Biodiversity Data Journal : Data Paper (Biosciences)
Data Paper (Biosciences)
Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Faial Island, Azores
expand article infoDavid Milla-Figueras‡,§, Ana Isabel Neto|, Fernando Tempera§, Ignacio Moreu, Afonso C. L. Prestes#, Roberto Resendes¤, Raul M.A. Neto«, Ian Tittley», Pedro Afonso‡,§
‡ Okeanos / Institute of Marine Sciences; University of the Azores, Horta, Portugal
§ IMAR-Institute of Marine Research, University of the Azores, Horta, Portugal
| Universidade dos Açores, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Departamento de Biologia and Grupo de Investigação Aquática Insular, IBBC-GBA/cE3c, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
¶ Universidad de Málaga. Instituto andaluz de Biotecnología y Desarrollo Azul (IBYDA). Centro Experimental Grice Hutchinson. Lomas de San Julián, 2 29004, Málaga, Spain
# Universidade dos Açores, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Departamento de Biologia and Grupo de Investigação Aquática Insular, IBBC-GBA/cE3c, Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal
¤ Universidade dos Açores, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Departamento de Biologia, Rua da Mãe de Deus, 13-A, 9500-321, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
« n/a, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
» Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, SW7 5BD, London, United Kingdom
Open Access



A comprehensive checklist of the marine flora from Faial Island, mid-north Atlantic, is still unavailable, despite the numerous works that gathered data around its coasts for over 150 years. This study brings together and harmonises all macroalgae collections and taxonomical records from multiple projects and teams over the last thirty years.

The result is a list of taxonomic records and georeferenced species occurrence data that substantially increases our knowledge of the coastal Azorean marine biodiversity while providing key information for future ecological studies and to support local, marine management and conservation.

New information

A total of 2283 specimens belonging to 118 taxa of macroalgae are registered here, comprising 61 Rhodophyta, 26 Chlorophyta, 30 Ochrophyta (Phaeophyceae) and one Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria). From these, 26 taxa are identified only at the genus level and 92 to species level (47 Rhodophyta, 21 Chlorophyta and 24 Ochrophyta). The list comprises 75 native species, 12 records of uncertain origin and five introductions (Caulerpa prolifera (Forsskål) J.V.Lamouroux, Caulerpa webbiana Montagne, Hydroclathrus tilesii (Endlicher) Santiañez & M.J.Wynne, Asparagopsis armata Harvey and Symphyocladia marchantioides (Harvey) Falkenberg). Codium elisabethiae O.C.Schmidt represents the only Macaronesian endemism known on the Island. Twenty-three species are newly recorded to the algal flora of the Island.


macroalgae, taxonomical records, new records, georeferenced occurrence data


Despite its isolated position in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, the Azores Archipelago holds a diverse marine flora, sharing species with the other Macaronesian archipelagos (Madeira, Savages, Canary and Cabo Verde), the two continental coasts across the North-Atlantic Basin and the Mediterranean Sea (Tittley 2003, Tittley and Neto 2006, Wallenstein et al. 2009). Its flora is considered cosmopolitan and relatively rich when compared to other isolated islands (Neto et al. 2005, Tittley and Neto 2005, Wallenstein et al. 2009). It is the second richest Archipelago in seaweed diversity within Macaronesia, with over 400 recorded species (Freitas 2019) and new records have been added to the known flora after each floristic research (Neto et al. 2022).

With the aim of summarising the present knowledge on macroalgal diversity and occurrences on the Azores, Neto and co-workers recently published a series of data papers (Neto et al. 2020a, Neto et al. 2020b, Neto et al. 2020c, Neto et al. 2021a, Neto et al. 2021b, Neto et al. 2021c) that detail the floristic knowledge throughout the Archipelago (see Table 1). Our work is the latest and last in this series, providing an up-to-date inventory of Faial Island’s marine flora, based upon 30 years of surveys.

Table 1.

Number of macroalgal species on the Azores Islands (Neto et al. 2020a, Neto et al. 2020b, Neto et al. 2020c, Neto et al. 2021a, Neto et al. 2021b, Neto et al. 2021c and authors' unpublished data).

Phyllum Santa Maria São Miguel Terceira Graciosa São Jorge Pico Faial Flores Corvo
Rhodophyta 102 212 73 126 35 142 59 80 22
Chlorophyta 29 48 24 31 17 41 16 22 8
Ochrophyta 44 63 16 38 10 42 8 26 13
Total 175 323 113 195 62 225 83 128 43

Despite recent efforts, the study of marine flora amongst the Azores Islands is not uniform with consequences to the species richness values obtained for the different islands (Table 1). São Miguel, the largest Island in the Archipelago and where an active marine botanical team has been based since the 1980s, leads the list with 323 species and is by far the best studied Island (Neto et al. 2021c).

Our work presents both physical and occurrence data and information gathered from macroalgae surveys undertaken around Faial Island largely by the OKEANOS Centre of the University of the Azores (Link:, formerly Department of Oceanography and Fisheries and by the Island Aquatic Research Group of the Azorean Biodiversity Centre of the University of the Azores (Link: In these surveys, particular attention was given to the small filamentous and thin sheet-like forms that are often short-lived and fast-growing and usually very difficult to identify without a lab microscope and specialised literature.

The paper aims to provide a valuable marine biological reference for research on systematics, diversity and conservation, biological monitoring, climate change, ecology and other applied studies.

General description


In this work, we present macroalgae taxonomic records for Faial Island and general information on their occurrence and distribution. By doing so, we are contributing to address several biodiversity shortfalls (see Cardoso et al. 2011, Hortal et al. 2015), namely the need to catalogue the Azorean macroalgae (Linnean shortfall), to improve the current information on their local and regional geographic distribution (Wallacean shortfall) and to understand species abundance patterns and dynamics in space (Prestonian shortfall).

Additional information: 

Additional information on these data may be requested from the first author.

