Biodiversity Data Journal : Species Conservation Profiles
Corresponding author: Paulo Alexandre Vieira Borges (
Academic editor: Pedro Cardoso
Received: 15 Jun 2017 | Accepted: 11 Oct 2017 | Published: 19 Oct 2017
© 2017 Paulo Borges, Lucas Lamelas-López, Isabel Amorim, Anja Danielczak, Rui Nunes, Artur R.M. Serrano, Mário Boieiro, Carla Rego, Axel Hochkirch, Virgílio Vieira
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Borges P, Lamelas-López L, Amorim I, Danielczak A, Nunes R, Serrano A, Boieiro M, Rego C, Hochkirch A, Vieira V (2017) Conservation status of the forest beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) from Azores, Portugal. Biodiversity Data Journal 5: e14557.
Island biodiversity is under considerable pressure due to the ongoing threats of invasive alien species, land use change or climate change. The few remnants of Azorean native forests harbour a unique set of endemic beetles, some of them possibly already extinct or under severe long term threat due to the small areas of the remaining habitats or climatic changes. In this contribution we present the IUCN Red List profiles of 54 forest adapted beetle species endemic to the Azorean archipelago, including species belonging to four speciose families: Zopheridae (12 species), Carabidae (11 species), Curculionidae (11 species) and Staphylinidae (10 species).
Most species have a restricted distribution (i.e. 66% occur in only one island) and a very small extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO). Also common to most of the species is the severe fragmentation of their populations, and a continuing decline in EOO, AOO, habitat quality, number of locations and subpopulations caused by the ongoing threat from pasture intensification, forestry, invasive species and future climatic changes. Therefore, we suggest as future measures of conservation: (1) a long-term monitoring plan for the species; (2) control of invasive species; (3) species-specific conservation action for the most highly threatened species.
Beetles, forest species, islands, IUCN, red list, invasive species, climatic changes.
The currently known diversity of Azorean endemic beetle taxa totals 76 taxa, including 68 endemic species and the remaining being subspecies (
In this contribution we present the IUCN Red List profiles of 54 forest adapted beetle species endemic to the Azores. This group of species includes 12 ironclade beetles (Zopheridae), 11 ground beetles (Carabidae), 11 weevil and bark beetles (Curculionidae) and 10 rove beetles (Staphylinidae) representing the four most speciose beetle families in Azores (
To perform the IUCN Red List profiles we went through the following steps: i) the original species descriptions were examined to learn about the habitats and ecology of the species; ii) the most recent literature was also consulted to obtain information about synonyms and critical information for the taxonomic notes; iii) for the calculation of AOO and EOO we consulted the Azorean Biodiversity Portal and downloaded CSV files with the distribution of each species; iv) images of the species were also obtained from the repository available in the Azorean Biodiversity Portal, the most important source of information for Azores biodiversity (see
Prior to the calculation of area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO), the 500 m x 500 m cells obtained from Azorean Biodiversity Portal were filtered to consider only the cells with high level of precision as defined by
Critical information on species threats and conservation were mostly obtained from
The raw data on species distributions in the islands, values of AOO, EOO, altitudinal range and number of localities is available in Suppl. material
Bembidion derelictus Alluaud, 1926; Ocydromus derelictus (Alluaud, 1926); Peryphus derelictus Alluaud, 1926.
Ground beetle (English); Carocho (Portuguese).
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabidae |
Bembidion derelictus was described from a single male collected on the 31.VII.1888 and deposited in the Museum of Paris (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
This species has a very small extent of occurrence (EOO = 0-12 km²) and area of occupancy (AOO = 0-12 km²).
Bembidion derelictus is a single-island endemic species restricted to Flores (Azores, Portugal) (
The species is considered extinct in the historical locality due to habitat destruction (last sample dates from 1888). It was not sampled recently despite some intensive field work (see
The species is considered extinct in the historical locality due to habitat destruction. It was not sampled recently despite some intensive field work.
The species is potentially extinct due to destruction of the habitat in all its range.
Possibly went extinct more than 10 years ago.
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. According to
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. According to
The species occurred in the hyper-humid native forest of the Flores Island (Azores) dominated by Juniperus brevifolia woodland, with an altitudinal range between 562 and 870 m. This species is possibly extinct (
Since the historical record, the native habitat in the island of Flores was greatly reduced to accomodate pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations (
This is a nocturnal predator species that lived in hyper-humid forest floor.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and lack of resources due to its large body size (
The species is protected by regional law (
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Ground beetle (English); Carocho (Portuguese).
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabidae |
Bradycellus chavesi was described from a single female collected in São Miguel island and deposited in the Museum of Paris. The hind-wings are quite rudimentary (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The species is considered extinct in the unique historical locality. It had a very small extent of occurrence (EEO = 0-4 km2) and area of occupancy (AOO = 0-4 km2).
Bradycellus chavesi is a single-island endemic species restricted to S. Miguel (Azores, Portugal) (
The species is considered extinct in the historical locality, possibly due to habitat destruction. Not sampled recently despite some intensive field work during the BALA expeditions (
The species is considered extinct in the historical locality, possibly due to habitat destruction. Not sampled recently despite some intensive field work.
The species is potentially extinct due to destruction of the habitat in all its range.
Possibly went extinct more than 10 years ago.
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. According to
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. According to
The species occurred in the native forest of São Miguel Island (Azores), but it is considered extinct. Current altitudinal range is unknown.
Since the historical record, the native habitat in the island of São Miguel was greatly reduced to accomodate pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations (
This is an univoltine species. The species was a predator with night activity that lived in hyper-humid forest floor.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size. In the last ten years and currently, Cryptomeria japonica wood & pulp plantations management and invasive plant species spreading (e.g. Hedychium gardnerianum; Gunnera tinctoria, Pittosporum undulatum) are changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil with impacts on soil invertebrates. Based on
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is possibly in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of São Miguel Island). There is the need to keep the control of invasive plants and the restoration of native habitat in some areas in the Northeast part of S. Miguel. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats invaded by invasive plants.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends.
Ground beetle (English); Carocho (Portuguese).
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabidae |
Calathus carvalhoi was described from five individuals. A female (Holotype) was collected in Terra Chã (Terceira island) from 15.X.1983 to 4.XI.1983 and deposited in the collection of A. Serrano. A male (Allotype) was collected in Terra Chã (Terceira island) on the 9.X.1983 and deposited in the collection of P. Borges. A male and two females (Paratypes) were collected in Terra Chã (Terceira island) on the 1.X.1984 and on the 9.X.1983, respectively, deposited in the collections of P. Borges and A. Serrano. According to morphology of aedeagus, Calathus mollis Marsh, is the closted species to C. carvalhoi Serrano & Borges, but according to the index, length:width of the pronotum, this species is more similar to Calathus lundbladi Colas (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
It has a very small extent of occurrence (EOO = 4-8 km²) and area of occupancy (AOO = 4-8 km²).
Calathus carvalhoi is a single-island endemic species restricted to Terceira (Azores, Portugal) (
The species is considered extinct in the historical locality (Terra Chã, Terceira island) due to habitat destruction. However, the species was found recently in Terra Brava pristine forest.
The species is considered extinct in the historical locality (Terra Chã, Terceira island) due to habitat destruction. However, the species was found recently in Terra Brava pristine forest.
In the historical site (Terra Chã, Terceira island) the species is considered as possibly extinct. Only known with a stable subpopulation in Terra Brava pristine native forest fragment.
Only one site left at Terra Brava (Terceira) that is in pristine native forest.
The species is very rare and only known from a single subpopulation in Terra Brava. Despite the fact that Terra Brava was considerered a native forest fragment with a high value of biotic integrity (
The species is very rare and only known from a single subpopulation at Terra Brava, since the other subpopulation in Terra Chã is considered as possible extinct. A continuing decline in the number of subpopulations is consequently inferred.
The species occurs in a native forests of the Azores (Terceira Island) dominated by Ilex perado ssp. azorica, Laurus azorica and Juniperus brevifolia, with an altitudinal range between 634 and 710 m.
Ongoing invasion of exotic plants that are changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants.
This is an univoltine species. It is a night activity predator that lives under barks of native trees and in the soil.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to deforestation. The species is considered extinct in Terra Chã (Terceira island) due to major historical land-use changes with clearing of original habitat and current Eucalyptus spp. wood & pulp plantations management. The most important ongoing threat to this species is the spread of invasive plants (e.g. Hedychium gardnerianum) that are changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants. Based on
The species is protected by regional law (
Research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to learn about its current population size, distribution and trends. A general monitoring scheme for the invertebrate community in the habitat is in place, but the extant subpopulation of this particular species and its habitat in Terra Brava needs to be monitored in more detail. It is also necessary an area-based management plan for the species in Terra Brava. A monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (
Calathus mollis Marsh
Ground beetle (English); Carocho (Portuguese).
