Biodiversity Data Journal : Research Article
Research Article
Atlas of Ohio Aquatic Insects: Volume II, Plecoptera
expand article infoR. Edward DeWalt, Scott A. Grubbs§, Brian J. Armitage|, Richard W. Baumann, Shawn M. Clark, Michael J. Bolton#
‡ University of Illinois, Champaign, United States of America
§ Western Kentucky University, Department of Biology and Center for Biodiversity Studies, Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States of America
| Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudio de la Salud, Ciudad de Panamá, Panama
¶ Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, United States of America
# Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Surface Water, Groveport, Ohio, United States of America
† Deceased author
Open Access



We provide volume II of a distributional atlas of aquatic insects for the eastern USA state of Ohio. This treatment of stoneflies (Plecoptera) is companion to Armitage et al. (2011) on caddisflies (Trichoptera). We build on a recent analysis of Ohio stonefly diversity patterns based on large drainages (DeWalt et al. 2012), but add 3717 new records to the data set. We base most analyses on the United States Geological Survey Hierarchical Unit Code eight (HUC8) drainage scale. In addition to distributional maps for each species, we provide analyses of species richness versus HUC8 drainage area and the number of unique locations in a HUC8 drainage, species richness versus Ohio counties, analyze adult presence phenology throughout the year, and demonstrate stream size range affiliation for each species.

New information

This work is based on a total of 7797 specimen records gathered from 21 regional museums, agency data, personal collections, and from the literature Table 1. To our knowledge this is the largest stonefly data set available for a similarly sized geopolitical area anywhere in the world. These data are made available as a Darwin Core Archive supported by the Pensoft Integrated Publishing Toolkit (DeWalt et al. 2016b). All known published papers reporting stoneflies from Ohio are detailed in Suppl. material 1. We recovered 102 species from Ohio, including all nine Nearctic families Table 2​. Two species were removed from the DeWalt et al. (2012) list and two new state records added. Perlidae (32 spp.) was most speciose, compared to the low diversity Pteronarcyidae (2 spp.) and Peltoperlidae (1 sp.). The richest HUC8 drainages occurred in northeastern, south-central, and southern regions of the state where drainages were heavily forested, had the highest slopes, and were contained within or adjacent to the unglaciated Allegheny and Appalachian Plateaus. Species poor drainages occurred mainly in the northwestern region where Wisconsinan aged lake plains climaxed to an expansive wooded wetland, the Black Swamp. The unglaciated Lower Scioto drainage (72 spp.) in south-central Ohio supported the greatest species richness. There was no relationship between species richness and HUC8 drainage size, but the number of unique locations in a drainage strongly related to species richness. All Ohio counties were represented in the data set with Hocking County (59 spp.) of the Lower Scioto drainage being the richest and most heavily sampled. Adult presence phenology was influenced by phylogenetic relationships such that the superfamily Nemouroidea (Capniidae, Leuctridae, Nemouridae, and Taeniopterygidae) generally emerged in winter and spring while the superfamilies Pteronarcyoidea (Pteronarcyidae, Peltoperlidae) and Perloidea (Chloroperlidae, Perlidae, Perlodidae) emerged later, some species continuing emergence through summer months. Species often occupied specific stream size ranges, while others were generalists. Two species once histrorically abundant in the western Lake Erie Bass Islands no longer reside there. Each of the 102 species is discussed in detail, including several that require additional collecting efforts to confirm their identities, presence, and distribution in Ohio.

Table 1.

Specimen source, institutional coden, the number of specimen records for each source, and the total number of specimens recorded. *OEPA number of specimens is a severe underestimate since most of the data inadvertently lacked numbers of individuals. Numbers of OEPA specimens reflect only those specimens loaned to RED by OEPA.

Institution Coden #Records #Specimens
Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign INHS 2072 9623
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Grove City OEPA 1744 142*
Bean Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah BYUC 1168 18863
Literature 892 6517
Ohio Biological Survey (from DeWalt et al. 2012) OBS-INHS 573 2690
Ohio State University, Columbus OSUC 468 668
Crane Hollow Preserve Collection, Athens, Ohio CHPC 287 830
Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green WKUC 170 873
Fred Kirchner, Huntington, West Virginia RFKC 164 857
Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio CLEV 67 172
Canadian National Collection, Ottawa CNC 46 252
Ohio Historical Society Collection, Columbus OHSC 17 17
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois FMNH 13 40
Michigan State University, East Lansing MSUC 10 62
Purdue University Ent. Res. Coll., West Lafayette, Indiana PERC 7 18
Bill P. Stark Collection, Clinton, Mississippi BPSC 6 81
Iowa State University, Ames ISUC 4 6
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada ROME 3 15
University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor UMMZ 3 3
University of Minnesota, St. Paul UMSP 6 18
Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, Ohio CNHM 2 2
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale SIUC 1 5
Total 7797 41828
Table 2.