Project description


Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Faial Island, Azores


Collections and data recording were done by David Milla-Figueras, Ana Isabel Neto, Fernando Tempera, Ignacio Moreu, Afonso C. L. Prestes, Roberto Resendes, Raul M. A. Neto, Ian Tittley, Pedro Afonso, Célia Albuquerque, Norberto Serpa, Gustavo Martins, Maria Vale, Steve Hawkins, Isabel Lima, João Brum, Sara Vanessa Santos, João Gonçalves, Andrea Zita Botelho and Rodrigues Marcos between 1990 and 2018.

Preliminary in situ identifications were carried out by: David Milla-Figueras, Ana Isabel Neto, Fernando Tempera, Sara Vanessa Santos, Afonso C. L. Prestes, Ian Tittley, Gustavo Martins and Andrea Zita Botelho.

David Milla-Figueras, Ana Isabel Neto, Ian Tittley and Fernando Tempera were responsible for the final species identification.

Voucher specimen management was mainly undertaken by David Milla-Figueras, Ana Isabel Neto, Fernando Tempera, Afonso C. L. Prestes, Roberto Resendes, Ian Tittley and Andrea Zita Botelho.

Study area description: 

Faial Island is located at the western end of the Azores’ central island group (38°39′12″N, 28°50′41″W, Fig. 1). The Island is 21 km long along an east-west direction and 14 km wide in a north-south direction, with an area of 173 km². As in the remaining Azorean Islands, the climate is temperate oceanic, with regular and abundant rainfall, high levels of relative humidity and persistent winds, mainly during winter and autumn (Morton et al. 1998). The Island is fringed by a narrow (avg. 2.5 km) shelf that attains its broadest point on the ca. 8 km passage that separates it from the neighbouring Pico Island (Tempera 2008). The tidal range is small (maximum 1.5 m, Instituto Hidrográfico 1981) and coasts are subjected to strong oceanic swells throughout the year. With an extension of approximately 80 km, the island coastline has several bays and small sandy beaches, flanked by rocky cliffs. Intertidal rocky platforms, with variable widths and sometimes dissected by channels and gullies, can be found in a few locations (e.g. Feteira, Capelinhos, Porto da Eira) and are mostly easily accessible from land (authors, pers. observ.).

Figure 1.  

The Azores Archipelago, its location in the North Atlantic and Faial Island highlighted in black.

The rocky-shore communities of Faial Island, like all others in the Archipelago, are macroalgae-dominated at both intertidal and shallow subtidal levels (Tittley and Neto 1994, Neto and Tittley 1995). A distinct intertidal zonation pattern is evident with a higher zone dominated by littorinids, followed by the upper zone of the mid-littoral where chthamalid barnacles in which patches of fringes of the algae Fucus spiralis Linnaeus and Gelidium microdon Kützing may occur (Fig. 2). This is followed by the lower zone of the mid-littoral, covered by algal turfs composed either by soft algae (e.g. Centroceras sp., Chondracanthus sp.) and/or by articulate calcareous ones (e.g. Corallina sp. and Jania sp., Fig. 3). The lower intertidal zone is mainly dominated by calcareous and non-calcareous encrusting species (notably crustose Corallinaceae and Codium adhaerens C.Agardh) often interspersed with articulated coralline species, such as Ellisolandia elongata (J. Ellis & Solander) K.R.Hind & G.W.Saunders and corticated macrophytes, such as Pterocladiella capillacea (S.G.Gmelin) Santelices & Hommersand (Neto et al. 2005).

Figure 2.  

Patches of fringes of the algae Fucus spiralis in the upper zone of the mid-littoral.

Figure 3.  

Corallina officinalis Linnaeus represents one of the common articulated calcareous algae in the mid-littoral zone.

In the subtidal zone, rocky bottoms are mainly covered by algal turfs where calcareous and/or non-calcareous macroalgae fronds form short, dense multispecific mats (Tempera et al. 2013). The first 10 m are commonly colonised by Pterocladiella capillacea, Dictyota spp. and Halopteris filicina (Grateloup) Kützing. Dense stands of Codium elisabethiae are found in sheltered areas between 10 and 25 m depth in the southeast of the Island (Tempera 2008). Zonaria tournefortii (J.V.Lamouroux) Montagne (Fig. 4) dominates between 15 and 30 m, although facies of Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy can be found in well-lit areas, such as Baixa do Sul. Deeper infra-littoral areas (around 40 m) are often characterised by Halopteris filicina and the rarer Dictyopteris polypodioides (De Candolle) J.V.Lamouroux, Carpomitra costata (Stackhouse) Batters or Sporochnus pedunculatus (Hudson) C.Agardh (Milla-Figueras, pers.observ.).

Figure 4.  

The brown algae Zonaria tournefortii at the subtidal level.

Caulerpa webbiana and C. prolifera are examples of recent introductions detected over the last two decades (Cardigos et al. 2006, Amat 2008, Cacabelos et al. 2019). Caulerpa webbiana, in particular, have been steadily expanding around Faial and neighbouring coasts since it was first recorded (Fig. 5), although, since 2021, it has been replaced by the invasive species Rugulopteryx okamurae (E.Y.Dawson) I.K.Hwang, W.J.Lee & H.S.Kim (Milla-Figueras, pers.observ.).

Figure 5.  

Introduced species Caulerpa webbiana on Faial Island's south-eastern coast.

Design description: 

The algae were sampled during surveys conducted under various IMAR-DOP/Okeanos projects (1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2018), as well as during a few visits to the Island made by the IBBC-GBA/cE3c group in the years 1990, 1999, 2006 and 2013. Sampling was mainly done by SCUBA divers at subtidal level in various locations spread around the Island and sporadically at the intertidal level (Fig. 6) targeting intertidal platforms at low tide. All specimens collected by the IBBCGBA/cE3c group were given an individual registration number and vouchers were deposited at the AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha, based at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores. Specimens collected by IMAR-DOP/Okeanos were also stored in vouchers with an individual registration number at the DOP Herbarium, University of the Azores.