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabidae |
Calathus extensicollis was described from a single mature female collected in Pico island and deposited in the collection of Chaudoir. Two additional specimens are deposited in British Natural History Museum. The hind-wings are quite reduced (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
It has a very small extent of occurrence (EOO = 0-16 km²) and area of occupancy (EOO = 0-16 km²)
Calathus extensicollis is a single-island endemic species restricted to Pico (Azores, Portugal) (
The species is considered extinct in the historical locality due to habitat destruction. Not sampled recently despite some intensive field work during the BALA expeditions (
The species is considered extinct in the historical locality due to habitat destruction. Not sampled recently despite some intensive field work during the BALA expeditions (
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. According to
Possibly went extinct more than 10 years ago.
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. According to
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. According to
The species occurred in the native forest of the Pico Island (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 900 and 1000 m. This species is considered extinct (
Since the historical record, the native habitat in the island of Pico was greatly reduced to accomodate pastures. Recently invasive plant species are promoting changes in habitat structure.
This is an univoltine species. It was a night activity predator that lived in the high elevation native forest.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality and the lack of resources due to its large body size (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of Pico). It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Therefore, degraded habitats in the Natural Park of Pico Island should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by invasive species and climate change in this area. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats invaded by invasive plants.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Calathus melanocephalus Uyttenboogaart, 1947; Calathus mollis Drouet, 1859
Ground beetle (English); Carocho (Portuguese).
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabida |
This is the most similar Azorean endemic Calathus species to the mainland relative Calathus mollis (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 42.5 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 36.0 km2.
Calathus lundbladi is an endemic species from S. Miguel (Azores, Portugal) (
The species occurs in a small fragment of native forest (Tronqueira). This is the only locality known after intensive survey in the Island (
The species occurs in a small fragment of native forest (Tronqueira). This is the only localityn known after intensive survey in the Island (
The complete forest is threatened by invasive plants (Hedychium gardnerianum and Clethra arborea) that are changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants.
Only one location left, since the species seems extinct in all other sites of the island due to major historical land-use changes. The current subpopulation is threatened by invasive plants that are changing habitat structure.
A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred from monitoring schemes (sampled in 1989 with a large population and decreasing numbers in 2000 and 2010) (
The species is very rare and only known from a single subpopulation.
The species occurs in the hyper-humid native forests of the Azores, surrounded by plantations of exotic trees, with an altitudinal range between 543 and 1000 m.
Ongoing invasion of exotic plants (Hedychium gardnerianum and Clethra arborea) that are changing habitat structure.
This is an univoltine species. It is a nocturnal predator that lives under barks of native trees and in the soil.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to deforestation. The species is considered as possibly extinct in Furnas due to major historical land use changes with clearing of original habitat. The most important ongoing threat to this species is the spread of invasive plants (Hedychium gardnerianum and Clethra arborea) that are changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants. Based on
The species is protected by regional law (
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. A general monitoring scheme for the invertebrate community in the habitat is in place, but the subpopulation of this particular species and its habitat needs to be monitored in more detail in order to contribute to perform an area-based management plan and a species potential recovery plan due to recent rarity. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Ground beetle (English); Carocho (Portuguese).
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabida |
The most similar species is C. lundbladi that is endemic to S. Miguel; the eyes are flatter than in C. mollis and the hind wings are reduced (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
It has a very small extent of occurrence (EOO = 0-4 km²) and area of occupancy (AOO = 0-4 km²).
Calathus vicenteorum is an endemic species from Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal) (
The area of its remaining native habitat is now 0.09 km². Not sampled recently despite some intensive field work during the BALA expeditions (
The area of its remaining native habitat is now 0.09 km². Not sampled recently despite some intensive field work during the BALA expeditions (
A single fragment of native forest at Pico Alto currently with 0.09 km2 included in a Natural Reserve that has a very low Index of Biotic Integrity (
Possibly went extinct more than 10 years ago.
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. According to
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. According to
The species occurred in the native forest of the Santa Maria Island (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 500 and 550 m. It is considered extinct (
Since the historical record, the native habitat in the island of Santa Maria was greatly reduced to accomodate Cryptomeria japonica plantations (
This is a predator species with nocturnal activity. The last specimens found in 1957 were captured associated with Calluna vulgaris (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality and its large body size (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of Santa Maria). It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Therefore, degraded habitats in the Natural Park of Santa Maria Island should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by invasive species and climate change in this area. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats invaded by invasive plants.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Ground beetle (English); Carocho-da-penumbra (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabidae |
Cedrorum azoricus was described from individuals collected in Terceira (Terra Brava and Morro Assombrado), Santa Maria (Pico Alto) and Pico (Caveiro) islands, between 1990 and 1992. This species is recognized by the form of pronotum, the absence of crossed epipleura, the shape of the aedeagus and the shape of the terminal stylomere. C. azoricus has two subspecies, recognized by the form of pronotum (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is ca 12,300 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 40 km2.
Cedrorum azoricus is an endemic species with two subspecies, C. a. azoricus occurring in Terceira and Santa Maria islands, and C. a. caveirensis restricted to Pico island (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence includes large areas of unsuitable habitats and the size of its remaining native habitat is now only 40 km2. The species continues in decline due to native forest degradation (mainly Juniperus brevifolia-Laurus azorica and Ilex perado subsp. azorica forests) due to the ongoing spread of invasive species in Santa Maria (Hedychium gardnerianum and Pittosporum undulatum), Terceira and Pico (Hedychium gardnerianum).
The species occurs in native forests of several islands (Terceira, Pico and Santa Maria). The AOO with native forest is around 40 km². The species continues in decline due to native forest degradation (mainly Juniperus brevifolia, Laurus azorica and Ilex perado subsp. azorica forests) due to the ongoing spread of invasive species in Santa Maria (Hedychium gardnerianum and Pittosporum undulatum), Terceira and Pico (Hedychium gardnerianum).
The species inhabits in six native isolated forest patches in three islands (Terceira, Pico, Santa Maria).
Six locations known since in the last ten years a spread of invasive plants is changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants. Pico Alto (Santa Maria) site has a very low Index of Biotic Integrity (
The species is particularly restricted and the subpopulation of Santa Maria is very low in number of individuals. A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred from monitoring schemes (never sampled in Santa Maria after its description, in spite of several sampling efforts in the last ten years) (
The species is known from four subpopulations. The subpopulation of Santa Maria is very low in number of individuals. A continuing decline in the number of subpopulations is inferred from monitoring schemes (never sampled in Sta. Maria after its description, in spite of several sampling efforts in the last ten years) (
Major land-use changes at all elevations in Santa Maria, Terceira and Pico islands promoted the creation of small patches of native and exotic forest. The species occurs in four natural forest fragments that are isolated in a sea of pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations. At least two of the locations will be under severe threat in the next 10 years due to the aggressive spread of the invasive plant Hedychium gardnerianum.
Cedrorum azoricus has two subspecies, C. a. azoricus present in Terceira and Santa Maria islands, occurs in native forests of high altitude (altitudinal range between 500 and 1000 m) ("cloud-zone forests"; dominated by Juniperus brevifolia, Ilex perado subsp. azorica and Laurus azorica), and C. a. caveirensis, restricted to Pico island, occurs also in native forests (dominated by Juniperus brevifolia) (altitudinal range between 800 and 1200 m) (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality and its large body size (
This is an univoltine species. It is a nocturnal predator that lives in the soil. In both Terceira and Pico islands it occurs mostly in sites with deep crevices in hyper-humid forest. The peak of activity in October, being an autumn breader.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality and its large body size (
The species is protected by regional law (
This species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan in the island of Santa Maria. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Ground beetle (English); Carocho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabidae |
Olisthopus inclavatus was described from a single male collected on the 10.VII.1982 in Santa Maria (Airport) island. This species is similar to O. elongatus Wollaston but differs by the absence of a conspicuous nail-shaped sclerite in the internal sac of the penis (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Olisthopus inclavatus is a single-island endemic species from Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 35 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 32 km2.
The species occurs in several small fragments of exotic forest in a small area at low altitude. The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction and habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in several exotic forest patchs in Santa Maria island and it is relatively widespread by the island, but highly fragmented. The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction, invasive plant spread and habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in at least four isolated exotic forest patches in Santa Maria island that are under major disturbance.
Four locations known but the area decreased in the last ten years due to exotic forest removal.
The species is particularly restricted but the abundance is relatively high in some of the known sites. A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred from the ongoing habitat degradation due to invasions of alien plants and the destruction of exotic plantations for the implementation of pastures.
