Biodiversity Data Journal :
Data Paper (Biosciences)
Corresponding author: Carlos Gonzalez-Orozco (
Academic editor: Matheus Colli-Silva
Received: 14 Sep 2023 | Accepted: 03 Oct 2023 | Published: 28 Nov 2023
© 2023 Carlos Gonzalez-Orozco, Mario Porcel, Sebastian Escobar, Daniel Bravo, Yeisson Gutierrez Lopez, Roxana Yockteng, Fabrice Vaillant, Margareth Santander, Sandra Llano, Karla Parra, Esperanza Briceño, Jhony Carmona, Shirley Torres, Ramiro Contreras, Andres Otero, Allende Pesca, Gustavo Carrillo
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Gonzalez-Orozco C, Porcel M, Escobar S, Bravo D, Gutierrez Lopez Y, Yockteng R, Vaillant F, Santander M, Llano S, Parra K, Briceño E, Carmona J, Torres S, Contreras R, Otero AM, Pesca A, Carrillo GA (2023) Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) climate zones and its associated agrobiodiversity in Arauca, Colombia. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e112771.
Cacao (Theobroma cacao L) is one of the most relevant crops in terms of economy and social rural development in Colombia. Cacao is also an important crop due to its potential to replace illicit crops and it is related to less deforestation and preserves the biodiversity. There are several cacao districts in Colombia, one of these being Arauca. The Department of Arauca is the second largest cocoa producing region in Colombia; however, it is heavily affected by armed conflict. To raise the knowledge and technology available in the region, integrating data on the occurrence of cacao farms with climatic variables becomes a powerful socioeconomic mapping tool for maintaining agrobiodiversity and food security in the region. Consequently, this type of agrodiversity data and agroclimatic approaches help to better manage agrobiodiversity, as in the cacao region of Arauca. These tools are even more relevant in biodiverse regions, such as flooded savannahs and tropical forest ecosystems, which are currently undergoing drastic changes due to agricultural expansion and climate change. One of the knowledge gaps in Colombia´s cacao regions is that there are currently no agroclimatic maps made with a social and scientific approach. This study aimed to provide a database of the spatial distribution of cacao farms in Arauca, as well as agroclimatic maps that identify and locate cacao climate regions in Arauca. We also present a presence-only matrix consisting of twenty-six tree species, or agrobiodiversity, distributed across the study region and specifically associated with the cacao forestry systems in Arauca.
We present the first database of both climate and agrobiodiversity data related to cacao farms in Arauca, developed with a research and socioeconomic vision that generated a novel approach for the agroclimatic zoning of cocoa in the Arauca Region and Colombia. Using 1,538 cacao farms at the regional scale, we identified two national and six regional-scale climate and soil regions. The selection at the local scale allowed us to classify 180 cacao farms comprising nine agroclimatic clusters in Arauca. We found twenty-six tree species distributed across the cacao climate zones. This dataset and its related maps also represent the agrobiodiversity of cultivated cacao locally. This is the most complete climate and agrobiodiversity dataset of cacao farms distribution in one of the top cocoa-producing regions in the country. These outputs are crucial because they constitute a baseline for developing research in the biodiversity of agroforestry systems, pests and diseases, pollutant presence, genetics, post-harvest processing and cocoa quality and safety.
agrobiodiversity, conservation of cacao, chocolate, soils, climate, Arauca, Colombia
Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is a globally important staple crop. However, tropical regions where it thrives face challenges, such as a lack of steady production and increased risks due to climate change. Cacao farmers in Colombia, a country that produces fine flavour cocoa worldwide, experience these challenges daily. The Arauca Region, in northeast Colombia and part of the Orinoco River plains, has the ideal environmental and social conditions to produce premium cacao. Over the last decade, Arauca has been recognised as the second-largest cocoa-producing area in the country and has won more than one medal at the Salon du Chocolat in Paris, France, for its fine and balanced flavour profile, characterised by speciality and distinctive aromatic notes. Research in spatial analysis for mapping the agrobiodiversity of cacao and its climate zone are necessary to provide solid, science-based support to cocoa-producing communities in Arauca.
