Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomy & Inventories
Corresponding author: Iva Njunjić (
Academic editor: Marianna Simões
Received: 24 Jan 2024 | Accepted: 01 Mar 2024 | Published: 15 Mar 2024
© 2024 Sean Otani, Luca Bertoli, Filippo Lucchini, Tom van den Beuken, Desanne Boin, Lehman Ellis, Holm Friedrich, Brittany Jacquot, Sotiris Kountouras, Sarah Lim, Eleonora Nigro, Syafi’ie Su’eif, Wei Harn Tan, Ulmar Grafe, Daniele Cicuzza, Massimo Delledonne, Iva Njunjić, Menno Schilthuizen
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Otani S, Bertoli L, Lucchini F, van den Beuken TPG, Boin D, Ellis L, Friedrich H, Jacquot B, Kountouras S, Lim SR, Nigro E, Su’eif S’ie, Tan WH, Grafe U, Cicuzza D, Delledonne M, Njunjić I, Schilthuizen M (2024) A new, unusually large, Clavicornaltica Scherer, 1974 flea beetle from Borneo, described and sequenced in the field by citizen scientists (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae). Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e119481.
The genus Clavicornaltica Scherer 1974 consists of very small, soil-dwelling flea beetles in South, Southeast and East Asia. Due to their diminutive size and morphological similarities, very little is known about their ecology and taxonomical diversity. It is likely that further studies will reveal this genus to be much more speciose than the 30 species currently recognised.
A new species of Clavicornaltica from Brunei Darussalam is described, C. mataikanensis Otani et al., sp. nov. This is the second species of this genus recorded from Ulu Temburong National Park.
Lowland Dipterocarp rainforest, citizen science, new species, humicole beetles, taxonomy tourism
Since 2017, the ‘scientific travel agency’ Taxon Expeditions has been organising annual expeditions to field centres in Borneo. During these expeditions, a team of taxonomic experts works together with international citizen scientists and local students to teach a mini-field course in tropical biodiversity and to discover, describe and publish one or more species new to science. The general aim of such ‘taxonomy tourism’ (
Whereas most tropical rainforest chrysomelids feed in the canopy or on understorey plants, Clavicornaltica species presumably feed on mosses or even leaf litter on the forest floor, a habitat that, until recently and in contrast to specialists of, for example, Staphylinoidea, was rarely investigated by specialists of chrysomelids (
Morphologically, Clavicornaltica also stands out amongst the Chrysomelidae by having unique clavate-geniculate antennae, which makes them easily recognisable, even to untrained citizen scientists. Not surprisingly, therefore, they have been an easily classifiable element in all leaf-litter sampling and sorting activities on taxon expeditions and we have described two species from previous expeditions: C. sabahensis Schilthuizen et al., 2017 from the 2017 expedition to Maliau Basin, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo (
On the 2023 Borneo expedition, also to Ulu Temburong, Brunei, we found a relatively large number of specimens of Clavicornaltica, both by Winkler extraction and in-flight interception traps. One of these stood out by its large size (ca. 2 mm), close to the maximum known for the genus. As body size in Clavicornaltica appears to vary intraspecifically across only a narrow range (
The sampling site was located on the banks of a mountain stream ca. 60 m above sea level (
The following equipment and techniques were used for morphological examination. With a Nikon SMZ445 microscope fitted with 10× eye pieces, we examined morphological features to a maximum magnification of 35×. Photographs were taken with a Sony Alpha-7RII, fitted with two lenses mounted on top of one another: a Laowa 60 mm 2:1 and a Raynox DCR250. A Twin Macro Flash (model: KuangRen KX-800) was used as the light source in the photographs. Images were extracted and stacked in Helicon Focus (Kharkiv, Ukraine). Spermathecae were dissected and photographed in polyvinylpyrrolidone, an embedding medium (
Tissue samples from the holotype and one paratype underwent genetic analysis in a portable field laboratory, following the previously established methodology (
Following sequencing, the POD5 files generated by the MinION device underwent base-calling using the ONT Preprocessing Pipeline, powered by Guppy 6.5.7, to produce fastq files. These fastq files served as input for the ONTrack2 pipeline (
Clavicornaltica Scherer, 1974 -
Habitus. Body dark reddish-brown, large, length ca. 2.0 mm, width ca. 1.8 mm, ovoid and convex, nearly hemispherical. Antennae and visible parts of legs yellowish-brown when viewed dorsally. Head slightly lighter than pronotum and elytra.