The species is particularly restricted but the abundance is relatively high in some of the known subpopulations. A continuing decline in the number of subpopulations is inferred from the ongoing habitat degradation due to invasions of alien plants and the destruction of exotic plantations for the implementation of pastures.
Major land-use changes at all elevations in S. Maria island promoted the creation of small patches of native and exotic forest. The species occurs in five small patches of exotic forest that are isolated in a sea of pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations. More than 50% of the known subpopulations are under severe threat due to exotic forest management and eventual forest removal.
The species occurs in exotic forests (dominated by Cryptomeria japonica, Acacia spp.), semi-natural forests and in semi-natural pastures in Santa Maria island, with an altitudinal range between 150 and 300 m, being relatively widespread (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality and its large body size (
This is an univoltine species. It is a nocturnal predator that lives in native trees and in the soil associated with plant litter.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality. Currently the modified habitats where it occurs are being highly disturbed, namely pactches of Cryptomeria japonica and Acacia spp.. Agriculture and wood & pulp productions are also a major threat. Based on
The species is not protected by regional law. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the ongoing impact of invasive plants and future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats invaded by alien plants.
This species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan in some of the isolated exotic Acacia spp. patches.
Anchomenus aptinoides Tarnier, 1860; Azoranchus aptinoides Tarnier, 1860
Ground beetle (English); Laurocho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabidae |
Pseudanchomenus aptinoides was described from an individual collected in S. Miguel, on 1867, and deposited in the Natural History Museum of Paris. The specimens found more recently in Pico Island have no difference in the shape of aedeagus (PAV Borges, pers. observation).
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Pseudanchomenus aptinoides is an endemic species present in Pico and S. Miguel islands (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is therefore only 16 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 16 km2.
The EOO was calculated based on Pico distribution. The species continues in decline due to ongoing native forest degradation and habitat fragmentation. The species is considered extinct in Furnas locality at S. Miguel due to major land-use changes and habitat destruction.
The species occurs in native forest patches included in the Natural Reserves of Caveiro, Lagoa do Caiado and Mistério da Prainha in Pico island and it is considered extinct in S. Miguel (Furnas), due to habitat destruction. The species continues in decline due to native forest degradation and habitat fragmentation. Despite an AOO of 16 km2, the current areal area of available native forest is only 9.52 km2.
The species occurs in several native forest patches in Pico, and in a location in a S. Miguel island (Furnas), but possibly extinct there.
Three locations known but the original area was larger. In one of the locations now is possibly extinct. In the last ten years a spread of invasive plants (namely Hedychium gardnerianum) is changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants.
The species is relatively abundant in Pico Island native forest in particular in the pristine fragment of Caveiro. In spite of several sampling efforts in the last 20 years no individuals were sampled in S. Miguel (
The species is relatively abundant in Pico Island native forest in particular in the pristine fragment of Caveiro. In spite of several sampling efforts in the last 20 years no individuals were sampled in S. Miguel (
Major land-use changes at middle and high elevations in Pico and S. Miguel promoted the creation of small patches of native forest. The species is confirmed to occur in three natural forest fragments in Pico that are isolated in a sea of pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations. In at least half of the locations in the last ten years a spread of invasive plants is changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants. At least two of the locations will be under severe threat in the next 10 years, with only Caveiro area still having some resistance to the spread of the invasive plant Hedychium gardnerianum.
The species occurs in native forests dominated by montane Juniperus brevifolia woodland in Caveiro but also lavic formations dominated by Erica azorica in Mistério da Prainha, in the island of Pico, with an altitudinal range between 800 and 1200 m
Due to ongoing invasion of exotic plants that are changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil with impacts on native invertebrate species.
This is an univoltine species. It is a nocturnal predator that lives in native trees and in the soil, particularly in ravines. Based on seasonal data from SLAM traps obtained in several islands between 2012 and 2016 (see
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality and its large body size (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of Pico). Degraded habitats should be restored and of critical importance is the continued expansion and linking of habitat fragments as well as removal of invasive non-native species where this is possible. A strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats invaded by invasive plants.
This species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in S.Miguel and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends in both S. Miguel and Pico islands. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Ground beetle (English); Carocho-da-terra-brava (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabidae |
Trechus terrabravensis was described from three individuals (one male and two females), collected from 18.VII.2001 to 02.VIII.2001, in Terceira island (Terra Brava). The aedeagus of this species clearly resembles those of the cavernicolous troglobitic species Trechus jorgensis (S. Jorge) and T. pereirai (Pico) (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Trechus terrabravensis is a single-island endemic species restricted to Terceira (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 32 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 32 km2.
This species occurs in native forests included in several protected areas of Terceira island. The extent of occurrence of this species continues to decline due to habitat degradation in the native forest (mainly Juniperus brevifolia-Laurus azorica and Ilex perado subsp. azorica forests) mostly caused by invasive plants, and habitat fragmentation.
This species occurs in native forests included in several protected areas of Terceira island. The AOO including only native forest is around 21 km². The area of occupancy of this species continues to decline due to habitat degradation in the native forest (mainly Juniperus brevifolia-Laurus azorica and Ilex perado subsp. azorica forests) mostly caused by invasive plants, and habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in four native forest patches included in Natural Park of the Terceira island, and two of them (Biscoito da Ferraria e Pico Alto, Pico do Galhardo) were highly impacted by invasive plants in the last ten years having a low Index of Biotic Integrity (
Four locations known but the last ten years we observed a spread of invasive plants changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants.
The species is particularly restricted but abundant in some of the localities (
The species is particularly restricted but abundant in some of the subpopulations in Terra Brava and Caldeira St. Barbara (
Major land-use changes at middle elevations promoted the creation of small patches of native forest. The species occurs in four natural forest fragments that are isolated in a sea of pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations, and is very rare in two of the subpopulations (Biscoito da Ferraria e Pico Alto and Pico do Galhardo).
This species occurs deep inside very humid laurel forests (native forests dominated by Laurus azorica, Ilex perado subsp. azorica and Juniperus azorica) on Terceira, with an altitudinal range between 500 and 1000 m. Several specimens were collected in leaf litter, suggesting that this is a litter species. In both Terra Brava and Caldeira da Serra de Santa Bárbara, the terrain is basaltic with a system of cracks and deep holes and the forest floor is covered by a dense carpet of mosses and ferns with little light reaching the ground (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality. Currently invasive plant species are decreasing the quality of the habitat changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants.
This is an univoltine species and it is a predator that lives in the soil litter in hyperhumid conditions.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality and lack of resources due to its large body size (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of Terceira). The Terceira Natural Park administration is currently starting control measures of the invasive plants. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years.
The species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan as a consequence of invasive plant species spread in two native forest fragments (Biscoito da Ferraria e Pico Alto and Pico do Galhardo). Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Ground beetle (English); Carocho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Carabidae |
This species was described from individuals collected in S. Miguel island (Sete Cidades), on the 4.VI.1935. The hind-wings are reduced to almost inconspicuous rudiments (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Trechus torretassoi is a single-island endemic species known from S. Miguel (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 24 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 12 km2. The species is considered possibly extinct (
The species occured in two areas now dominated by exotic plantations and pastures in S. Miguel island (Sete Cidades and Furnas). The extent of occurrence of this species declined due to habitat degradation in the native forest, mostly caused by invasive plants, and suitable habitat has been extirpated from areas where the species once occurred (historical distribution). Now the species is considered extinct more than 10 years ago (
The species occured in two areas now dominated by exotic plantations and pastures in S. Miguel island. The area of occupancy of this species declined in the last decades due to habitat degradation in the native forest, mostly caused by invasive plants, and suitable habitat has been extirpated from areas where the species once occurred (historical distribution). Now the species is considered extinct more than 10 years ago (
The species occured in two areas now dominated by exotic plantations and pastures in S. Miguel island (Furnas and Sete Cidades). Now the species is considered extinct more than 10 years ago (
Possibly went extinct more than 10 years ago.
The species was historically particularly restricted and with very low number of sampled individuals. A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred from monitoring schemes, from massive land-use changes in the last 100 years and the ongoing habitat degradation due to invasions of alien plants in the last 10 years. Despite intensive collecting efforts in the past 20 years (
The species was particularly restricted and with very low in number of sampled individuals. A possible decline in the number of subpopulations is inferred from monitoring schemes (
This species occurred originally in native forest in S. Miguel island (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 700 and 845 m. However, if still extant it should occur in exotic plantations of Cryptomeria japonica. It is a predator that lives in the soil associated with debris and litter.
Massive land-use changes in the last 100 years have probably led to strong declined of this species due to changes in habitat size and quality.