The Cacao Arauca Regalias project is an excellent example of how regional agencies can generate impact with quality research and community work. One of the project's fundamental research questions was "Where are the climate cocoa-growing regions"? These regions would be used to plan the sampling efforts and data collection of cacao varieties and diversity. Given that the territory is vast and diverse in cacao agriculture, this article presents an approach to effectively map agrobiodiversity zones and identify the areas where data collection campaigns could be carried out in Arauca.
Our aim is to present a spatial database of climate and agrobiodiversity cacao farms in Arauca, along with the corresponding agroclimatic zones.
Our selection of cacao farms, agrobiodiversity data and climate mapping approach are based on a decision-making process discussed with a multidisciplinary team of researchers with expertise in topics such as cacao production, cacao agronomy, geospatial mapping, socio-economic models, climate suitability, suitable soils and landscape, best genetic cacao varieties and productivity and post-harvest transformation. The farm-scale dataset presents a table with the diversity of tree species associated with the cacao crop in Arauca. We reported twenty-six agroforestry species that were traditionally used as canopy shade in Arauca's cacao plantations.
Selecting farms and mapping climate regions
First, we developed various datasets of cacao farms occurrences. In the sampling description methods, more details are provided about the farms' selection process. Then, the following step involved extracting the values of environmental variables that corresponded to the geographical locations of cacao farms. Next, an online statistics calculator ( was used to generate a standard Principal Component Analysis (PCA) separately for the macro and microclimate variables. The loading values of PCA Axis 1 were utilised to create a gridded map of macro- and microclimate regions using the QGIS software (
National and regional scale
We identified two national and six regional climate regions for cacao in Arauca (Fig.
Maps of cacao climate regions in Arauca, Colombia. National (a-b) and regional (c-d) scale maps of cacao farms according to climate and soil temperature in Arauca Department, Colombia. Blue lines are rivers and red lines roads. Blue dots are indicative of negative values of the PCA, cream and red dots are indicative of positive PCA values. Cream to orange dots are indicative of mixed conditions.
Local scale
We identified nine clusters comprising 180 farms (Fig.
A national scale mapping was conducted using a previously-published occurrences dataset comprising 3,141 cacao farms in Colombia (
This method involved extracting the values of environmental variables that corresponded to the geographical locations of cacao farms. Next, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was separately conducted for the macro- and microclimate variables. The loading values of PCA Axis 1 were utilised to create a gridded map of macro- and microclimate regions using the QGIS software (
At the regional scale, a dataset of 1,538 cacao farms in Arauca was developed (regional scale dataset). Eleven local agronomy professionals visited cacao farms in the Municipalities of Saravena, Arauquita, Tame and Fortul in Arauca. Each farm was georeferenced and uploaded to a GIS desktop. Then, the
At the local scale, a combined effort amongst cacao farmers, agronomy field workers and a multidisciplinary team of researchers pre-selected a subset of 180 cacao farms as the best cases for future sampling efforts of cacao and other environmental variables from the 1,538 farms. The selected farms were chosen to represent good variability in climate and soil temperature conditions (
A presence-only matrix of tree species (Farm-scale dataset) associated with cacao was presented as part of the agrobiodiversity assessment done across the Arauca climate zones.
Department of Arauca, Colombia. Municipalities: Saravena, Fortul, Tame and Arauquita.
6.97 and 7.00 Latitude; -71.76 and -71.61 Longitude.