Head. Rectangular, moderately covered in light punctures. Antennae capitate; clava ca. 0.3 mm, posterior surface straight, uncurved; anterior surface convexly curved; clava segment 1 as long as wide, segments 2-4 slightly wider than long, segment 5 longer than wide. Eyes convex, ca. 1/7 the width of the head measured across the eyes in dorsal view, each eye consisting of 30-40 ommatidia.
Pronotum. Posterior width ca. 1.1 mm when viewed from above; shiny, slightly duller than the elytra; marginal groove running from the anterior ventral region to ca. 3/5 of the height of the posterior margin, widening posteriorly before narrowing and terminating. Medium to thick scattering of shallow punctures across entire surface. A large setiferous pore ca. 3/4 down the length of the lateral margin with a seta ca. 1.3 times the length of the antennal clava.
Elytra. Striae somewhat irregular, the puctures of the lateral striae deepest, becoming very shallow and indistinct on the more dorsal striae. A narrow groove runs along the dorsal side of the lateral margin of the elytra, deepest anterior, dissipating towards the apex.
Hind wings. Absent.
Abdomen. Majority of abdominal surfaces the same colour as the dorsum, in some parts slightly lighter, pygidium lighter. Upper inside-margin of second abdominal sternite with a series of deep punctures and an acutely raised carina in the shape of an inverted ‘Y’.
Spermatheca. Receptacle 0.29 mm long, J-shaped, fairly uniform in width, slightly thinner towards the top; pump indistinct from receptacle; duct uniform in width and U-shaped where it is attached at the top of the receptacle, ca. ¼ the width of the receptacle, then becoming thinner, entire duct ca. ¾ the length of the receptacle, a bulbous attachment at the terminus of the U-shaped section at the point at which the duct becomes thinner. There is some intraspecific variability visible between the two spermathecae that we dissected (Fig.
Male genitalia. Unknown
Body dark reddish-brown, large, length ca. 2.0 mm, width ca. 1.8 mm, ovoid and convex, nearly hemispherical. Antennae and visible parts of legs yellowish-brown when viewed dorsally. Head slightly lighter than pronotum and elytra. Eyes ca. 1/7 the width of the head in dorsal view. Scutellum small, triangular. Elytra with punctate rows, deeper laterally becoming shallower dorsally (Figs
As is customary on our Taxon Expeditions, the name for the new species was decided during a voting session on the last night of the expedition. The proposal which won the most votes was to name it after the stream that runs through the small ravine where the specimens were found, namely Sungai (stream) Mata Ikan. We therefore decided to name it Clavicornaltica mataikanensis sp. nov. Due to the large number of authors, following Recommendation 51C of the Code (
Known only from the leaf litter on the banks of a small section of the Mata Ikan Stream (Sungai Mata Ikan), between the upper and lower waterfalls where the Ashton Trail crosses the stream (approximately 100 m upstream from where the Mata Ikan Stream enters the Belalong River).
All specimens were collected on the ground, within several metres on either side of the stream. The Mata Ikan Stream flows through a steep ravine shaded by large trees (e.g. Dipterocarpaceae) with the banks covered in a diversity of saplings, ferns and monocots.
Differential comparisons were made with all known species of Clavicornaltica of similar size and in geographical proximity (geographical distances were calculated in Clavicornaltica mataikanensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from the syntopic C. belalongensis Schilthuizen et al., 2019 by the former's larger size and strongly different female genitalia: shorter and pear-shaped (
We thank Universiti Brunei Darussalam faculty Hussein Haji Taha, Siti Rafhiah Haji Abdul Kahar, Rodzay Haji Abdul Wahab, Ferry Slik and Joeri Strijk for their commitment to the Taxon Expeditions collaboration and for teaching part of the field course. We thank supervisors Teddy Chua and Joremy Tony and their staff for all the support and assistance at Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre.
All authors, except MD, participated in the leaf-litter sieving and collecting the specimens. MS, LE, SS and TWH sorted the material. MS, EN and SO carried out the morphological examinations. EN produced the drawings. IN, MS, SO, HF and EN edited the images. LB and FL performed the genetic analyses. HF took the photographs. TWH and SL wrote the habitat and methods descriptions. All authors, except MD, participated in the naming of the new species. MD, IN, MS, SO, SL and TWH conceived and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the manuscript.