This is an univoltine species and it is a predator that lives in the soil associated with debris and litter. In the last record in 1985 it was sampled associated with debris in a lake shore near a Cryptomeria japonica plantation (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to deforestation (
The species is not protected by regional law. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan in Furnas and Sete Cidades. Therefore, degraded habitats in Furnas and Sete Cidades should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the ongoing threat by invasive species and future threat by climate change. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats invaded by invasive plants.
The species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in historical areas of Furnas and Sete Cidades. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan.
Leaf beetle (English); Escaravelho-do-musgão (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae |
Mniophilosoma obscurum was described from a single male, collected in Flores island (Caldeira Comprida), on the 15.VI.1985. It is deposited in Museu Municipal do Funchal (Madeira). This species is very similar to the Madeiran M. laeve Wollaston, that has a body-form suborbiculate-ovate, exceedingly convex, but easily separated from that species by rather strong microsculpture of upper surface; by being apparently glabrous impunctate and by structure of male genitalia (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Mniophilosoma obscurum is a single-island endemic species restricted to Flores (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 13 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 4 km2.
This species occurs in a small fragment of native forest in Flores island. The extent of occurrence is stable in the last 60 years and has a high value of biotic integrity (
This species occurs in a small fragment of native forest in Flores island. In spite for the fact that the whole nature reserve has some levels of biotic integrity (
The species occurs in a single native forest fragment in the Flores island that is starting to be impacted by invasive plants (Hydrangea macrophylla and Hedychium gardnerianum) that are disrupting the quality of forest ground.
Between 1940 and 1950 major land-use changes occurred in the island, the reserve has a high Index of Biotic Integrity (
The species is rare and only known from a single subpopulation in Flores island. The surrounding area is protected and it is well preserved with a high Index of Biotic Integrity (
The species is rare and only known from a single subpopulation in Flores island. The surrounding area is protected and it is well preserved with a high Index of Biotic Integrity (
This species occurs in a small fragment of native forest in Flores island (Azores), dominated by Juniperus brevifolia, Calluna vulgaris shrubs and Sphagnum spp. moss (
The Habitat is stable in the last 60 years, part of the AAO is starting to be impacted by invasive plants (Hydrangea macrophylla and Hedychium gardnerianum) that are disrupting the quality of forest ground.
This is an univoltine species. Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed on all sorts of plant tissue in Sphagnum spp. bogs.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of Flores). Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats invaded by invasive plants.
This species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about population trends and habitat quality (see e.g.
Minute tree beetle, fungus beetle (English)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Ciidae |
Atlantocis gillerforsi was described from several individuals collected in Santa Maria (Coevas) and S. Miguel (Povoação) islands, between 30.VII.1983 and 10.VIII.1983. These specimens are deposited in G. Gillerfors and G. Israelson collections (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Atlantocis gillerforsi is an endemic species present in Flores, Terceira, Pico, S. Miguel and Santa Maria islands (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is ca 34,000 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 64 km2.
The species occurs in several islands and many natural areas, most of them currently well preserved.
The species occurs in areas of native and exotic forests of several islands (Flores, Terceira, Pico, S. Miguel and Santa Maria). The area with native forest is around one third of the AOO. The species continues in decline due to native forest degradation and habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in eleven native and exotic forest patches in five islands (Flores, Terceira, Pico, S. Miguel and Santa Maria). All the locations are currently under severe invasion by plants like Hedychium gardnerianum, with major impacts on the structure of the forest floor.
Eleven locations known but the original area was larger with decreasing of habitat quality in the last 10 years due to land-use changes and invasive plants that are changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants. In fact, Pico Galhardo (Terceira); Atalhada and Pico da Vara (S. Miguel) and Pico Alto (Santa Maria) have a low Index of Biotic Integrity (
The species is highly abundant. However, part of the AAO is starting to be impacted by invasive plants (Hedychium gardnerianum, Pittosporum undulatum) that are disrupting the quality of forest ground with potential decline in the number of individuals.
The species is very abundant. However, some of the subpopulations are starting to be impacted by invasive plants (Hedychium gardnerianum, Pittosporum undulatum) that are disrupting the quality of forest ground with potential decline in the number of subpopulations.
Major land-use changes at all elevations in the islands promoted the creation of small patches of native and exotic forest. The species occurs in seven natural forest fragments that are isolated in a sea of pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations. In the last ten years a spread of invasive plants is changing the habitat structure in more than 50% of the subpopulations, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants. The sites at Pico Galhardo (Terceira); Atalhada (S. Miguel) and Pico Alto (Santa Maria) have a low Index of Biotic Integrity (
The species occurs in native (dominated by Laurus azorica and Juniperus brevifolia) and exotic (e.g. Eucalyptus spp.) forests of several islands (Flores, Terceira, Pico, S. Miguel and Santa Maria), with an altitudinal range between 350 and 1000 m. This species was an inhabitant of ancient azorean laurel forests and successfully adapted itself to changed conditions of life (habitat transformation) (
The habitat was stable during last century. However, in the last ten years invasive plant species spreading (e.g. Hedychium gardnerianum; Pittosporum undulatum) are changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil decreasing the quality of the habitat with impacts on the species.
This species feeds mostly on fungi. Based on seasonal data from SLAM traps obtained in several islands between 2012 and 2016, the adults are active all year (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in regionally protected areas (Natural Parks of Flores, Terceira, S. Miguel and Santa Maria). Further spread of invasive plants needs to be stopped in order to avoid any future declines of the species. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats invaded by invasive plants.
This species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
True weevil, Snout beetle, Weevil (English); Gorgulho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Species described by
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Calacalles azoricus is a single-island endemic species from Faial (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 4 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 4 km2.
This species occurs in a small fragment of native forest in Faial island. The host plant is also very rare and decreasing its distribution due to invasive plants, that are changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants.
The species occurs in a small fragment of native forest of Faial island. The AOO with native forest is around 1.9 km². The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction and habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs only in Caldeira do Faial in the Faial island.
The species had a larger distribution in recent past, but major reductions in the distribution of the host plant (Tolpis azorica) due to major land-use changes in the last decades decreased the number of adequate patches of habitat. The single site is being heavily impacted by invasive plants in the last ten years.
The species is very rare and only known from a single subpopulation in Faial island. A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred due to restricted distribution and host-plant rarity (Tolpis azorica).
The species is very rare and only known from a single subpopulation in Faial island. A continuing decline in the number of supoputaions is inferred due to restricted distribution and host-plant rarity (Tolpis azorica), with potential extinction of the species.
The species occurs in native forests of high altitude in the Faial island (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 800 and 1000 m.
In the last 100 years, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality. Currently invasive plant species are also decreasing the quality of the remaining habitat
This is an univoltine species. Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed of plant tissues (Tolpis azorica).
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is protected by regional law (
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
True weevil, Snout beetle, Weevil (English); Gorgulho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Calacalles droueti was originally described based on specimens collected by Godman in the island of Flores associated with stems of Euphorbia stygiana. More recently the Lectotypes were designated by
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Calacalles droueti is an endemic species present in Flores, Faial and Pico islands, but possibly extinct in Flores (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 706 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 28 km2.
This species occurs in several areas of native forest of Faial and Pico islands. Possibly extinct in Flores. Most of the EOO includes habitats not occupied by this species that is restricted to few patches with the rare host plant (Euphorbia stygiana subsp. stygiana). The extent of occurrence of this species continues to decline due to habitat degradation in the native forest (mostly due to invasive plants) and to habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in several native forest patchs in Faial and Pico islands, but possibly extinct in Flores island. The area of occupancy of this species continues to decline due to habitat degradation in the native forest (mostly due to invasive plants) and to habitat fragmentation.
This species occurs in seven isolated native forest patches in the Faial and Pico islands. Possibly extinct in Flores.
Seven locations known but the original area was larger. Most of the sites have very few plants of Euphorbia stygiana subsp. stygiana, and the species can easily be extinct in some sites in near future.
The species is very rare and only known from a single subpopulation in Faial island and several subpopulations in Pico island. A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred due to host-plant rarity (Euphorbia stygiana subsp. stygiana). Most of the sites have very few plants of Euphorbia stygiana subsp. stygiana, and the species can easily be extinct in some sites in near future.
The species is very rare, possibly extinct in Flores, known from a single subpopulation in Faial island and six subpopulations in Pico island. A continuing decline in the number of subpopulations is inferred due to host-plant rarity (Euphorbia stygiana subsp. stygiana). Decline is due to rarity and abundance decreasing of host plant.
Major land-use changes at middle and high elevations in Pico island promoted the creation of small patches of native forest. The species occurs in five natural forest fragments in Pico that are isolated in a sea of pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations. Most of the small fragments are not sustainable at long-term due to the spread of invasive plants. Possibly only the Lagoa do Caiado fragment is sustainable at long-term due to its larger size and larger populations of the host plant.