Rank | Scientific Name | Common Name |
species | Theobroma cacao L. | Cacao |
species | Cariniana pyriformis Miers. | Abarco |
species | Acacia mangium Willd. | Acacia |
species | Persea americana L. | Aguacate |
species | Eugenia stipitata McVaugh. | Arazá |
species | Borojoa patinoi Cuatrec. | Borojó |
species | Erythrina fusca Lour. | Bucaré ceibo |
species | Erythrina poeppigiana Walp & OF Cook. | Bucaré |
species | Swietenia macrophylla King. | Caoba |
species | Cedrella odorata L. | Cedro |
species | Pachira quinata Jacq. | Ceiba tolúa |
species | Handroanthus chrysanthus Jacq. | Flor amarillo |
species | Annona muricata L. | Guanábana |
genus | Ficus | Higuerón |
species | Spondias mombin L. | Jobo |
species | Leucaena leucocephala Lam. & De Wit | Leucaena |
species | Mangifera indica L. | Mango |
species | Albizia guachapele Kunth & Dugand | Masaguaro - Amusco |
species | Gliricidia sepium Jacq. - Kunth ex Walp. | Matarratón |
species | Gmelina arborea Roxb. | Melina |
species | Citrus sinensis | Naranja |
species | Cordia gerascanthus L. | Nogal cafetero |
species | Artocarpus altilis Parkinson & Fosberg. | Pandeaño |
species | Cordia alliodora Ruiz & Pavon | Pardillo |
genus | Musa | Plátano |
species | Tabebuia rosea Bertol- Bertero ex A. DC. | Roble |
species | Samanea saman Jacq & Merr. | Samán |
species | Tectona grandis L. | Teca |
species | Guarea guidonia C. DC. | Trompillo |
species | Pourouma cecropiifolia Mart. | Uva caimarona |
species | Matisia cordata Bonpl. | Zapote |
Climate and soil temperature data covered the historical period between 1979 and 2020 (
Creative Commons Public Domain Waiver (CC-Zero)
This dataset contains 1,538 occurrences of cacao farms with ID, latitude, longitude, Principal Component Analysis 1 values, municipality name and sampling sites.
Column label | Column description |
ID | Farm Identifier # |
Latitude | Geographic Coordinates. |
Longitude | Geographic Coordinates. |
PCA1 | Principal Component Analysis Axis 1 values. |
Municipality name | Municipios. |
Sampling Sites | Collection sites. |
This dataset conatins 180 occurrences of cacao farms with ID, municipality, latitude, longitude, climate cluster number.
Column label | Column description |
ID | Farm Identifier # |
Municipality | Municipio. |
Latitude | Geographic Coordinates. |
Longitude | Geographic Coordinates. |
Climate cluster # | Number of climate cluster. |
This dataset contains georeferenced occurrences of 30 tree species across 180 farms and climate clusters. A .csv file name species_names is attached to this farm-scale dataset.
Column label | Column description |
Code | Farm ID. |
ID_geo | Farm ID. |
Latitude | Geographic Coordinates. |
Longitude | Geographic Coordinates. |
Cluster | Cluster number. |
Species | Common and scientific name. |
Project title in Spanish: Cacao Regalías Arauca or Sistema General de Regalías SGR Cacao Arauca: implementación de estrategias Agroforestales y vinculación de avances en el manejo agronómico y postcosecha de nuevos clones, para mejorar la productividad y calidad del cacao en el departamento de Arauca. This Project is composed of three technical components: agroforestry, cadmium and post harvesting. The farms' occurrence datasets are available for all components.
This research was financed by the Sistema General de Regalías SGR Arauca, under the SGR Cacao Arauca project and supported by AGROSAVIA (Project number 1001449), FEDECACAO, CIRAD. This project was also supported by the cacao growers and associations of the Municipalities of Saravena, Arauquita, Fortul and Tame. We would like to thank Salvador Rojas, Marcela López Casallas and Ruth Quiroga Mateus.
Draft preparation: CE-GO; Analyses and preparation of climate data: CE-GO, MP, GA-AC; Data preparation of cacao farms occurrences: all listed authors; Visualisation: CE-GO, GA-AC; Review and editing: all listed authors.