Stonefly names associated with Ohio since Needham and Claassen (1925). See Suppl. material 1 for accounting of all 53 works to ever list stoneflies for Ohio.

All names associated with Ohio Comment Current
Allocapnia forbesi Frison 1
Allocapnia frisoni Ross & Ricker 1
Allocapnia granulata Claassen 1
Allocapnia illinoensis Frison 1
Allocapnia indianae Ricker 1
Allocapnia mystica Frison 1
Allocapnia nivicola (Fitch) 1
Allocapnia ohioensis Ross & Ricker 1
Allocapnia pechumani Ross & Ricker 1
Allocapnia pygmaea (Burmeister) 1
Allocapnia recta (Claassen) 1
Allocapnia rickeri Frison 1
Allocapnia smithi Ross & Ricker 1
Allocapnia vivipara (Claassen) 1
Allocapnia zola Ricker 1
Capnia vernalis (Newport) misidentified P. angulata?
Paracapnia angulata Hanson 1
Leuctra alexanderi Hanson 1
Leuctra duplicata Claassen 1
Leuctra ferruginea (Walker) 1
Leuctra monticola Hanson misidentified L. alexanderi?
Leuctra rickeri James 1
Leuctra sibleyi Claassen 1
Leuctra tenella Provancher 1
Leuctra tenuis (Pictet) 1
Paraleuctra sara (Claassen) 1
Zealeuctra claasseni (Frison) 1
Zealeuctra fraxina Ricker & Ross 1
Amphinemura delosa (Ricker) 1
Amphinemura nigritta (Provancher) 1
Amphinemura varshava (Ricker) 1
Nemoura trispinosa Claassen 1
Ostrocerca albidipennis (Walker) 1
Ostrocerca truncata (Claassen) 1
Prostoia completa (Walker) 1
Prostoia similis (Hagen) 1
Soyedina vallicularia (Wu) 1
Strophopteryx fasciata (Burmeister) 1
Taenionema atlanticum Ricker & Ross not present
Taeniopteryx burksi Ricker & Ross 1
Taeniopteryx lita Frison 1
Taeniopteryx maura (Pictet) 1
Taeniopteryx metequi Ricker & Ross 1
Taeniopteryx nivalis Fitch 1
Taeniopteryx parvula Banks 1
Peltoperla arcuata Needham 1
Pteronarcys cf. biloba Newman nymphs only 1
Pteronarcys dorsata (Say) confirmed 1
Pteronarcys pictetii Hagen not confirmed
Alloperla caudata Frison 1
Alloperla chloris Frison 1
Alloperla idei Ricker 1
Alloperla imbecilla (Say) 1
Alloperla neglecta Frison continued uncertainty 1
Alloperla petasata Surdick 1
Alloperla usa Ricker 1
Haploperla brevis (Banks) 1
Sweltsa mediana Banks misidentified S. hoffmani
Sweltsa hoffmani Kondratieff & Kirchner 1
Sweltsa lateralis (Banks) 1
Sweltsa onkos (Ricker) misidentified S. hoffmani
Acroneuria abnormis (Newman) 1
Acroneuria carolinensis (Banks) 1
Acroneuria covelli Grubbs & Stark 1
Acroneuria evoluta Klapálek 1
Acroneuria filicis Frison 1
Acroneuria frisoni Stark & Brown 1
Acroneuria internata (Walker) 1
Acroneuria kirchneri Stark & Kondratieff 1
Acroneuria kosztarabi Kondratieff & Kirchner misidentified A. kirchneri
Acroneuria lycorias (Newman) 1
Acroneuria perplexa Frison 1
Agnetina annulipes (Hagen) 1
Agnetina capitata (Pictet) 1
Agnetina flavescens (Walsh) 1
Attaneuria ruralis (Hagen) 1
Eccoptura xanthenes (Newman) 1
Neoperla catharae Stark & Baumann 1
Neoperla clymene (Newman) nymphs only, removed from list
Neoperla coosa Stark & Smith 1
Neoperla gaufini Stark & Baumann 1
Neoperla mainensis Banks 1
Neoperla occipitalis (Pictet) 1
Neoperla robisoni Poulton & Stewart 1
Neoperla stewarti Stark & Baumann 1
Paragnetina media (Walker) 1
Perlesta adena Stark 1
Perlesta cinctipes (Banks) referable to Perlesta I-4
Perlesta decipiens (Walsh) 1
Perlesta ephelida Grubbs & DeWalt 1
Perlesta golconda DeWalt & Stark removed from list
Perlesta lagoi Stark lagoi & nitida may be a cline 1
Perlesta nitida Banks lagoi & nitida may be a cline
Perlesta placida (Hagen) any one of 7 spp. possible
Perlesta teaysia Kirchner & Kondratieff 1
Perlesta xube Stark & Rhodes 1
Perlesta I–4 new, dark species 1
Perlinella drymo (Newman) 1
Perlinella ephyre (Newman) 1
Clioperla clio (Newman) 1
Cultus decisus (Walker) uncertain specific/subspecific identity 1
Diploperla robusta Stark & Gaufin 1
Isoperla bilineata (Say) 1
Isoperla burksi Frison 1
Isoperla decepta Frison 1
Isoperla dicala Frison 1
Isoperla holochlora (Klapálek) 1
Isoperla montana (Banks) 1
Isoperla namata Frison referable to I. montana
Isoperla nana (Walsh) 1
Isoperla orata Frison new state record 1
Isoperla richardsoni Frison new state record 1
Isoperla signata (Banks) 1
Isoperla transmarina (Newman) 1
Malirekus iroquois Stark & Szczytko identity confirmed from Ashland Co. 1
Total 102