Figure 6.  

Faial Island showing sampling locations.


This study was mainly financed by the following projects/scientific expeditions:

  • Portuguese National Funds, through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within the projects UID/BIA/00329/2019 and UID/BIA/00329/2020-2023;
  • Portuguese Regional Funds, through DRCT – Direção Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia, within several projects, since 2013;
  • CIRN/DB/UAc (Research Centre for Natural Resources, Universidade dos Açores, Departamento de Biologia);
  • CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, Porto, Portugal);
  • MARÉ (Life-Nature B4-3200/98/509);
  • OGAMP (INTERREG IIIb— MAC/4.2/A2 2001);
  • MARMAC (INTERREG IIIb—03/MAC/4.2/A2 2004);
  • BALA – “Elaboration of the implementation program of the marine strategy framework directive - biodiversity of the coastal environments of the Azores” (2 /DRAM /2015), funded by the Government of the Azores - Regional Secretariat for the Sea, Science and Technology, Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs, GRA /SRMCT-DRAM;
  • MoniZEC-ARP - Monitorização de Áreas Marinhas Protegidas dos Açores com Regulamentação de Restrição à Pesca (30/DRAM/2018), funded by the Government of the Azores - Regional Secretariat for the Sea, Science and Technology, Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs, GRA /SRMCT-DRAM;
  • Seaforest Portugal Project (FA_06_2017_067), supported by the Portuguese Government grant Fundo Azul;
  • RESTORESEAS – Marine Forests of animals, plants and algae: nature-based tools to protect and restore biodiversity (Ref M2.2/RESTORESEAS/002/2022) funded through the joint 2019-2020 Biodiversa & Water JPI joint call for research proposals, under the BiodivRestore ERA-net COFUND programme and with Regional Science and Technology Fund of the Azores (FRCT);
  • MoniCO Programme – “Azores Coastal Resources and Environmental Monitoring Program”, SRMCT/DRP. IMAR.

Sampling methods


Sampling and collections were performed at intertidal and subtidal levels down to approximately 40 m around the Faial Island (Table 2, Fig. 6).

Table 2.

Information and location of sampling sites on Faial Island.