The species occurs in native forests of high altitude in the Faial and Pico islands (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 600 and 1200 m.
In the last 100 years, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality. Currently invasive plant species are also decreasing the quality of the remaining habitat. The host plant is very rare and has a declining trend (IUCN classification: Critically Endangered).
This is an univoltine species. Adults and larvae are nocturnal herbivores and feed of plant tissues of Euphorbia stygiana subsp. stygiana.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is protected by regional law (
This species is not utilized.
There is insufficient information available to identify the ecosystem services for this species.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in other sites with the host plant, and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Acalles subcarinatus Israelson, 1984; Acalles wollastoni Chevr., 1852
True weevil, Snout beetle, Weevil (English); Gorgulho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
This small species was described from a individuals collected in Santa Maria (Pico Alto) and S. Miguel (Furnas) islands, between 8.VII.1982 and 13.VII.1982. These specimens are deposited in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Calacalles subcarinatus is a widespread endemic species present in all islands of the Azorean archipelago (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is ca 42,600 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 220 km2.
The species is expanding its range to exotic trees and man made habitats.
The species is expanding its range to exotic trees and man made habitats. The species is expanding to non-native habitats.
This is a widespread species, with no threats.
Possibly is increasing distribution due to adaptation to exotic trees, namely low altitude orchards.
C. subcarinatus is a widespread and highly abundant species. The species is expanding to exotic habitats and population is increasing. We assume no impact for the population as it occurs naturally in several native and exotic patches in all islands of the archipelago.
C. subcarinatus is a widespread and highly abundant species. The species presents a stable population and occurs in several islands. We assume no impact for the subpopulations as it occurs naturally in several patches in all islands of the arquipelago.
The species occurs in several habitats and in all islands of the Azorean arquipelago, with an altitudinal range between 100 and 1200 m. C. subcarinatus inhabits the native forests dominated by native and endemic vegetation, prefering Ilex perado subsp. azorica but also occurring in Juniperus brevifolia, Frangula azorica, Vaccinium cylindraceum and Erica azorica; exotic forests (mainly plantations and forests of Pittosporum spp. and Eucalyptus spp.); in agricultural areas occurs in orchards associated with Castanea sativa.
The species is expanding to exotic trees
Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed of plant tissues both during the day and night. Based on seasonal data from SLAM traps obtained in several islands between 2012 and 2016 (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in regionally protected areas (Natural Parks of Flores, Faial, Pico, S. Jorge, Terceira, Graciosa, S. Miguel and Santa Maria). No special measures of conservation are needed since the species also occurs in non-native plants.
The species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. A monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
True weevil, Snout beetle, Weevil (English); Gorgulho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Caulotrupis parvus was described from two individuals collected in Santa Maria island (Pico Alto), between 11.VII.1982 and 8.VIII.1983, deposited in G. Israelson collection. The particularities of the aedeagal structures may indicate a more profund difference between C. parvus and the Madeiran forms (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The area of its remaining native habitat is 0.09 km², but the AOO is 8 km². Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is therefore also 8 km².
Caulotrupis parvus is a single-island endemic species from Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal) (
This species occurs in a native forest patch and in a small fragment of exotic forest in Santa Maria island. There is an inferred continuing decline in EOO due to the spread of invasive plants and observed loss of habitat quality. In addition one of the sites is an industrial Cryptomeria japonica plantation, prone to be cut soon, which will imply a reduction of EOO to half.
There is an inferred continuing decline in AOO due to the spread of invasive plants and observed loss of habitat quality. In addition one of the localities is an industrial Cryptomeria japonica plantation, prone to be cut soon.
The main native complete forest is threatened by invasive plants. The additional location is a pulp Cryptomeria japonica plantation that will be cut soon.
Only one location of native forest left, that has a very low Index of Biotic Integrity (
The species is very rare and only known from a single sustainable subpopulation (the species occurs in a single native forest patch included in a Natural Reserve of Santa Maria island that has a very low Index of Biotic Integrity,
The species is very rare and only known from a single sustainable subpopulation, since the second known location is a Cryptomeria japonica plantation threatened by deforestation. A continuing decline in the number of subpopulations is inferred from the ongoing habitat degradation due to invasions of alien plants, and deforestation of production pulp plantation of Cryptomeria japonica.
Major land-use changes at all elevations in Santa Maria island promoted the creation of small patches of native and exotic forest. The species occurs in one natural forest fragment and in a small patch of exotic forest that are both isolated in a sea of pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations. The subpopulation of the exotic plantation is not sustainable in the next ten years and the single native forest patch is included the Natural Reserve of Santa Maria island that has a very low Index of Biotic Integrity (
The species occurs in the native forests of the Azores, surrounded by plantations of exotic trees and pastures, but also found in a Cryptomeria japonica plantation. This species has an altitudinal range between 310 and 550 m.
Ongoing invasion of exotic plants that are changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil with impacts on native invertebrate species.
This is an univoltine species. It feeds on dead wood.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to deforestation. The most important ongoing threats to this species are Cryptomeria japonica wood & pulp plantations management and the spread of invasive plants (Hedychium gardnerianum and Pittosporum undulatum) that are changing the habitat structure in the main native forest, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants. Based on
The species is protected by regional law (
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the Pico Alto native forest and surrounded areas of non-native habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Hypera multifida Israelson, 1984
True weevil, Snout beetle, Weevil (English); Gorgulho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculiniodae |
Donus multifidus was described from four individuals collected in Santa Maria island (Pico Alto), between 8.VII.1982 and 4.VIII.1983, deposited in G. Israelson collection (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The area of its remaining native habitat is 0.09 km², but the AOO is 4 km². Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is therefore also 4 km².
Donus multifidus is a single-island endemic species from Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal) (
This species occurs in a single native forest patch of Santa Maria island. There is an inferred continuing decline in EOO due to the spread of invasive plants and observed loss of habitat quality.
This species occurs in a small fragment of native forest in Santa Maria island. The size of its remaining native habitat is now only around 0.09 km². The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction and habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in a single native forest patch in the Santa Maria island.
The species occurs in a single native forest patch included in a Natural Reserve of Santa Maria island that has a very low Index of Biotic Integrity (
The species is very rare and only known from a single sustainable subpopulation. A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred from the ongoing habitat degradation due to invasions of alien plants (e.g. Hedychium gardnerianum; Pittosporum undulatum), that are changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil decreasing the quality of the habitat with impacts on the species.
The species is very rare and only known from a single subpopulation.
The species occurs in native forests of high altitude in Santa Maria island (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 450 and 550 m.
Due to invasive plant species that are changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil with impacts on the species.
Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed of plant tissues. This is an univoltine species.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to deforestation. The most important ongoing threats to this species are Cryptomeria japonica wood & pulp plantations management and the spread of invasive plants (Hedychium gardnerianum and Pittosporum undulatum) that are changing the habitat structure in the main native forest, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants. Based on
The species is protected by regional law (
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in the Pico Alto region (including non-native habitats) and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Laparocerus azoricus Drouet, 1859
True weevil, Snout beetle, Weevil (English); Gorgulho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 23,800 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 76 km2.
Drouetius azoricus is an endemic species with four subspecies, D. a. azoricus occurring in Faial, S. Jorge and Graciosa islands; D. a. nitens occurring in Occidental group (Corvo and Flores islands); D. a. parallelirostris restricted to Terceira island and D. a. separandus restricted to S. Miguel island (Azores, Portugal) (
The Extent of Occurrence includes large areas of unsuitable habitats. The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction at lower altitudes and habitat continuing degradation and fragmentation.
The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction at lower altitudes and habitat continuing degradation and fragmentation.
This species occurs in eleven isolated locations at lower altitudes by the occidental group (Flores and Corvo islands), central group (Faial, S. Jorge, Graciosa and Terceira islands) and also in São Miguel. All these locations are under threat due to continuous change of the habitat as a consequence Human activities at lower elevations. The locations keeping native vegetation are also changing due to the spread of invasive plants (e.g. Pittosporum undulatum)
Eleven locations known but the original area was larger due to major land-use changes in low elevation habitats.
The species is rare (very few specimens known) and known from subpopulations in low elevation areas in several islands (Corvo, Flores, Faial, S. Jorge, Graciosa, Terceira and S. Miguel islands). A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred from the ongoing habitat degradation due to human activities at lower elevations.
The species is very rare (very few specimens known) and known from subpopulations in low elevation areas in seven islands (Corvo, Flores, Faial, S. Jorge, Graciosa, Terceira and S. Miguel islands). A continuing decline in the number of subpopulations is inferred from the ongoing habitat degradation due to human activities at lower elevations.
As a consequence of major past and ongoing land-use changes at low and middle elevations in all islands the seven subpoulations are restricted to small patches.