Ohio, U.S.A., Plecoptera, stoneflies, museum data, distribution, emergence, stream size


Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) are one of many faunal groups that reflect the historical geography of Ohio. The presence and distribution of stoneflies in Ohio demonstrate not only the results of the terraforming effects of Quaternary glaciation, but also the various invasion routes available in preglacial epochs. For example, the preglacial (and pre-Ohio River) Teays River drainage, originated in western North Carolina and provided access to Ohio, Indiana and Illinois (Hansen 1995, King 1983, Ver Steeg 1946) Whereas, this extensive drainage is buried under 500 feet or more of glacial till from central Ohio westward, at least a few of the stoneflies which colonized Ohio using this route may have found refuge in the Western Allegheny and Appalachian Plateaus of eastern and southeastern Ohio during the glacial epochs. Others recolonized from refugia in the Cumberland Plateau, Southern Appalachian Mountains, and possibly the Ozark Mountains (Pessino et al. 2014, Ross et al. 1967). The series of glacial events flattened most of northwestern and western Ohio, down to the Cincinnati area, creating lake, till, and drift plains, bogs, and fens. In northwestern Ohio the Black Swamp (a.k.a. Great Black Swamp), a wooded wetland complex, was formed atop lake plains of ancient glacial Lake Maumee (Kaatz 1955). This area was not drained until the second half of the 19th century. The sum of these historical events, in conjunction with more recent natural and human-caused factors, in large part, explains Ohio’s stonefly fauna today.

Properly maintained natural history (museum) collections provide a permanent record of life on Earth (Mehrhoff 1997). The use of information technology, coupled with data standards (unique identifiers, georeferencing, and data sharing formats), has recently improved access and manipulation of the information. The specimens and their labels place a species in space and time, making natural history collections useful not only for such typical purposes as systematics research, but also as a source of verifiable data to examine range changes over time, to study the effects of environmental degradation, and to predict the extent and severity of invasions of exotic species. We may also extract from these data life history information, habitat requirements, understand the imperilment of species at multiple scales, plan for restoration activities, and examine relationships of distributions to landscape and species trait constraints.

Given that stoneflies are one of the most sensitive indicators of change in habitat and water quality (Stewart and Stark 2002), they are important targets for digitization of museum specimen records and ecological analyses based on those records. Much work to this affect has already occurred in Illinois. Favret and DeWalt (2002) and DeWalt et al. (2005) amassed 5117 records for Illinois, demonstrating that 28% of the original fauna had been extirpated from the state, that every region of the state experienced losses, and that the data were sufficient to build state level conservation statuses for each species. Another direct result of compiling these large data sets was the Cao et al. (2013) predictions of pre-European settlement distribution and richness patterns of Illinois stoneflies at the USGS HUC12 watershed scale . Other studies in the USA that have benefited from accumulating stonefly museum data include DeWalt et al. (2012) for Ohio, DeWalt and Grubbs (2011) for Indiana, and Grubbs et al. (2013b) for Michigan. In Europe, Bojková et al. (2012) in the Czech Republic used 170 fixed sites to examine changes in the assemblage from the middle 20th century. Additionally, RWB and colleagues are working on an atlas of stoneflies for Nevada, USA with a greatly expanded species list, distributional maps, specimen images, and a comprehensive database slated for publication in spring, 2017.