Location N Location ID Municipality Locality Latitude Longitude Littoral zone
1 FAI_H_BN Horta Baixa do Norte 38.548503 -28.572914 Subtidal
2 FAI_H_BS Horta Baixa do Sul 38.497737 -28.592802 Subtidal
3 FAI_H_Cpc Horta Capelinhos|Porto Comprido 38.591696 -28.82786 Intertidal
4 FAI_H_CBpi Horta Castelo Branco|Piscinas 38.518186 -28.725545 Intertidal
5 FAI_H_Fp Horta Feteira|Porto 38.52325 -28.67036 Intertidal
6 FAI_H_Hpd Horta Horta|Ponta da Doca 38.524268 -28.620946 Subtidal
7 FAI_H_Hpa Horta Horta|Praia da Alagoa 38.543115 -28.618633 Intertidal
8 FAI_H_MGbi Horta Monte da Guia|Baía interna 38.517818 -28.626165 Intertidal
9 FAI_H_PPbem Horta Porto Pim|Baía|Entre-marés 38.5258827 -28.626551 Intertidal
10 FAI_H_Pem Horta Pasteleiro|Entre-marés 38.524456 -28.632701 Intertidal
11 FAI_H_PPr Horta Porto Pim|Rampa de varagem 38.5263 -28.628352 Intertidal
12 FAI_H_PA Horta Praia do Almoxarife 38.556763 -28.609026 Intertidal
13 FAI_H_PNf Horta Praia do Norte|Fajã 38.610399 -28.7582 Intertidal
14 FAI_H_Sp Horta Salão|Porto 38.625731 -28.658197 Intertidal
15 FAI_H_SCc Horta Santa Cruz|Cais 38.531075 -28.626295 Intertidal
16 FAI_H_Vpic Horta Varadouro|Piscina|canal 38.564297 -28.774541 Intertidal
17 FAI_H_Vp Horta Varadouro|Porto 38.564141 -28.773566 Intertidal
18 FAI_H_Vpr Horta Varadouro|Porto|rampa de varagem 38.566167 -28.770433 Intertidal
19 FAI_H_BC Horta Baía da Cabra 38.516795 -28.630027 Subtidal
20 FAI_H_PFF Horta Ponta Furada (fora) 38.520394 -28.657772 Subtidal
21 FAI_H_CF Horta Caldeirinha de Fora 38.516292 -28.626644 Subtidal
22 FAI_H_P Horta Pasteleiro 38.52359 -28.636438 Subtidal
23 FAI_H_E Horta Espalamaca 38.541091 -28.604817 Subtidal
24 FAI_H_IPP Horta Ilhéus de Porto Pim 38.518833 -28.63373 Subtidal
25 FAI_H_IPS Horta Ilhéu Pequeno S 38.519819 -28.632242 Subtidal
26 FAI_H_IPW Horta Ilhéu Pequeno W 38.519839 -28.632567 Subtidal
27 FAI_H_IPN Horta Ilhéu Pequeno N 38.520167 -28.632217 Subtidal
28 FAI_H_IN Horta Ilhéu Negro 38.520961 -28.631222 Subtidal
29 FAI_H_BE Horta Baía de Entre-Montes 38.524084 -28.622656 Subtidal
30 FAI_H_TA Horta Tomates do Almeida 38.517137 -28.632363 Subtidal
31 FAI_H_FSS Horta Forte de S. Sebastião 38.523447 -28.630946 Subtidal
32 FAI_H_MCB Horta Morro de Castelo Branco 38.523923 -28.754064 Subtidal
33 FAI_H_CD Horta Caldeirinha de Dentro 38.518333 -28.6275 Subtidal
34 FAI_H_FE Horta Feteira Este 38.519683 -28.66605 Subtidal
35 FAI_H_CBA Horta Castelo Branco: Aeroporto 38.517571 -28.699626 Subtidal
36 FAI_H_BCB Horta Baixa de Castelo Branco 38.518746 -28.750053 Subtidal
37 FAI_H_PP Horta Porto Pim 38.522551 -28.629359 Subtidal
38 FAI_H_PRN Horta Ponta dos Radares (N) 38.51907 -28.619117 Subtidal
39 FAI_H_MGL Horta Monte da Guia: Costa Leste, à saída da furna Norte 38.516558 -28.620925 Subtidal
40 FAI_H_PG Horta Ponta das Garças 38.517778 -28.632684 Subtidal
41 FAI_H_BF Horta Baixa da Feteira 38.518397 -28.677222 Subtidal
42 FAI_H_CNE2 Horta Capelinhos: Limite Nordeste do SIC 38.601133 -28.8086 Subtidal
43 FAI_H_CPW Horta Capelinhos (Ponta W, Porta dos Piratas) 38.60485 -28.834033 Subtidal
44 FAI_H_CNW Horta Capelinhos: Ponta NW 38.602862 -28.836063 Subtidal
45 FAI_H_CNE1 Horta Capelinhos: Limite NE do SIC entre o Ilhéu e a zona dos paralelipípedos 38.611333 -28.8086 Subtidal
46 FAI_H_MCBLE Horta Morro de Castelo Branco (lado Este) 38.5217 -28.749333 Subtidal
47 FAI_H_MCBEL Horta Morro de Castelo Branco (extremo Leste, limite do SIC) 38.519733 -28.735217 Subtidal
48 FAI_H_MCBFL Horta Morro de Castelo Branco (Fora do Limite Este do SIC) 38.519169 -28.730413 Subtidal
49 FAI_H_MCBFS Horta Morro de Castelo Branco - Face Sul 38.521902 -28.75166 Subtidal
50 FAI_H_MCBZS Horta Morro de Castelo Branco - Zona Sul 38.521883 -28.75195 Subtidal
51 FAI_H_IZS Horta Ilhéu da Zona Sul do SIC dos Capelinhos 38.595317 -28.831767 Subtidal
52 FAI_H_CS Horta Capelinhos (lado Sul) 38.59785 -28.83365 Subtidal
53 FAI_H_MCBNE Horta Morro de Castelo Branco (NE) 38.525467 -28.752583 Subtidal
54 FAI_H_BR Horta Baía dos Radares 38.518475 -28.620303 Subtidal
55 FAI_H_PF Horta Ponta Furada 38.522153 -28.656906 Subtidal
56 FAI_H_PPM Horta Porto de Pedro Miguel 38.566852 -28.606463 Subtidal
57 FAI_H_PPMN Horta Porto de Pedro Miguel N 38.567175 -28.605564 Subtidal
58 FAI_H_PPMSW Horta Porto de Pedro Miguel (rochas a sw do portinho) 38.566795 -28.606956 Subtidal
59 FAI_H_PM Horta Pedro Miguel (na restinga a N da cascata) 38.5754 -28.606883 Subtidal
60 FAI_H_MGE Horta Monte da Guia: costa Leste gruta N 38.516847 -28.621633 Subtidal
61 FAI_H_EN Horta Espalamaca (N) 38.550727 -28.6046 Subtidal
62 FAI_H_RP Horta Ribeirinha (porto) 38.5905 -28.60005 Subtidal
63 FAI_H_CF1 Horta Caldeirinha de fora (Replic.1) 38.517367 -28.626085 Subtidal
64 FAI_H_CF2 Horta Caldeirinha de fora (Replic.2) 38.517267 -28.625733 Subtidal
65 FAI_H_CF3 Horta Caldeirinha de fora (Replic.3) 38.51695 -28.625483 Subtidal
66 FAI_H_BEM2 Horta Baía de Entre-Montes 38.522167 -28.620633 Subtidal
67 FAI_H_BEMD Horta Baía de Entre-Montes (dentro) 38.523211 -28.623616 Subtidal
68 FAI_H_C4 Horta Caldeirinhas 4 38.5171 -28.62685 Subtidal
69 FAI_H_BEM3 Horta Baía de Entre-Montes 38.524025 -28.621781 Subtidal
70 FAI_H_PF1 Horta Ponta Furada 1 38.52125 -28.655817 Subtidal
71 FAI_H_C5 Horta Caldeirinhas 5 38.5171 -28.62685 Subtidal
72 FAI_H_C6 Horta Caldeirinhas 6 38.5171 -28.62685 Subtidal
73 FAI_H_PR Horta Ponta dos Radares 38.518517 -28.619683 Subtidal
74 FAI_H_PPIN2 Horta Porto Pim - Ilhéu Negro 2 38.5215 -28.630917 Subtidal
75 FAI_H_P1 Horta Pasteleiro 1 38.52425 -28.63935 Subtidal
76 FAI_H_P2 Horta Pasteleiro 2 38.521567 -28.652217 Subtidal
77 FAI_H_P3 Horta Pasteleiro 3 38.521517 -28.650133 Subtidal
78 FAI_H_P4 Horta Pasteleiro 4 38.521883 -28.648617 Subtidal
79 FAI_H_PMN Horta Pedro Miguel N 38.575367 -28.604783 Subtidal
80 FAI_H_VW Horta Varadouro (Baía a w das piscinas) 38.563933 -28.776733 Subtidal
81 FAI_H_CNF1 Horta Costa N Faial (inhames) 38.6064 -28.6146 Subtidal
82 FAI_H_CNF2 Horta Costa N Faial (inhames) 38.606817 -28.613583 Subtidal
83 FAI_H_CNF3 Horta Costa N Faial (inhames) 38.6071 -28.614 Subtidal
84 FAI_H_CBW Horta Castelo Branco: a W das Piscinas 38.517817 -28.727217 Subtidal
85 FAI_H_PPE Horta Porto Pim - E 38.522117 -28.630367 Subtidal
86 FAI_H_PNL Horta Praia do Norte (lixeira) 38.614117 -28.76845 Subtidal
87 FAI_H_SE Horta Salão E 38.625656 -28.655194 Subtidal
88 FAI_H_F4 Horta Feteira 38.521367 -28.669167 Subtidal
89 FAI_H_V2 Horta Varadouro 2 38.545783 -28.754833 Subtidal
90 FAI_H_IF Horta Ilhéus da Feteira 38.518733 -28.679167 Subtidal
91 FAI_H_BEM1 Horta Baía de Entre-Montes 38.521817 -28.620417 Subtidal
92 FAI_H_F2 Horta Feteira 38.520033 -28.679117 Subtidal
93 FAI_H_F3 Horta Feteira 38.520167 -28.6763 Subtidal
94 FAI_H_FVF Horta Farol do Vale Formoso 38.580933 -28.816833 Subtidal
95 FAI_H_R Horta Ribeirinha 38.590414 -28.597903 Subtidal
96 FAI_H_PM1 Horta Pedro Miguel 38.569417 -28.602217 Subtidal
97 FAI_H_PM2 Horta Pedro Miguel 38.572483 -28.60365 Subtidal
98 FAI_H_PF2 Horta Ponta Furada 38.52125 -28.662017 Subtidal
99 FAI_H_PF3 Horta Ponta Furada 38.521767 -28.658017 Subtidal
100 FAI_H_F1 Horta Feteira 38.5195 -28.6823 Subtidal
101 FAI_H_IN3 Horta Ilhéu Negro 38.5211833 -28.630933 Subtidal
102 FAI_H_IN2 Horta Ilhéu Negro 38.5202333 -28.631483 Subtidal
103 FAI_H_R2 Horta Radares 38.5194833 -28.6195 Subtidal
104 FAI_H_R1 Horta Radares 38.5190333 -28.618983 Subtidal
105 FAI_H_IN4 Horta Ilhéu Negro 38.52135 -28.630583 Subtidal
106 FAI_H_IN1 Horta Ilhéu Negro 38.5201833 -28.631617 Subtidal
107 FAI_H_D3 Horta Doca 38.5291333 -28.620883 Subtidal
108 FAI_H_D1 Horta Doca 38.5281333 -28.620983 Subtidal
109 FAI_H_D2 Horta Doca 38.5287167 -28.620933 Subtidal
110 FAI_H_CF4 Horta Caldeirinha de Fora 38.5168333 -28.627633 Subtidal
111 FAI_H_L1 Horta Lajinha 38.52005 -28.667867 Subtidal
112 FAI_H_L2 Horta Lajinha 38.5208 -28.667117 Subtidal
113 FAI_H_BEM Horta Baia Entremontes 38.52115 -28.620117 Subtidal
114 FAI_H_R3 Horta Radares 38.5190838 -28.619316 Subtidal
115 FAI_H_R6 Horta Radares 38.5193386 -28.619061 Subtidal
116 FAI_H_R4 Horta Radares 38.5192113 -28.619189 Subtidal
117 FAI_H_R5 Horta Radares 38.5192486 -28.619151 Subtidal
118 FAI_H_CF6 Horta Caldeirinha de Fora 38.5171817 -28.625752 Subtidal
119 FAI_H_CF5 Horta Caldeirinha de Fora 38.5171667 -28.625767 Subtidal
120 FAI_H_BR2 Horta Baía dos Radares2 38.519333 -28.62 Subtidal
121 FAI_H_CB Horta Castelo Branco 38.518468 -28.725933 Intertidal
122 FAI_H_BQ Horta Baía Quadrada 38.518 -28.634 Subtidal
123 FAI_H_PE Horta Porto da Eira 38.63461 -28.674311 Intertidal
124 FAI_H_CRS Horta Costa Ribeirinha-Salão 38.606299 -28.614249 Subtidal
125 FAI_H_PM3 Horta Pedro Miguel 38.572441 -28.603977 Subtidal
126 FAI_H_MGF Horta Fora do Monte da Guia 38.514412 -28.615878 Subtidal
127 FAI_H_PE2 Horta Porto da Eira 38.6346 -28.674314 Subtidal
Sampling description: 