This species has four subspecies (D. a. azoricus present in Faial, S. Jorge and Graciosa islands; D. a. nitens present in Occidental group (Corvo and Flores islands); D. a. parallelirostris restricted to Terceira island and D. a. separandus restricted to S. Miguel island), and occurs in modified native forests (dominated by Erica azorica and Morella faya), exotic forests and semi-natural pastures (
Due to major land-use changes at low elevations, with the destruction of many habitats for urbanization and implementation of agriculture activities.
It is frequent to find specimens in caves, since the adults stay underground during the day. The fact that the species is polyphagous facilitates its survival in a highly human modified territory at lower elevations. Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed on plant tissues. This is an univoltine species.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of Terceira). In the other six islands none of subpopulations are located within the range of protected areas. Further spread of invasive plants needs to be stopped in order to avoid any future declines of the species. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats at low elevations.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in all the historical localities and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan in many of the historical localities. In addition, there is the need of special area-based management plans for most of the subpopulations.
True weevil, Snout beetle, Weevil (English); Gorgulho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Drouetius borgesi is an endemic species with three subspecies: D. b. borgesi occurring in Terceira island; D. b. centralis occurring in Faial, Pico, S. Jorge and Graciosa islands and D. b. sanctmichaelis restricted to S. Miguel island (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is ca 11,600 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 92 km2.
The Extent of Occurrence includes large areas of unsuitable habitats. This species continues to decline due to habitat degradation in the native forest (mostly due to invasive plants) and to habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in the native and exotic forests of the islands of the central group (Faial, Pico, S. Jorge, Graciosa and Terceira) and S. Miguel island. Possibly the AOO value is slightly overestimated. The area of occupancy of this species continues to decline due to habitat degradation in the native forest (mostly due to invasive plants) and to habitat fragmentation.
This species occurs in 17 native and exotic forest patches distributed by the islands of the central group (Faial, Pico, S. Jorge, Graciosa and Terceira islands) and S. Miguel island.
Seventeen locations known, but the original area was larger. Invasive plant species spreading (e.g. Hedychium gardnerianum) are changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil with impacts on the species.
D. borgesi is a widespread and still an abundant species in some pristine sites. The species currently has a decreasing population density due to the spread of the invasive plant Hedychium gardnerianum that is changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil with impacts on the species.
D. borgesi is a widespread and still a highly abundant species. The species presents currently a stable population only in pristine sites. However, the spread of Hedychium gardnerianum) is changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil with impacts on the species and potential decline of the most disturbed subpopulations.
Major land-use changes at all elevations in all islands promoted the creation of small patches of native forest. The species occurs in 17 natural forest fragments that are isolated in a sea of pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations. In the last ten years many of those subpopulations were highly impacted by invasive plants that are changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants. The trend of invasive plant species spread will continue in future with negative impacts in most of the subpopulations.
This species has three subspecies: D. b. borgesi present in Terceira island, inhabits native forests (dominated by Juniperus brevifolia, Ilex perado subsp. azorica, Laurus azorica and Erica azorica) and Cryptomeria plantations; D. b. centralis present in Faial, Pico, S. Jorge and Graciosa islands, inhabits in native and exotic forests, native plants on lavic formations (Erica azorica) and grasslands and natural pastures and D. b. sanctmichaelis restricted to S. Miguel island, inhabits native forests.
The spread of Hedychium gardnerianum is changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil with impacts on the species.
This species has an altitudinal range between 300 and 1100 m. Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed on plant tissues, mostly leafs and during the night. Based on seasonal data from SLAM traps obtained in several islands between 2012 and 2016 (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in regionally protected areas (Natural Parks of Pico S. Jorge, Terceira and S. Miguel). The Terceira Natural Park administration is currently starting control measures of the invasive plants. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years. Since this species occurs in relict native Azorean forests, some awareness measures were put recently in practice using for instance images from extreme macro (see Fig.
This species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in more sites and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Laparocerus azoricus Drouet, 1859
True weevil, Snout beetle, Weevil (English); Gorgulho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is ca 22,000 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 40 km2.
Drouetius oceanicus is an endemic species with two subspecies: D. o. oceanicus restricted to Terceira island and D. o. tristis occurring in Corvo, Faial, S. Jorge, Graciosa and S. Miguel islands (Azores, Portugal) (
The Extent of Occurrence includes many unsuitable habitats not occupied by this species. The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction at lower elevations and habitat continuing destruction and fragmentation.
The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction at lower elevations and habitat continuing destruction and fragmentation.
This species occurs in six isolated locations in the islands of Corvo, Faial, S. Jorge, Graciosa, Terceira and S. Miguel islands under threat.
Six locations known but the original area was larger due to major changes in low elevation habitats. Possibly extinct in some of these six locations and in danger in the others due to continuing disturbance and land-use changes for urbanization ang agriculture activities.
The species is extremely rare and there are six known subpopulations at low elevation areas in several islands (Corvo, Faial, S. Jorge, Graciosa, Terceira and São Miguel islands). A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred from the ongoing habitat degradation due to human activities. Recently in 2016 (
The species is extremely rare and there are six known subpopulations at low elevations in several islands (Corvo, Faial, S. Jorge, Graciosa, Terceira and São Miguel islands). A continuing decline in the number of subpopulations is inferred from the ongoing habitat degradation due to human activities. Recently in 2016 few specimens were found in the historical site from Terceira in a highly degraded marsh associated with native and exotic plants (Paul do Belo Jardim) (
Major land-use changes at low and middle elevations in all islands promoted the creation of small patches of native and exotic forest. The species occurs in six islands in small patches of exotic habitats fragmented due to urban and agriculture development, that will keep occurring in the next ten years in all the subpopulations.
This species has two subspecies (D. o. oceanicus restricted to Terceira island and D. o. tristis present in Corvo, Faial, S. Jorge, Graciosa and S. Miguel islands), and occurs in modified native forests (dominated by Erica azorica and Morella faya), exotic forests and marsh areas (in Terceira) (
The habitat is being highly modified and is currently under extreme disturbance regimes due to urbanization and agriculture activities at low elevations.
Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed on plant tissues. The fact that the species is polyphagous facilitates its survival in a highly human modified territory at lower elevations. This is an univoltine species.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Further spread of invasive plants needs to be stopped in order to avoid any future declines of the species. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats at low elevations.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens at lower elevations and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. In addition, there is the need of special area-based management plans for most of the subpopulations. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
True weevil, Snout beetle, Weevil (English); Gorgulho (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
This species is considered extinct in Azores (
Neocnemis occidentalis is a single-island endemic species from Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal) (
Based on the area of a unique cell of the historical locality. The species is considered extinct in the historical locality possibly due to habitat destruction. Not sampled recently despite some intensive field work (
Based on the area of a unique cell of the historical locality. The species is considered extinct in the historical locality possibly due to habitat destruction. Not sampled recently despite some intensive field work (
The species is potentially extinct due to destruction of the habitat in all its range (
Possibly went extinct more than 10 years ago.
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred from historical records. According to
The species is only known from a single subpopulation. According to
The species occured in the native forest of Santa Maria Island (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 450 and 550 m. It is considered extinct.
Since the historical record, the native habitat in the island of Santa Maria was greatly reduced to accomodate Cryptomeria japonica plantations (
It is a phytophagous species. This is an univoltine species.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of Santa Maria). Degraded habitats should be restored and of critical importance is the removal of invasive non-native species where this is possible. A strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats invaded by invasive plants.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens at Pico Alto (Santa Maria) and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Bark beetle (English); Caruncho-do-cedro-do-mato (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
This species was described from individuals collected in Pico island, between 29.VII.1983 and 25.6.1985. These are deposited in G. Israelson collection and in the Canadian National Collection of Insects. Adults are easily recognized by the convex elytral declivity on which the first and third interstriae are, at most, very weakly elevated and all interstriae bear a row of minute to small granules and distinct punctures and by the distinct, median carina on the frons of both sexes (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is ca 10,100 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 40 km2.
Phloeosinus gillerforsi is an endemic species present in Pico, S. Jorge, Terceira and S. Miguel islands (Azores, Portugal) (
The species is well adapted to Juniperus brevifolia, species that is protected, but is reducing its area due to invasive plants and forest fragmentation.
The species occurs in the native forests of the Pico, S. Jorge, Terceira and S. Miguel islands. The AOO value including native forest is around 30 km2. The species may decline due to invasive plants that are promoting host tree Juniperus brevifolia habitat fragmentation.
This species occurs in eigth isolated native forest patches in the Pico, S. Jorge, Terceira and S. Miguel islands.
Eight locations known but the original area was larger. In the last ten years invasive plant species are spreading (e.g. Hedychium gardnerianum; Hydrangea macrophylla, Pittosporum undulatum, Clethra arborea), changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil which will impact the species habitat quality.