Prior to DeWalt et al. (2012), Ohio’s stonefly fauna had been studied in a piecemeal fashion. Walker (1947) provided a southeastern Ohio treatment, including a few records from the southwestern and northwestern corners of the state. His list contained 30 species, the identities of some being questionable and the majority unverifiable due to loss of the specimens. Later, Gaufin (1956) published on southwestern Ohio, bringing to 53 the number of species known from the state. His specimens were mainly larvae, but his material exists in various collections, especially at the Monte L. Bean Museum at Brigham Young University (BYUC) and in the Illinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection (INHS). Tkac (1979) conducted a more comprehensive study across the northeastern quarter of the state, but producing only 54 species. His dissertation included the first illustrated taxonomic key to Ohio stonefly larvae and adults. Relatively few of Tkac's specimens have been located and Dr. Ben Foote (pers. comm.) confirms that they are not at Kent State University where the degree was conferred. Late in the current study it was suggested that specimens may reside in the United States National Museum (USNM), but no formal records indicate such a donation ever took place. Many additional studies of a narrower scope have been published, either documenting the stonefly fauna of single streams, as taxonomic revisions, or as short updates to the known fauna. All known works have been documented and discrepancies in name usage have been reconciled in this document.

A much needed update of the Ohio fauna was begun in the 1980s and continued through the 1990s, conducted by RWB, SMC, BJA, and Ralph F. Kirchner (Wheeling, West Virginia). These efforts did not result in publication, but their thousands of specimens form the basis of this work. Beginning in 2005, RED and SAG borrowed material from individuals and institutions, identified the specimens, digitized the label data for 4,080 vials and pins of stoneflies, and georeferenced all locations, resulting in DeWalt et al. (2012). Subsequently, Grubbs et al. (2013b) discussed the distribution of some uncommon and rare species occurring in Ohio, but reported no additional species. Since then, a large collection of additional Ohio stoneflies was donated to the INHS by the Ohio Biological Survey. In addition, many more Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) records were made available that dramatically improved the coverage of several species and underrepresented drainages.

Other specimens that improved our coverage include a substantial number of records from Edge of Appalachia Preserve (Adams County, Ohio Brush Creek drainage) collected by RED and specimens collected by Gary A. Coovert since 2004 from Crane Hollow Nature Preserve (Hocking County, Queer Creek drainage). Both locations added new locations for several rare species and confirmed the presence of another. All total, 7,723 specimen records now exist for Ohio stoneflies. This dramatic increase in specimens makes an update desirable, provides an opportunity to present a complete historical accounting of stonefly research conducted in Ohio, explore some relationships of species richness to drainage characteristics, add range maps, conduct analyses of stream widths used by species, and present an analysis of the succession of adult presence throughout the year. None of these analyses were present in DeWalt et al. (2012), though some distribution maps for rare species were provided in Grubbs et al. (2013b).

This publication is volume II in a series of atlases of aquatic insects inhabiting Ohio and complements volume I on caddisflies (Armitage et al. 2011). Future volumes will provide information on Ohio mayflies, aquatic beetles, crane flies, and aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera.

Materials and Methods

Digitization of specimen data. Data presented in this work represents a combination of verified specimens, specimen data from the OEPA, and trusted literature. We verified identifications of many of the most difficult to identify species among the OEPA specimens, strongly supporting their inclusion in this study. The specimen data source and number of records (# of vials or pins) are provided for each institution and colleague who provided specimens/data. The methodology for preparing specimens is available in DeWalt et al. (2012). We associated most specimens with their database record using a paper catalog number—a unique identifier. Unfortunately, this was not the case for OEPA specimens, the Western Kentucky University material, and literature sources. Specimen data were gathered in accordance with iDigBio (2014a) wet collection protocols. All data will be shared with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and with iDigBio (2014b).

Most location labels printed prior to 2000 did not contain geographic coordinates. We georeferenced these locations using Acme Mapper 2.1 (Acme Mapper 2016, datum WGS-84). In the USA, this program provides topographic, satellite, and road map coverages that ensure the greatest possibility of finding complex locations. In addition, where collectors provided coordinates they were projected to verify that the coordinates matched verbal descriptions (correct county, distance and direction from locality, road crossing). Where they did not match, coordinates were corrected or recorded with lower precision in the database. We used a decimal degree format, most often to five significant figures, to improve the usability of the data by others. Estimated precision is presented as a radius in meters. Maps were exported from an ArcView 9.3 (ESRI) project file using a WGS-84 projection, overlaid on United States Geological Survey Hierarchical Unit Code eight (USGS HUC8, 42 drainages) scale drainages with outlines of the 88 Ohio counties. A map was constructed with all unique locations, and individual maps for each species.