Intertidal collections were made at low tide by walking along the shores. Subtidal collections were made by scuba diving. Sampling encompassed both physical collections and species presence records. For the former, collections were made manually in each sampling location by scraping off one or two specimens of all different species found into previously labelled bags. The species presence records were gathered by registering all species present in the sampling locations visited (Fig. 7). Complementary data, for example, shore level (high, mid, low), orientation, type of substrate (bedrock, boulders, cobbles, mixed) and habitat (tide pool, open rock, gully, crevice, cave) were also recorded.

Figure 7.  

Diver surveying the presence and coverage of macroalgal species on subtidal rocky habitat.

Quality control: 

To identify each sampled taxon we used: 1) morphological observations of the whole specimens with the naked eye and 2) slide preparations examined using dissecting and compound microscopes. This allowed characterisation of diagnosing structures as described in literature and comparison with descriptions from other locations. In more difficult cases, specimens were sent to experts for identification.

Step description: 

In the laboratory, the specimens were accommodated, sorted and studied following standard procedures used in macroalgae identification.

Species identification was based on morphological and anatomical characters and reproductive structures. Identifying the small and simple thallus required the observation of the entire thallus with the naked eye and/or using dissecting and compound microscopes. For large and more complex algae, the investigation of the thallus anatomy required histological work to obtain longitudinal and transverse sections needed for the observation of cells, reproductive structures and other diagnosing characteristics.