P. gillerforsi is a widespread and particularly abundant species in native forests (very common in the host tree Juniperus brevifolia). The species is currently abundant but a declining in the abundance of some subpopulation is inferred from the fragmentation and declining of the host species Juniperus brevifolia.
P. gillerforsi is a widespread and particularly abundant species in native forests (very common in the host tree Juniperus brevifolia). A declining in the number of subpopulations is inferred from the fragmentation and declining in the abundance of the host species Juniperus brevifolia.
The species occurs in native forests dominated by the main host Azorean endemic tree Juniperus brevifolia in Pico, S. Jorge, Terceira and S. Miguel islands (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 0 and 1200 m.
The habitat is more or less stable since the host plant is protected.
Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed on plant tissues of the host tree, the Azorean Cedar Juniperus brevifolia. Based on seasonal data from SLAM traps obtained in several islands between 2012 and 2016 (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in regionally protected areas (Natural Parks of Pico, S. Jorge, Terceira, Pico and S. Miguel). Further spread of invasive plants needs to be stopped in order to avoid any future declines of the host plant species. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in small fragments with the host plant Juniperus brevifolia. and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan in some areas. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
True weevil, Snout beetle, Weevil (English); Gorgulho-casca-de-noz (Portuguese).
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Pseudechinosoma nodosum is an endemic species present in Flores, Faial, Pico, S. Jorge, Terceira, S. Miguel and Santa Maria islands (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is ca 33,700 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 100 km2.
The EOO includes large areas of unsuitable habitats. The EOO of this species continues to decline due to habitat degradation in the native forest (mostly due to invasive plants) and to habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in the native and exotic forests of the Flores, Faial, Pico, S. Jorge, Terceira, S. Miguel and Santa Maria islands. Possibly the AOO value is slightly overestimated. The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction and habitat fragmentation.
This species occurs in 13 native and exotic forest fragmented patches in the Flores, Faial, Pico, S. Jorge,Terceira, S. Miguel and Santa Maria islands.
Thirteen locations known but the original area was larger. The natural forest reserves of Pico Pinheiro (S. Jorge); Pico Galhardo (Terceira) and Pico Alto (St. Maria) have a very low Index of Biotic Integrity (
P. nodosum is a widespread and particularly abundant species in native and few patches of exotic forests. The species currently has a decreasing population density due to the spread of the invasive plant Hedychium gardnerianum that is changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil with impacts on the species
P. nodosum is a widespread and particularly abundant species in native and few patches of exotic forests. A decreasing in the number of subpopulations is inferred as a consequence of the spread of the invasive plant Hedychium gardnerianum that is changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil with impacts on the species.
The species occurs in native forests (mainly dominated by Juniperus brevifolia, Laurus azorica and Ilex perado spp. azorica) and Cryptomeria japonica plantations in Flores, Faial, Pico, S. Jorge, Terceira, S. Miguel and Santa Maria islands (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 400 and 1200 m.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
This is an univoltine species. Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed on plant tissues. This is a dead wood specialist (i.e. saprophagous).
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in regionally protected areas (Natural Parks of Pico, S. Jorge, Terceira, Pico, S. Miguel and Santa Maria). The Terceira Natural Park administration is currently starting control measures of the invasive plants. Further spread of invasive plants needs to be stopped in most islands order to avoid any future declines of the species. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years.
The species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in more native forest sites and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan in some of the islands. An Area-based Management Plan is needed for some of the subpopulations, namely in Santa Maria and S. Miguel. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Cigarette beetle, Death wacth beetle, Drugstore beetle, Furniture beetle, Powerpost beetle (English)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Anobiidae |
Sphaericus velhocabrali was described from a individuals collected in Santa. Maria island, on the 9.VII.1982 (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
Sphaericus velhocabrali is a single-island endemic species from Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal) (
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 8 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 8 km2. The species cccurs only in a small coastal area at Ponta de São Lourenço.
This species occurs in habitats associated with agricultural activities of Santa Maria island. Possibly the EOO value is slightly overestimated since the species has a very small range. The species continues in decline due to human land-use change and agricultural activities at low elevations.
This species occurs in habitats associated with agricultural activities of Santa Maria island. Possibly the AOO value is slightly overestimated. The species continues in decline due to human disturbance.
This species occurs in habitats associated with agricultural activities (vineyards) of Santa Maria island.
The species is only known from a single subpopulation on Santa Maria island. A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred due to the ongoing threats, mainly due to human disturbance associated to agricultural activities.
The species is only known from a single subpopulation on Santa Maria island.
This species occurs in habitats associated to agricultural areas (vineyards) in Sant Maria island (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 0 and 150 m (
Due to human disturbance associated to agricultural activities.
This is an univoltine species. S. velhocabrali is an herbivorous xylophagous species (i.e. whose diet consists primarily of wood).
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law, but some enforcement should be put in place in this direction. Thus, it is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. Since this species is one of the few endemic species of insects in the Azores that lives associated with vineyards, it is suggested that some awareness measures should be put in practice, due to its unique natural value of the species and cultural value of vineyards for the Azorean region. Therefore, current habitat should be maintained and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change.
The species is not utilized.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in additional coastal areas in Santa Maria and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan.
Click beetle, Wireworm (English); Escaravelho-mola-dos-Açores (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Elateridae |
Athous azoricus was described from a single male collected in S. Miguel island. Female has the same coloration of the male; it differs latter by the more convex and quadrangular pronotum and shorter antennae not reaching for two articles the apices of the posterior angles of pronotum (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is ca 14,000 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 44 km2.
Athous azoricus is an endemic species present in Flores, Graciosa, Terceira and S. Miguel islands (Azores, Portugal) (
The species keeps a decline trend due to native forest destruction, landscape transformation associated to agricultural activities, introduced species and habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in native forests patches of the Flores, Graciosa, Terceira, and S. Miguel islands. The species keeps a decline trend due to native forest destruction, landscape transformation associated to agricultural activities, introduced species and habitat fragmentation.
This species occurs in five native and exotic forest patches in the Flores, Graciosa, Terceira and S. Miguel islands.
Five locations known that were highly impacted by land use changes and invasive plants in the last ten years.
This species is rare. There is an inferred continuing decline in the number of mature individuals since the five known subpopulations are under threat due to major land-use changes at lower elevations.
This species is rare. There is an inferred continuing decline in the number of subpopulations thatare under threat due to major land-use changes at lower elevations.
Major land-use changes at low and middle elevations promoted the creation of small patches of native and exotic forest in all islands. The species occurs in five natural and exotic forest fragments that are isolated in a sea of pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations. In the last ten years a spread of invasive plants is changing the habitat structure, namely decreasing the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil and promoting the spread of other plants.
The species occurs in native and exotic forests of the Flores, Graciosa, Terceira, and S. Miguel islands (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 50 and 300 m.
Impact of introduced invasive plant speciesm namely Hedychium gardnerianum and Pittosporum undulatum and human activities decreases the quality of habitat at lower and middle elevations.
Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed of plant tissues. This is an univoltine species.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years. Formal education and awareness is needed to allow future investments in restored habitats invaded by invasive plants.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in additional native forest fragments in several islands and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary a area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Click beetle, Wireworm (English); Escaravelho-mola-de-Santa-Maria (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Elateridae |
Athous pomboi was described from two individuals collected in Santa Maria island, between 20.VIII.1997 and 27.VIII.1997. Both deposited in the University of Azores in Terceira at the "Dalberto Teixeira Pombo collection". This new species is distinguished from A. azoricus essentially by the darker colour, in the male by the greater convexity of pronotum, the shape of anterior frontal margin, and shorter antennae (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 40 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 40 km2.
Athous pomboi is a single-island endemic species restricted to Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal) (
This species occurs in several native and exotic forest patches of Santa Maria island. The area of its remaining native habitat is now only around 0.09 km². The extent of occurrence of this species continues in decline due to habitat degradation in the native forest (mostly due to invasive plants) and to habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in native and exotic forests of the Sta. Maria island. The size of its remaining native habitat is now only 0.09 km². The area of occupancy of this species continues in decline due to habitat degradation in the native forest (mostly due to invasive plants) and to habitat fragmentation.
This species occurs in one native and three exotic forest patches in Sta. Maria island.
Four locations that were highly impacted by invasive plants in the last ten years. The native forest location has a very low Index of Biotic Integrity (
The species is very rare in all known locations in Sta. Maria island. A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred due to small patches and the expansion of alien plants.
The species is very rare in all known locations in Sta. Maria island. A continuing decline in the number of subpopulations is inferred due to small patches and the expansion of alien plants.