Succession of species. Adults of stonefly species succeed each other as they emerge throughout the year (Stewart and Stark 2002). This is most clearly demonstrated from single site studies (Ernst and Stewart 1985), but regional data may also be used successfully for this type of analysis if latitudinal differences in the data are ignored. Our data are not derived from emergence traps; accordingly, they reflect presence rather than emergence. Adult stoneflies often live one or two weeks past their date of emergence (DeWalt and Stewart 1995). Hence, the succession of adults presented in contains a bias for the presence of adults collected after peak emergence. We have used adult records in the data set to build a table that depicts adult presence throughout the year on a weekly basis. Records for each species were examined and cells in an Excel spreadsheet were shaded corresponding to the intensity of emergence: dark gray when one or more collecting events (site/date combinations) in a week contained ≥3 adults; medium gray when collecting events contained ≤2 adults; and light gray where no adults were present, but when we assumed from larval records and our experience that adults would be available. All outlying dates of emergence were recorded and the species ordered chronologically to display the sequence of emerging species.

Species richness vs. county and watershed relationships. All georeferenced specimen records were associated with HUC8 coverage in GIS and the drainage numbers and names were returned to the data. The total species richness and number of unique locations within a HUC8 drainage were compiled. A map depicting of the number of species vs. HUC8 drainage was constructed so that drainages with similar species tallies were similarly color-coded. Scatterplots were constructed of species richness versus HUC8 area in km2 and the number of unique locations within a HUC8 to determine if these variables were important to species richness. Deviations from trend lines produced from simple linear regression analyses were noted. Ohio counties, of which there are 88, are geopolitical units for local government (Anonymous 2016). In an effort to determine if there were areas not well sampled across the state, the number of total records were tallied for each county. A histogram was produced that depicts the number of stonefly records for each county. Those counties with high and low richness were examined for where they occurred within the state.

Distribution of species in stream size/type categories. Stoneflies live in a wide range of waterbody sizes, even in large lakes. Drainage area and perhaps the number of links (tributaries) are the best measures of stream size and may often be recovered from Geographic Information Systems data layers. However, these data sets often lack data for the smallest streams. To account for this streams were categorize by stream wetted width (1=seep, 2=1-2 m wide stream, 3=3-10 m wide, 4=11-30 m wide, 5=31-60 m wide, 6=>61 m wide, 7=large lake (Lake Erie specifically). These estimates were made from Acme Mapper (2016) satellite coverages using the scale provided by the program. A histogram of the frequency of site/date events within each stream width or lake category was constructed for each species for all sites that could be georeferenced to a stream or lake (91.2% of 7,723 records).

Access to the data. All specimen data used in this study are archived as a Darwin Core Archive file supported by Pensoft's Integrated Publishing Toolkit (DeWalt et al. 2016b). This data set contains some duplication in the form of literature records that may also be available as specimen data with unique identifiers, but we included in order to provide a complete record.


A total of 7,797 records were gathered from 21 institutional, government, personal collection sources, and from literature sources (Table 1). Most specimens (>5000) from physical collections were examined by RED & SAG. A total of 2769 unique locations have been georeferenced and mapped (Fig. 1).

Figure 1.  

Ohio stonefly collection records, county boundaries, and HUC8 drainages.

At least 53 papers have appeared in print that reference Ohio stoneflies (Suppl. material 1). These include faunal lists and analyses of species richness patterns for the state as a whole or a subset (DeWalt et al. 2012, Gaufin 1956, Grubbs et al. 2013b, Tkac 1979, Walker 1947), records of taxa from a single stream (Beckett 1987, Tkac and Foote 1978, Robertson 1984, Robertson 1979, Fishbeck 1987), discussion of morphological features or genetic diversity for one or more species (Clark 1934, Yasick et al. 2007, Yasick et al. 2015), or included records of Ohio species from descriptions or revisionary or other works (Baumann 1974, Frison 1942, Fullington and Stewart 1980, Grubbs 2006, Grubbs 2015, Grubbs and DeWalt 2008, Grubbs and DeWalt 2012, Grubbs and Stark 2001, Grubbs et al. 2014, Grubbs et al. 2013c, Kondratieff 2004, Kondratieff and Kirchner 1993, Kondratieff and Kirchner 2009, Kondratieff et al. 1988, Nelson 2000, Ricker 1952, Ricker and Ross 1968, Ricker and Ross 1969, Ross and Ricker 1964, Ross and Ricker 1971, Ross and Yamamoto 1967, Ross et al. 1967, Stark 1986, Stark 1989, Stark 2000, Stark 2004, Stark and Baumann 1978, Stark and Baumann 2004, Stark and Gaufin 1974, Stark and Gaufin 1976, Stark and Kondratieff 2010, Stark and Kondratieff 2012, Stark et al. 1988, Stewart 2000, Surdick 2004, Szczytko and Kondratieff 2015, Szczytko and Stewart 1978, Szczytko and Stewart 1981, Young et al. 1989, Zwick 1971).