Various floras and keys from neighbouring territories and biogeographic regions were used for species identification, namely Schmidt 1931, Taylor 1967, Levring 1974, Dixon and Irvine 1977, Taylor 1978, Lawson and John 1982, Anonymous 1983, Gayral and Cosson 1986, Fletcher 1987, Afonso-Carrillo and Sansón 1989, Burrows 1991, Boudouresque et al. 1992, Cabioc'h et al. 1992, Maggs and Hommersand 1993, Irvine and Chamberlain 1994, Brodie et al. 2007, Lloréns et al. 2012, Rodríguez-Prieto et al. 2013.

For more critical and taxonomically difficult taxa, specimens were taken to the Natural History Museum (London) for comparison with collections there or sent to appropriate specialists.

A reference collection was made for all specimens collected by giving them a herbarium code number and depositing them at the AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha, University of Azores. Depending on the species and further planned research, different types of collections were made, namely: (i) liquid collections using 5% buffered formaldehyde seawater and then replacing it with Kew (Bridsen and Forman 1999); (ii) dried collections, either by pressing the algae (most species) following the method described by Gayral and Cosson (1986) or by letting them air dry (calcareous species); and (iii) silica collections.

Nomenclatural and taxonomic status used here follow Algaebase (Guiry and Guiry 2021). The database was organised on FileMaker Pro.

Geographic coverage


Faial Island, Azores, Macaronesia, Portugal (approximately 38°39′12″N 28°50′41″W).


38.489 and 38.653 Latitude; -28.845 and -28.5589 Longitude.

Taxonomic coverage


All macroalgae were identified to genus or species level. In total, 118 taxa were identified belonging to 24 orders and 50 families, distributed by the phyla Rhodophyta (12 orders and 31 families), Chlorophyta (4 orders and 8 families), Ochrophyta (7 orders and 10 families) and Cyanobacteria (1 order and 1 family).

Taxa included:
Rank Scientific Name Common Name
phylum Rhodophyta Red algae
phylum Chlorophyta Green algae
kingdom Ochrophyta Brown algae
kingdom Cyanobacteria Cyanophyta

Temporal coverage


The sampling was performed on multiple fields studied between 1990 and 2018.

Collection data

Collection name: 
AZB|Marine macroalgae collection of Faial Island-Occasional sampling; DOP|Marine macroalgae occurrence of Faial Island (Azores)-Project BALA; DOP|Marine macroalgae occurrence of Faial Island (Azores)-Project MARÉ; DOP|Marine macroalgae occurrence of Faial Island (Azores)-Project MARMAC; DOP|Marine macroalgae occurrence of Faial Island (Azores)-Project MONIZEC-ARP; DOP|Marine macroalgae occurrence of Faial Island (Azores)-Project OGAMP; DOP|Marine macroalgae collection of Faial Island-Occasional sampling.
Collection identifier: 
9fdfcab6-69d9-45bc-8210-b9b91eef474f; 1b1bd2dc-3c74-4467-b620-b663789826b5; 2aad17d8-428d-42ca-b22d-ab51c5dbcd2b; e0e7c8f9-56c4-4302-8db3-45e52af9f822; 0ac2d400-8e09-4d70-9f4c-a7d1ee50b478; ce6485b1-82ed-44ea-80e4-276fa4aee65b; a791eabf-5003-492d-be2e-69d921f9840f
Parent collection identifier: 
AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores; n/a; n/a; n/a; n/a; n/a; DOP Herbarium, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores.
Specimen preservation method: 
Specimens were preserved as follows: air-dry, dried and pressed; liquid (Formalin; Alcohol), silica.
Curatorial unit: 
AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores and DOP Herbarium, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores.

Usage licence

Usage licence: 
Creative Commons Public Domain Waiver (CC-Zero)

Data resources

Data package title: 
Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Faial Island, Azores
Number of data sets: 
Data set name: 
Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Faial Island, Azores
Character set: 
Download URL:
Data format: 
Darwin Core Archive
Data format version: 

The dataset table includes all the records for which a taxonomic identification of the species was possible. The dataset submitted to GBIF is structured as a sample event dataset, with two tables: event (as core) and occurrences (abundance data). The data in this sampling event resource have been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwCA), a standardised format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data file contains 162 records (eventID). The data and resource metadata are available for download from Milla-Figueras et al. (2024).

Column label Column description
eventID Identifier of the event, unique for the dataset.
country Country of the sampling site.
country code Code of the country where the event occurred.
stateProvince Name of the region.
island Name of the island.
municipality Name of the municipality.
locality Name of the locality.
locationID Identifier of the location.
decimalLatitude The geographic latitude of the sampling site.
decimalLongitude The geographic longitude of the sampling site.
geodeticDatum The spatial reference system upon which the geographic coordinates are based.
eventDate Time interval when the event occurred.
Year The year of the event.
samplingProtocol Sampling method used during an event.
locationRemarks Zonation level.
minimumDepthInMetres The minimum depth in metres where the specimen was found.
maximumDepthInMetres The maximum depth in metres where the specimen was found.
eventRemarks Notes about the event.
Data set name: 
Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Faial Island, Azores
Character set: 
Data format: 
Darwin Core Archive
Data format version: 

The dataset table includes all the records for which a taxonomic identification of the species was possible. The dataset submitted to GBIF is structured as a sample event dataset, with two tables: event (as core) and occurrences (abundance data). The data in this sampling event resource have been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwCA), a standardised format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data file contains 2283 records (occurrenceID). The data and resource metadata are available for download from Milla-Figueras et al. (2024).

