Biodiversity Data Journal :
Data Paper (Biosciences)
Corresponding author: Chieh-Hsi Hu (
Academic editor: Vijay Barve
Received: 17 Jul 2023 | Accepted: 17 Sep 2023 | Published: 28 Sep 2023
© 2023 Chieh-Hsi Hu, Hsin Yi Yu, Daphne Hoh, Dong Liang Lin
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Hu C-H, Yu HY, Hoh DZ, Lin DL (2023) The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e109649.
The eastern waters of Taiwan have been lacking baseline and research data for several years. This study was initiated by Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation (KOEF) in collaboration with the Turumoan whale-watching company since 1998, collecting long-term ecological data for cetaceans in the inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan. This dataset includes 10,675 records of cetacean sightings from June 1998 to December 2021. Collection of cetacean sighting records was paused for one year in 2001 due to budgetary reasons. All of the sighting records were collected by whale-watching boat guides that were trained by KOEF. Following a standardised protocol, guides used a handheld GPS device and cetacean sighting record sheets to document information about the cetacean species identification, location, time, number of individuals, the presence of mother-calf pairs and mixed-species groups and other states of each sighting during a whale-watching tour. The collection of citizen-science data during this period has significantly advanced Taiwan's cetacean baseline data in the study area. Additionally, we make data available to the public in the form of citizen-science, making a substantial contribution to the advancement of ocean scientific research. We have published the dataset on Global Biodiversity Information Facility, allowing users around the world to download the dataset.
This is currently the largest dataset of cetacean sighting records in Taiwan (last updated on 2023-09-05). We have also recorded several species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List categorised as "Data Deficient" during our survey inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan, including Ginkgo-toothed beaked whales (Mesoplodon ginkgodens Nishiwaki & Kamiya, 1958), Omura's whales (Balaenoptera omurai Wada, Oishi & Yamada, 2003) and killer whales (Orcinus orca (Linnaeus, 1758)). There are also sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus, 1758), categorised as "Vulnerable" in the IUCN Red List and false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens (Owen, 1846)), categorised as "Near Threatened". This study is also the first and only long-term study that has documented cetaceans in the study area.
sighting data, citizen-science, whale-watching tour, cetacean
In 1978, the International Whaling Commission began tightening whaling restrictions and exerting pressure on Taiwan (
Cetaceans are marine mammals that play crucial roles in marine ecosystems with their diverse range of ecological functions, including being apex predators and serving as nutrient vectors. Cetaceans are vital to the functioning and stability of marine ecosystems, in which their species diversity and population status are essential indicators of overall marine health (
Cetaceans that were categorised by IUCN as "Data Deficient", "Vulnerable" and "Near Threatened" (
For each whale-watching tour, each ship accommodates one guide trained by KOEF’s cetacean experts to record cetacean sightings (approximately 70% of our guides have three or more years of experience in detecting and identifying cetaceans, last updated on 2023-09-05). The boat follows a random path until cetaceans are detected and sometimes we also receive sighting reports from other whale-watching boats. While observing cetaceans, the guide documents the location and time of each sighting with a hand-held GPS device (Garmin GPSMAP 64st), identifies the cetacean species, estimates the number of individuals and confirms the presence of mother-calf pairs and mixed-species groups in the vicinity. Upon returning, the guide fills in the cetacean record sheet, which contains fields included in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) dataset. To avoid collecting duplicate sighting data, when there are trips with more than one vessel in the same area, only the data of one ship is recorded within the same trip. Trained volunteers subsequently input the data into a computer for digital storage. Most whale-watching tours are divided into five time periods: 6 am (on average 2 trips per month), 8 am (on average 8 trips per month), 10 am (on average 6 trips per month), 2 pm (on average 6 trips per month) and 4 pm (on average 4 trips per month), each trip is approximately 1.5 to 2.0 hours long; there are an average of 26 trips per month (Fig.
Following electronic data entry, the records undergo a rigorous data cleaning process by a biologically-trained cetacean researcher of KOEF. All the scientific names of cetaceans are validated by the NomenMatch tool, which compares the names to the taxonomy backbones of GBIF, Catalogue of Life, Taiwan Catalogue of Life and Taiwan Biodiversity Network (
Citizen scientists' training
KOEF's training for new guides is a 15-week course that combines onboard internships and practices with indoor training by cetacean experts to enhance citizen scientists' professional abilities to identify different cetacean species, estimate the cetacean group size, understand the definitions of the various terms on cetacean sighting record sheets and use the handheld GPS (Garmin GPSMAP 64st). Through two stages of evaluation, it ensures that all guides that pass the training possess sufficient skills for being citizen scientists and follow a standardised protocol.
Data collection
Data transcription:
The cetacean record sheets are organised once a month and the information on the data sheets are entered into an Excel spreadsheet file by trained interns, volunteers and guides of KOEF.
Open data preparation
Before uploading data to GBIF, we use a Darwin Core quick reference guide (
All of the sighting data were collected inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan (Fig.
23.6° N and 24.3° N Latitude; 121.5° E and 121.9° E Longitude.
This dataset contains 10,675 cetacean sighting records covering 20 different species, from which 41 records were identified up to the genus level, which is Kogia Gray, 1846 and 31 records were identified up to the family level, which is Hyperoodontidae (Ziphiidae) (Fig.