Species present and those dismissed from the state tally

In total, 102 species are known to occur in Ohio, though many more names have been associated with the state from previous publications (Table 2, Suppl. material 1). Previous records included Capnia vernalis Newport, 1848 from central Ohio (Walker 1947) and repeated by Gaufin (1956). No specimens exist in the collections of museums visited by the authors (Table 1). This species is generally more northern in distribution (DeWalt and South 2015) and is dismissed from occurrence in Ohio. Tkac (1979) lists Leuctra monticola Hanson, 1941 from the state. This is undoubtedly a misidentification of Leuctra alexanderi Hanson, 1941. Taenionema atlanticum Ricker & Ross, 1975 was listed for Ohio by Stewart and Stark (2002). This is an error and the species is removed from the Ohio list.

Larvae of the Pteronarcys scotti Ricker, 1952 species group, what was once considered the subgenus Allonarcys Needham & Claassen, 1925, have spine-like, paired lateral projections on each abdominal segment (Stark and Szczytko 1982). Bolton (2010) recently reported from Ohio larvae of a Pteronarcys with lateral abdominal projections (e.g., P. cf. biloba Newman, 1838), though Tkac (1979) was the first to report it. No adults of this species have been collected despite repeated attempts to locate them in their Lake and Ashtabula county streams (RED and Donald Dean of Ohio State University have searched). Three authors have placed P. pictetii Hagen, 1873 as resident in Ohio (Gaufin 1956, Nelson 2000, Stewart and Stark 2002). Gaufin's records are of larvae that others have simply taken for granted. The only Pteronarcys species confirmed from an adult, from a single female specimen, is that of P. dorsata (Say, 1823) (DeWalt et al. 2012).

Tkac (1979) lists Alloperla neglecta Frison, 1935 from Ohio, but no specimens have been recovered and illustrations in his dissertation could represent other species. The epiprocts of A. neglecta and A. concolor Ricker, 1936 are similar (Kondratieff and Kirchner 1993, Surdick 2004). We maintain this species on the list, but are uncertain of its validity. Sweltsa mediana Banks has been reported for Ohio by several authors (Walker 1947, Fishbeck 1987, Gaufin 1956, Tkac 1979, Tkac and Foote 1978). These are all undoubtedly referable to the recently described Sweltsa hoffmani Kondratieff & Kirchner, 2009 as are S. onkos (Ricker, 1936) listed for Ohio by Stewart and Stark (2002).

DeWalt et al. (2012) listed Acroneuria kirchneri Stark & Kondratieff, 2004 from Ohio on the basis of several females; however, these have recently been re-examined by Boris C. Kondratieff and found to be A. kosztarabi Kondratieff & Kirchner, 1993. Several authors have listed Neoperla clymene (Newman, 1839) from Ohio (DeWalt et al. 2012, Gaufin 1956, Needham and Claassen 1925, Walker 1947, Tkac 1979), these are all from larval collections and could be any one of seven species known from Ohio. We remove this species from the Ohio list.

Stewart and Stark (2002) and Stark (2004) listed Perlesta cinctipes (Banks, 1905) from Ohio. We believe that P. cinctipes does not occur in the state, but that specimens named as such represent a new, darkly colored species that we have provisionally named Perlesta I-4. This species occurs in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky and SAG & RED are in the process of describing it. Perlesta nitida Banks, 1948 and P. lagoi Stark, 1989 are nearly identical as adults and both have been listed from the state (DeWalt et al. 2012, Grubbs and Stark 2001). We have opted to use P. lagoi at this point to represent all the medium-to-small sized Perlesta where males have a short caecum with narrow dorsal patch that widens onto the caecum, and where females have a deeply cleft subgenital plate and collarless eggs with fine punctations about the middle. The validity of these two species may require a large series and much genetic work to determine. DeWalt et al. (2012) listed P. golconda DeWalt & Stark, 1998 from the state, but this has turned out to be a database error. This species has been removed from the Ohio list.