Column label Column description
occurrenceID Identifier of the record, coded as a global unique identifier.
institutionID The identifier for the institution having custody of the object or information referred to in the record.
institutionCode The acronym of the institution having custody of the object or information referred to in the record.
collectionID An identifier of the collection to which the record belongs.
collectionCode The name of the collection from which the record was derived.
datasetName The name identifying the dataset from which the record was derived.
eventID Identifier of the event, unique for the dataset.
kingdom Kingdom name.
phylum Phylum name.
class Class name.
order Order name.
family Family name.
genus Genus name.
scientificName The name without authorship applied on the first identification of the specimen.
establishmentMeans Statement about whether a dwc:Organism has been introduced to a given place and time through the direct or indirect activity of modern humans.
scientificNameAuthorship The authorship information for the scientificName formatted according to the conventions of the applicable nomenclatureCode.
acceptedNameUsage The specimen accepted name, with authorship.
previousIdentifications Previous name of the specimen, with authorship.
basisOfRecord The specific nature of the data record.
habitat Description of the habitat where the specimen was found.
recordedBy Person(s) responsible for sampling.
catalogNumber Identifying code for a unique sample lot in a biological collection.
identifiedBy Person(s) responsible for taxa identification.
type The nature of the resource.
preparations The preservation method used for the specimen.
establishmentMeans The establishment status of the organism in the study region.
ocurrenceRemarks New record status assignment.
licence Reference to the licence under which the record is published.

Additional information

This paper is based on 2283 specimens of macroalgae recorded from Faial Island in 118 taxa, comprising 92 confirmed species (Table 3) and 26 taxa identified only to genus level. The confirmed species (Table 4) include 47 Rhodophyta, 21 Chlorophyta and 24 Ochrophyta (Phaeophyceae). Of these, twenty-three species are newly recorded to the Island (12 Rhodophyta, 3 Chlorophyta and 8 Ochrophyta). Most species (75) are native, including Codium elisabethiae, the only Macaronesian endemic known in the Island. Twelve have an uncertain status (7 Rhodophyta, 3 Chlorophyta and 2 Ochrophyta) and five species represent introductions to the algal flora (Caulerpa prolifera, Caulerpa webbiana, Hydroclathrus tilesii, Asparagopsis armata and Symphyocladia marchantioides).

Table 3.

Macroalgal species recorded from Faial Island, with information on relative abundance, origin and status.