Major land-use changes at all elevations in S. Maria island promoted the creation of small patches of native and exotic forest. The species occurs in one natural forest fragment and small not sustainable small patches of exotic forest that are isolated in a sea of pastures and Cryptomeria japonica plantations. With exception of the native forest all the other sites are under severe threat.
The species occurs in native forests, Cryptomeria japonica plantations and Acacia spp. exotic forests in S. Maria (Azores), with an altitudinal range between 100 and 550 m.
In the last ten years invasive plant species are spreading (e.g. Hedychium gardnerianum; Pittosporum undulatum) changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil which will impact the species habitat quality.
Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed on plant tissues, being active during the night. Based on seasonal data from SLAM traps obtained in several islands between 2012 and 2016 (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its main native habitat is in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of Santa Maria). Further spread of invasive plants needs to be stopped in order to avoid any future declines of the species. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in additional fragments of exotic forest in S. Maria and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Oophorus azoricus Tarnier, 1860
Click beetle (English); Escaravelho-mola (Portuguese)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Elateridae |
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is ca 39,000 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 200 km2.
Heteroderes azoricus is an endemic species occurring in all Azorean islands (
The Extent of Occurrence includes large areas of unsuitable habitats. The species keeps a decline trend due to native forest destruction at lower elevations and habitat continuing destruction and fragmentation.
The species keeps a decline trend due to native forest destruction and habitat fragmentation at lower elevations.
This is a widespread species that occurs in 35 locations of native and exotic forests and in agricultural landuses of the Flores, Faial, Graciosa, Terceira, S. Miguel and Sta. Maria islands.
35 locations, in which many of them in the last ten years were highly impacted by invasive species spread, exotic forest cut, intensive pasture management and urban development. Possibly some of these locations are not currently adequate for the species.
H. azoricus is a widespread and particularly abundant species in several habitats. A decline in the population abundance is inferred as a consequence of the spread invasive plant species, exotic forest cut, intensive pasture management and urban development.
H. azoricus is a widespread and particularly abundant species in several habitats. We assume stability in the number of subpopulations, despite de fact that some subpopulations are under threat.
The species occurs in several habitats, like native forests, exotic forests, lava formations, grasslands and in agricultural land-uses of the Flores, Faial, Graciosa, Terceira, S. Miguel and Sta. Maria islands (Azores). It is widespread by the low elevation habitats in the archipelago (altitudinal range between 0 and 500 m).
Many of the fragments in the last ten years were highly impacted by invasive species spread, exotic forest cut, intensive pasture management and urban development. Possibly some of the sites are not currently adequate for the species.
Adults and larvae are herbivores and feed on plant tissues. It is common to find many individuals under the bark of exotic trees. Based on seasonal data from SLAM traps obtained in several islands between 2012 and 2016 (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its main native habitat is in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of Santa Maria). In the remaining islands the species range is outside protected areas. Further spread of invasive plants needs to be stopped in order to avoid any future declines of the species. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in historical sites and in additional low elevation sites and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Leptophloeus azoricus Ratti, 1972
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Laemophloeidae |
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The area of its remaining native habitat is 0.09 km², but the AOO is 4 km². Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is therefore also 4 km².
Cryptolestes azoricus is a single-island endemic species from Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal) (
This species possibly occurs in the only remaining native forest patch from Santa Maria island. There is an inferred continuing decline in EOO due to the spread of invasive plants and observed loss of habitat area in the last 100 years and additional loss of habitat quality in the last 10 years.
Based on one locality, the main native forest remaining in the island. There is an inferred continuing decline in AOO due to the spread of invasive plants and observed loss of habitat area in the last 100 years and additional loss of habitat quality in the last 10 years.
The main current native forest that is highly threatened by invasive plants, namely Hedychium gardnerianum and Pittosporum undulatum that are changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil which will impact the species habitat quality.
Only one location of native forest left that has a very low Index of Biotic Integrity (
The species is very rare and only known from a single possible sustainable subpopulation. A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred from recent past deforestation and the ongoing habitat degradation due to invasions of alien plants.
The species is very rare and only known from a single possible sustainable subpopulation that may become extinct due to recent past deforestation and the ongoing habitat degradation due to invasions of alien plants.
The species possibly occurs in the single native forests patch of Santa Maria, surrounded by plantations of exotic trees and pastures. This species has an altitudinal range between 400 and 500 m.
In the last ten years invasive plant species are spreading (e.g. Hedychium gardnerianum; Pittosporum undulatum) changing the structure of the forest and the cover of bryophytes and ferns in the soil which will impact the species habitat quality
This is a predator that lives under bark of native trees. This is an univoltine species.
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to major deforestation (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in a regionally protected area (Natural Park of Santa Maria). The Santa Maria Natural Park administration is currently starting control measures of the invasive plants. Further spread of invasive plants needs to be stopped in order to avoid any future declines of the species. Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. A general monitoring scheme for the invertebrate community in the habitat is in place, but the population of this particular species and its habitat needs to be monitored in more detail. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in the surrounding areas of Pico Alto (S, Maria) and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary an area-based management plan and a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Mould beetle, Minute brown, Plaster beetle, Scavenger beetle (English)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Latridiidae |
This species was described from two individuals, collected in Santa Maria island (Pico Alto), between 4.VIII.1983 and 6.VIII.1983. These specimens are deposited in G. Israelson and G. Gillerfors collections. The Azorean species differ of the Macaronesian forms by uniform body colour, broader prothorax, non-raised elytral interstriae, considerably smaller size, more convex elytra and/or in details of the upper-side sculpture (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is ca 23,000 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 48 km2.
Metophthalmus occidentalis is an endemic species present in Faial, Graciosa, S. Miguel and Santa Maria islands (Azores, Portugal) (
The Extent of Occurrence includes large areas of unsuitable habitats. The species keeps a decline trend due to native forest destruction and habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in several native and exotic forests of the Faial, Graciosa, S. Miguel and Santa Maria islands. The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction and habitat fragmentation.
The species occurs in seven exotic and native forest patches in the Faial, Graciosa, S. Miguel and Santa Maria islands.
Seven locations that were highly impacted by invasive plants in the last ten years, and native forest patch included in a Natural Reserve of Santa Maria island has a very low Index of Biotic Integrity (
M. occidentalis is a widespread and particularly abundant species in native and exotic forests. A decline in the population abundance is inferred as a consequence of the spread invasive plant species and exotic forest cut.
M. occidentalis is a widespread and particularly abundant species in native and exotic forests. We assume stability in the number of subpopulations, despite de fact that some subpopulations are under threat.
This species occurs in native forests, exotic forests (dominated by Pittosporum undulatum) and Cryptomeria japonica plantations in several Azorean islands (Faial, Graciosa, S. Miguel and Santa Maria islands), with an altitudinal range between 100 and 500 m.
Many of the fragments in the last ten years were highly impacted by invasive species spread and exotic forest cut.Possibly some of the sites are not currently adequate for the species.
This species is a descomposer of organic matter living in the soil. Based on seasonal data from SLAM traps obtained in several islands between 2012 and 2016 (
In the past, the species has probably strongly declined due to changes in habitat size and quality (
The species is not protected by regional law. Its habitat is in regionally protected areas (Natural Parks of S. Miguel and Santa Maria). Degraded habitats should be restored and a strategy needs to be developed to address the future threat by climate change. It is necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to the conservation of this species. A habitat management plan is needed and anticipated to be developed during the coming years.
Further research is needed into its ecology and life history in order to find extant specimens in additional low elevaton sites in several islands and obtain information on population size, distribution and trends. It is also necessary a monitoring plan for the invertebrate community in the habitat in order to contribute to perform a species potential recovery plan. Monitoring every ten years using the BALA protocol will inform about habitat quality (see e.g.
Azorean small scavenger beetle (English)
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family |
Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Coleoptera | Leiodidae |
Catops velhocabrali was described from a single male collected in Santa Maria island, from 12 to 18.VI.1990 (holotype). It is deposited in the University of Azores in Terceira ("Dalberto Teixeira Pombo collection"). Catops velhocabrali differs from its probable nearest C. thurepalmi and C. antoniomachadoi from the Canaries, by having a stronger and more convex general appearance and a less transverse pronotum. It also differs in the antennae, maxillary palpus and aedeagus (
Anja Danielczak
Axel Hochkirch
Suppl. material
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 12 km2 and the maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is 12 km2.
Catops velhocabrali is a single-island endemic species from Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal) (
This species occurs in native and exotic forest patches and geological formations of Santa Maria island. The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction, habitat fragmentation and degradation of the geologic formations.
The species occurs in native and exotic forests and geological formations of the Santa Maria islands. The area of its remaining native habitat is now only 0.09 km². The species continues in decline due to native forest destruction, habitat fragmentation and degradation of the geologic formations.