Three publications listed Isoperla namata Frison, 1942 from Ohio (Stewart and Stark 2002, Tkac 1979, Szczytko and Kondratieff 2015). We believe that all specimens previously identified as I. namata are I. montana (Banks), though an outside possibility exists that at least some of these are I. kirchneri Szczytko & Kondratieff, 2015. The current work confirms the presence of I. orata Frison, 1942 from Crane Hollow Nature Preserve in Hocking County. Additionally, a new state record of Isoperla richardsoni Frison, 1935 was confirmed from the Ohio River in Adams County. This year, one female of Malirekus iroquois Stark & Szczytko, 1988 was reared from Little Lyons Creek in Ashland County, Ohio. This confirms the presence of M. iroquois in Ohio.

Tkac (1979) reported Cultus decisus (Walker, 1852) from northeastern Ohio. This was prior to the Stark et al. (1988) re-examination of eastern North American Cultus. The revision created a more northern nominotypical subspecies, C. decisus decisus (Walker, 1852) and the more southerly distributed C. decisus isolatus (Banks, 1920). They also confirmed the validity of C. verticalis (Banks, 1920). Although Tkac provided drawings of the one male he collected, it is impossible to ascertain whether the specimen was C. verticalis, C. d. decisus, or C. d. isolatus. Fresh specimens are needed to make this determination. We will retain C. decisus in the list of Ohio species until resolution of this conundrum is possible.

Species richness vs. watershed and county relationships

Stonefly species richness varied tremendously with HUC8 affiliation (Fig. 2). The Lower Scioto River drainage supported 72 stonefly species, 18 more than the next richest drainage. The richest drainages were in northeast, south-central, and southern Ohio. These areas are heavily forested, have the highest slopes (DeWalt et al. 2012), and were part of or adjacent to the unglaciated, Western Allegheny Plateau of Ohio . The drainages with the lowest richness were mostly found in the northwestern quarter of Ohio, which was the most glaciated area of Ohio and site of the Great Black Swamp during the post-glacial period. Eight western drainages supported five or fewer species with three drainages, the Upper Wabash, Ottawa-Stony, and St. Mary's supporting only one or two species (Fig. 2). Dominated by glacial lake plain topography, these drainages have low slope values, fine-grained sediments, and now, approximately 90% coverage in row crop agriculture (DeWalt et al. 2012). Historically, they would not have supported many stonefly species, and with the agriculturally modified landscape, few remain.

Figure 2.  

Stonefly species richness for 41 Ohio USGS HUC8 watersheds. Watershed color coded by similar richness. Watershed names for some species poor and species rich drainages provided.

Surface area of HUC8 drainages appears to be an unimportant predictor of stonefly species richness (Fig. 3). One point is well above the line-of-best-fit, that of the Lower Scioto drainage. It is the richest, despite not being the largest, HUC8 drainage. Many relatively small HUC8s have high richness, while many intermediate sized drainages support only a few stonefly species. The number of unique locations sampled within a watershed appears to be a much stronger predictor of stonefly species richness (Fig. 4). Again, the Lower Scioto drainage exceeds predictions. Conversely, the Upper Scioto, the Upper Greater Miami, and Little Muskingum drainages all fall below the line-of-best-fit. These drainages are either largely agricultural, have high industrialization, or have large human populations in them, all conditions that would lead to lower than expected stonefly richness.

Figure 3.  

Stonefly species richness vs. HUC8 surface area (km2). Simple linear regression equation, R2, and line-of-best-fit provided. Lower Scioto watershed point indicated.

Figure 4.  

Stonefly species richness vs. number of HUC8 unique locations. Simple linear regression equation and R2 provided. Names of HUC8s with greatest deviation from line-of-best-fit provided.

At least one stonefly record is available for each of Ohio's 88 counties (Fig. 5). Hocking County in south-central Ohio has more stonefly records than any other county by nearly a factor of two. It is the most important county contributing to the richness of the Lower Scioto drainage (59 of 72 spp., next has 44 spp.). Because Hocking County has never been glaciated, it maintains a rugged topography with deep ravines composed of Pennsylvanian and Mississippian age sandstones and shales, respectively (Hansen 1975). These ravines and the creation of Ohio State Forests in 1915 protected streams from logging and farming, preserving much of the rich native stonefly fauna of the area. Protected areas in the county include Hocking Hills State Park, Hocking Hills State Forest, and the small but species-rich Crane Hollow Nature Preserve. Other species rich counties are located in northeastern, south-central, and southern Ohio. Those counties with the lowest diversity are generally northwestern, again their diversity suffering from historically flat terrain, lake plain topography, sluggish streams, and the contemporary dominance of agricultural land use (DeWalt et al. 2012).