List of observed cetacean species in this dataset from 1998 to 2021. Prior to 2015, beaked whales were only recorded at the family level: Hyperoodontidae (Ziphiidae) and both dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima (Owen, 1866)) and pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps (Blainville, 1838)) were mostly recorded at the genus level: Kogia Gray, 1846.
Rank | Scientific Name |
kingdom | Animalia |
phylum | Chordata |
class | Mammalia |
order | Cetacea |
family | Delphinidae |
family | Hyperoodontidae |
family | Kogiidae |
family | Physeteridae |
family | Balaenopteridae |
genus | Stenella |
genus | Grampus |
genus | Lagenodelphis |
genus | Tursiops |
genus | Pseudorca |
genus | Delphinus |
genus | Peponocephala |
genus | Kogia |
genus | Physeter |
genus | Globicephala |
genus | Megaptera |
genus | Orcinus |
genus | Feresa |
genus | Balaenoptera |
genus | Ziphius |
genus | Mesoplodon |
genus | Steno |
KOEF was established in April 1998 and began collecting citizen-science data in collaboration with the Turumoan whale-watching company in June of the same year. Due to budgetary reasons, cetacean sighting records were suspended for one year in 2001 (Fig.
This dataset in the current work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. Any image materials in this data paper are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License.
The event file is the core file of this dataset, which contains the time and location information for each sighting.
Column label | Column description |
eventID | A unique identifier for the recording of a single cetacean sighting event. |
eventDate | The sighting date-time of the occurrence. The time in eventDate means the start of the cetacean observation. |
sampleSizeValue | The duration of each cetacean sighting event in minutes. |
sampleSizeUnit | The time unit for the duration of each cetacean sighting event. |
decimalLatitude | The geographic latitude (in decimal degrees, using the spatial reference system given in geodeticDatum) of the geographic centre of a Location. The location is based on the start of the cetacean observation. |
decimalLongitude | The geographic longitude (in decimal degrees, using the spatial reference system given in geodeticDatum) of the geographic centere of a Location. The location is based on the start of the cetacean observation. |
geodeticDatum | The ellipsoid, geodetic datum or spatial reference system (SRS) upon which the geographic coordinates given in decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude were based. |
country | The name of the country or major administrative unit in which the Location occurs. |
countryCode | The standard code for the country in which the Location occurs. |
locality | Less specific geographic information is provided in this column. Events with no geographic coordinates are recorded in general terms as "inshore of Hualien". |
Occurrence is an extension file of this dataset that includes Detailed information about species sighted. The records with occurrenceStatus as "absent" are not included in this dataset.
Column label | Column description |
eventID | A unique identifier for the recording of a single cetacean sighting event. |
type | The nature or genre of the resource. |
basisOfRecord | The specific nature of the data record. |
occurrenceID | An identifier for the Occurrence (as opposed to a particular digital record of the occurrence). |
eventDate | The sighting date-time of the occurrence. The time in eventDate means the start of the cetacean observation. |
occurrenceStatus | A statement about the presence or absence of a Taxon at a Location. |
scientificName | The full scientific name. |
kingdom | The full scientific name of the kingdom in which the taxon is classified. |
phylum | The full scientific name of the phylum or division in which the taxon is classified. |
class | The full scientific name of the class in which the taxon is classified. |
order | The full scientific name of the order in which the taxon is classified. |
family | The full scientific name of the family in which the taxon is classified. |
genus | The full scientific name of the genus in which the taxon is classified. |
taxonRank | The taxonomic rank of the most specific name in the scientificName. |
vernacularName | A common or vernacular name. |
individualCount | The number of individuals present at the time of the Occurrence. |
MeasurementOrFact is an extension file of this dataset that contains data that are not defined by the Darwin Core standard (DwC), but present in the cetacean sighting records. For details of MeasurementOrFact field items and corresponding data descriptions, see Suppl. material
Column label | Column description |
eventID | A unique identifier for the recording of a single cetacean sighting event. |
measurementID | An identifier for the MeasurementOrFact (information pertaining to measurements, facts, characteristics or assertions). May be a global unique identifier or an identifier specific to the dataset. |
measurementType | The nature of the measurement, fact, characteristic or assertion. See Suppl. Material 1 for a detailed description of each field. |
measurementValue | The value of the measurement, fact, characteristic or assertion. |
measurementMethod | A description of, or reference to (publication, URI), the method or protocol used to determine the measurement, fact, characteristic or assertion. |
To provide users of this dataset with a better understanding of its details, this section shows some limitations and additional information associated with the use of this dataset:
We thank all the guides of KOEF who have been continuously collecting data and KOEF's partner, Turumoan whale-watching company, for supporting us for over two decades. We thank the maintainers and curators of the database throughout the years, as well as all those who have supported KOEF through donations and assistance, enabling us to continue devoting our efforts to the ocean environment. We thank all the interns, volunteers and guides of KOEF who helped transcribe the datasheet into this dataset. We thank Captain Wen-Lung Jiang and Ray Chin for providing us with image materials for this data paper. The publication of this data paper was supported by Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility and National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan.
HYY conceived the study and designed the scientific protocol; CHH, HYY and DLL wrote the paper and prepared the figures; CHH performed data curation; DZH assisted throughout the data management process; all authors approved the final manuscript.
MeasurementOrFact field items and corresponding data descriptions for this dataset.