TS, SV, BR and LA. All authors gave approval for publication.
For each species, we provided the total number of botanical records in our global dataset (see Supplementary material 2), the year of last collection, their distribution by country according to Govaert et al. (2022) and their published IUCN categories (IUCN 2022).
We compiled and standardised a global dataset of orchid specimens collected between 1816 and 2020 in Madagascar using five public databases as main data sources: the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Tropicos database (, last excerpted 10 March 2021), the GBIF database (GBIF 2019), the MNHN’s vascular plant database (, the BM database ( and the Kew Herbcat database ( We also reviewed the literature to add new or missing records (Hermans et al. 2017, Hermans et al. 2020a, Hermans et al. 2020b, Hermans et al. 2020c, Hermans et al. 2021a, Hermans et al. 2021b, c, d, Hermans et al. 2021e). Given the rarity of several listed species, we have not provided detailed GPS coordinates and have rounded these to the nearest 0.1 degrees.