Figure 5.  

Stonefly species richness for 88 Ohio counties (only every other name presented). Regions of the state with richest and poorest totals presented.

Succession of adult presence

Ohio stonefly adults may be obtained in nearly every month of the year, but are most frequently collected from January to July (Table 3). Adult phenology expresses a strong phylogenetic component in that the superfamily Nemouroidea (Capniidae, Taeniopterygidae, Nemouridae, and Leuctridae) emerge earliest in the year. Indeed, Capniidae and Taeniopterygidae and subsets of the other two families are generally referred to as "winter stoneflies" due to their emergence as adults in winter. There is often a short lull in adult presence in mid-April before other species of leuctrids and nemourids appear. Most of the remainder of superfamily emerge in spring and early summer, but Leuctra tenuis (Pictet, 1841) persists well into autumn.

Table 3.

Succession of adult presence of Ohio stonefly species. Darkest shade of gray indicates weeks with at least one collecting events with ≥ 3 adults. Lighter gray indicates weeks with events containing ≤ 2 adults. Lightest gray is suggestive of when emergence would take place since no adult specimens were obtained. Events = number of site/date collecting events (date+location). Family abbreviations: CA=Capniidae, CH=Chloroperlidae, L=Leuctridae, N=Nemouridae, P=Perlidae, PE=Perlodidae, PL=Peltoperlidae, PT=Pteronarcyidae, T=Taeniopterygidae.

Allocapnia recta CA 221
Allocapnia nivicola CA 90
Allocapnia frisoni CA 17
Allocapnia forbesi CA 38
Allocapnia rickeri CA 151
Allocapnia vivipara CA 566
Allocapnia illinoensis CA 12
Allocapnia mystica CA 32
Allocapnia granulata CA 28
Allocapnia indianae CA 14
Allocapnia ohioensis CA 35
Allocapnia smithi CA 2
Allocapnia pygmaea CA 8
Allocapnia pechumani CA 4
Allocapnia zola CA 19
Paracapnia angulata CA 41
Taeniopteryx burksi T 197
Taeniopteryx maura T 31
Taeniopteryx metequi T 14
Soyedina vallicularia N 37
Taeniopteryx nivalis T 10
Taeniopteryx parvula T 7
Strophopteryx fasciata T 15
Taeniopteryx lita T 1
Prostoia similis N 19
Prostoia completa N 9
Zealeuctra fraxina L 5
Zealeuctra claasseni L 16
Paraleuctra sara L 37
Leuctra sibleyi L 41
Ostrocerca truncata N 11
Ostrocerca albidipennis N 19
Nemoura trispinosa N 14
Amphinemura delosa N 111
Perlinella drymo P 4
Sweltsa hoffmani CH 21
Isoperla bilineata PE 24
Diploperla robusta PE 34
Clioperla clio PE 23
Amphinemura varshava N 51
Amphinemura nigritta N 27
Isoperla nana PE 52
Isoperla signata PE 0
Malirekus iroquois PE 1
Pteronarcys cf. biloba PT 0
Pteronarcys dorsata PT 1
Leuctra tenella L 7
Isoperla richardsoni PE 1
Acroneuria evoluta P 5
Leuctra alexanderi L 5
Leuctra duplicata L 2
Cultus decisus PE 1
Isoperla burksi PE 1
Isoperla dicala PE 1
Isoperla holochlora PE 1
Isoperla orata PE 1
Sweltsa lateralis CH 1
Alloperla neglecta CH 1
Alloperla idei CH 3
Isoperla transmarina PE 0
Peltoperla arcuata PL 6
Paragnetina media P 3
Isoperla decepta PE 10
Isoperla montana PE 19
Alloperla caudata CH 10
Haploperla brevis CH 55
Alloperla chloris CH 26
Acroneuria frisoni P 140
Acroneuria carolinensis P 13
Acroneuria filicis P 35
Neoperla gaufini P 7
Perlinella ephyre P 33
Acroneuria perplexa P 25
Agnetina capitata P 16
Agnetina flavescens P 66
Neoperla mainensis P 8
Neoperla stewarti P 74
Perlesta decipiens P 131
Acroneuria internata P 5
Alloperla imbecilla CH 25
Alloperla petasata CH 21
Alloperla usa CH 13
Attaneuria ruralis P 3
Leuctra ferruginea L 34
Leuctra rickeri L 39
Perlesta adena P