Phyllum Species (Accepted Name) Number of records Establishment Means Occurrence Remarks
Chlorophyta Anadyomene stellata (Wulfen) J.Agardh 25 Uncertain
Chlorophyta Caulerpa prolifera (Forsskål) J.V.Lamouroux 1 Introduced New record
Chlorophyta Caulerpa webbiana Montagne 61 Introduced
Chlorophyta Chaetomorpha aerea (Dillwyn) Kützing 1 Native
Chlorophyta Chaetomorpha pachynema (Montagne) Kützing 1 Native
Chlorophyta Cladophora albida (Nees) Kützing 1 Native
Chlorophyta Cladophora prolifera (Roth) Kützing 1 Native
Chlorophyta Cladophoropsis membranacea (Bang ex C.Agardh) Børgesen 1 Uncertain
Chlorophyta Codium adhaerens C.Agardh 26 Native
Chlorophyta Codium decorticatum (Woodward) M.A.Howe 1 Native
Chlorophyta Codium elisabethiae O.C.Schmidt 67 Macaronesian endemism
Chlorophyta Codium tomentosum Stackhouse 11 Native
Chlorophyta Codium vermilara (Olivi) Delle Chiaje 1 Native New record
Chlorophyta Microdictyon umbilicatum (Velley) Zanardini 27 Native
Chlorophyta Ulva clathrata (Roth) C.Agardh 1 Native
Chlorophyta Ulva intestinalis Linnaeus 1 Native
Chlorophyta Ulva lactuca Linnaeus 1 Uncertain
Chlorophyta Ulva linza Linnaeus 1 Native
Chlorophyta Ulva prolifera O.F.Müller 1 Native New record
Chlorophyta Ulva rigida C.Agardh 3 Native
Chlorophyta Valonia utricularis (Roth) C.Agardh 20 Native
Ochrophyta Ascophyllum nodosum (Linnaeus) Le Jolis 3 Native
Ochrophyta Carpomitra costata (Stackhouse) Batters 1 Native
Ochrophyta Cladostephus spongiosus (Hudson) C.Agardh 40 Native
Ochrophyta Colpomenia sinuosa (Mert. ex Roth) Derbès & Solier 15 Native
Ochrophyta Cutleria multifida (Turner) Greville phase Aglaozonia parvula (Greville) Zanardini 40 Uncertain
Ochrophyta Cystoseira humilis Schousboe ex Kützing 1 Native New record
Ochrophyta Dictyopteris polypodioides (De Candolle) J.V.Lamouroux 1 Native New record
Ochrophyta Dictyota ciliolata Sonder ex Kützing 1 Native New record
Ochrophyta Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux 129 Native
Ochrophyta Fucus spiralis Linnaeus 2 Uncertain New record
Ochrophyta Gongolaria abies-marina (S.G.Gmelin) Kuntze 40 Native
Ochrophyta Halopteris filicina (Grateloup) Kützing 143 Native
Ochrophyta Halopteris scoparia (Linnaeus) Sauvageau 86 Native
Ochrophyta Hydroclathrus tilesii (Endlicher) Santiañez & M.J.Wynne 1 Introduced New record
Ochrophyta Lobophora variegata (J.V.Lamouroux) Womersley ex E.C.Oliveira 142 Native
Ochrophyta Nemoderma tingitanum Schousboe ex Bornet 15 Native
Ochrophyta Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy 126 Native
Ochrophyta Petrospongium berkeleyi (Greville) Nägeli ex Kützing 1 Native
Ochrophyta Sargassum cymosum C.Agardh 1 Native
Ochrophyta Sargassum natans (Linnaeus) Gaillon 1 Native New record
Ochrophyta Sporochnus pedunculatus (Hudson) C.Agardh 1 Native New record
Ochrophyta Stypopodium zonale (J.V.Lamouroux) Papenfuss 1 Native New record
Ochrophyta Taonia atomaria (Woodward) J.Agardh 37 Native
Ochrophyta Zonaria tournefortii (J.V.Lamouroux) Montagne 101 Native
Rhodophyta Acrosorium ciliolatum (Harvey) Kylin 9 Native New record
Rhodophyta Acrosymphyton purpuriferum (J.Agardh) G.Sjöstedt 2 Native
Rhodophyta Amphiroa beauvoisii J.V.Lamouroux 2 Native
Rhodophyta Asparagopsis armata Harvey 89 Introduced
Rhodophyta Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan 113 Native
Rhodophyta Asteromenia peltata (W.R.Taylor) Huisman & A.J.K.Millar 1 Native New record
Rhodophyta Callithamnion tetragonum (Stackhouse) S.F.Gray 1 Native
Rhodophyta Caulacanthus ustulatus (Turner) Kützing 1 Uncertain
Rhodophyta Centroceras clavulatum (C.Agardh) Montagne 1 Native
Rhodophyta Ceramium deslongchampsii Chauvin ex Duby 1 Native New record
Rhodophyta Champia parvula (C.Agardh) Harvey 6 Native
Rhodophyta Chondracanthus acicularis (Roth) Fredericq 8 Native
Rhodophyta Chondria dasyphylla (Woodward) C.Agardh 2 Uncertain
Rhodophyta Corallina officinalis Linnaeus 6 Native
Rhodophyta Cottoniella filamentosa (M.Howe) Børgesen 6 Native New record
Rhodophyta Dermocorynus dichotomus (J.Agardh) Gargiulo, Morabito & Manghisi 2 Native
Rhodophyta Ellisolandia elongata (J.Ellis & Solander) K.R.Hind & G.W.Saunders 30 Native
Rhodophyta Erythrodermis traillii (Holmes ex Batters) Guiry & Garbary 1 Uncertain
Rhodophyta Gelidium microdon Kützing 3 Native
Rhodophyta Gelidium spinosum (S.G.Gmelin) P.C.Silva 2 Native
Rhodophyta Grateloupia filicina (J.V.Lamour.) C.Agardh 2 Native New record
Rhodophyta Gymnogongrus crenulatus (Turner) J.Agardh 3 Native
Rhodophyta Halarachnion ligulatum (Woodward) Kützing 4 Native New record
Rhodophyta Herposiphonia secunda (C.Agardh) Ambronn 2 Native
Rhodophyta Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J.V.Lamouroux 12 Uncertain
Rhodophyta Hypnea spinella (C.Agardh) Kützing 2 Native New record
Rhodophyta Jania crassa J.V.Lamouroux 2 Native
Rhodophyta Jania rubens (Linnaeus) J.V.Lamouroux 2 Native
Rhodophyta Jania virgata (Zanardini) Montagne 4 Uncertain
Rhodophyta Laurencia obtusa (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux 2 Native New record
Rhodophyta Leptosiphonia brodiei (Dillwyn) A.M.Savoie & G.W.Saunders 2 Uncertain
Rhodophyta Liagora distenta (Mertens ex Roth) J.V.Lamouroux 1 Native New record
Rhodophyta Lomentaria articulata (Hudson) Lyngbye 1 Native
Rhodophyta Meredithia microphylla (J.Agardh) J.Agardh 3 Native New record
Rhodophyta Neopyropia leucosticta (Thuret) L.-E.Yang & J.Brodie 2 Native New record
Rhodophyta Nitophyllum punctatum (Stackhouse) Greville 10 Native
Rhodophyta Osmundea hybrida ( Candolle) K.W.Nam 4 Native
Rhodophyta Osmundea pinnatifida (Hudson) Stackhouse 3 Native
Rhodophyta Plocamium cartilagineum (Linnaeus) P.S.Dixon 13 Native
Rhodophyta Polysiphonia atlantica Kapraun & J.N.Norris 1 Native
Rhodophyta Pterocladiella capillacea (S.G.Gmelin) Santel. & Hommers. 31 Native
Rhodophyta Rhodymenia holmesii Ardissone 8 Native
Rhodophyta Schottera nicaeensis (J.V.Lamouroux ex Duby) Guiry & Hollenberg 1 Uncertain New record
Rhodophyta Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Stackhouse 3 Native
Rhodophyta Spyridia filamentosa (Wulfen) Harvey 1 Native
Rhodophyta Symphyocladia marchantioides (Harvey) Falkenberg 5 Introduced
Rhodophyta Tenarea tortuosa (Esper) M.Lemoine 1 Native
Table 4.

Summary of the macroalgal flora of Faial Island, with information on the species origins and status.

Phyllum Order Family Specimens Number Total taxa Total species Native Introduced Uncertain Macaronesian endemism New record
Rhodophyta 12 31 778 61 47 38 2 7 0 12
Chlorophyta 4 8 352 26 21 15 2 3 1 3
Ochrophyta 7 10 1117 30 24 21 1 2 0 8
Cyanobacteria 1 1 36 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 24 50 2283 118 92 74 5 12 1 23

Six species were commonly found around the Island with a high relative abundance, the Ochrophyta species Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux, Halopteris filicina, Lobophora variegata (J.V.Lamouroux) Womersley ex E.C.Oliveira, Padina pavonica and Zonaria tournefortii; as well as the Rhodophyta Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan. Many other species were only sporadically found, with few records or just a single record, as the case of the non-indigenous species Caulerpa prolifera recorded just once in a pool of the north of the Island.


DM-F was financially supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) of Portugal through doctoral fellowship 2021.04718.BD.

Author contributions

  • DM-F: Conceptualisation; Methodology; Research (field and laboratory work); Data Curation; Formal analysis and interpretation; Paper writing; Maps elaboration
  • AIN: Conceptualisation; Methodology; Research (field and laboratory work); Resources; Data Curation; Formal analysis and interpretation; Paper writing
  • FT: Methodology; Research (field and laboratory work); Data Curation; Resources; Paper writing
  • IM: Data Curation
  • ACLP: Investigation (laboratory work); Resources
  • RR: Resources; Data Curation
  • RMAN: Data Curation
  • IT: Methodology; Investigation (field work and laboratory work); Data Curation
  • PA: Methodology; Investigation (field work); Resources


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