Biodiversity Data Journal :
Research Article
Corresponding author: Mostafa Ghafouri Moghaddam (
Academic editor: Edward Baker
Received: 28 Aug 2017 | Accepted: 04 Oct 2017 | Published: 09 Oct 2017
© 2017 Mohammad Hossein Ghafouri Moghaddam, Mostafa Ghafouri Moghaddam, Ehsan Rakhshani, Azizollah Mokhtari
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Ghafouri Moghaddam M, Ghafouri Moghaddam M, Rakhshani E, Mokhtari A (2017) An Upgrade Pinning Block: A Mechanical Practical Aid for Fast Labelling of the Insect Specimens. Biodiversity Data Journal 5: e20648.
A new mechanical innovation is described to deal with standard labelling of dried specimens on triangular cards and/or pinned specimens in personal and public collections. It works quickly, precisely, and easily and is very useful for maintaining label uniformity in collections. The tools accurately sets the position of labels in the shortest possible time. This tools has advantages including rapid processing, cost effectiveness, light weight, and high accuracy, compared to conventional methods. It is fully customisable, compact, and does not require specialist equipment to assemble. Conventional methods generally require locating holes on the pinning block surface when labelling with a resulting risk to damage of the specimens. Insects of different orders can be labelled by this simple and effective tool.
Mechanical pinning block (MPB), Entomology, Collections, Museums.
Natural history museums (and even some personal collections) stand out as some of the most invaluable repositories of biological information. They are an important resource for preserve voucher specimens underpinning studies in taxonomy, ecology and related fields (
The final process for insert information mounted insects is to prepare and mount the labels in a practical arrangement for the collection. The primary purpose of a pinning block is to enhance the ability of people (students, researchers, curators) for make the pinning of insects, quicker, more precise and easier. Pins with specimens are held vertically during the labelling procedure. Therefore, if some researchers only wish to use traditional pinning blocks, it is suggested to use an alternative tools instead, which would be much simpler for curators and technician museums (e.g. see BioQuip co. or; or even a flexible model of different colours made from plastic with a matte finish and slight grainy feel (see
The role of the pinning block is to set specimens (card-mounted and/or pinned) and labels at proper heights on the pin with negligible damage and bending. It is crafted precisely to guarantee uniform pinned specimens with labels mounted in appropriate heights that can help to standardise the collection. It can be used to pin insects of various sizes simultaneously. The block therefore negates damage caused by pushing a mounted specimen into a flexible surface such as Styrofoam. A pinning block has a series of holes of different depths drilled in it to mount specimens and labels at standard heights. For the most part, the 3-step pinning block is made of walnut wood, with rounded ends along with plastic veneer on top to prevent damage from pin points and/or with a steel, aluminum, plastic, etc. and height for points or double mounts is set at 23 mm (1st the hole). The locality (2nd hole) and determination (3rd hole) label heights are set at 12 mm and 7 mm, respectively. Insect specimens are usually set for 13 mm height from top of the pin. Three holes are drilled through the side of the block with the above-mentioned sizes
Pinning blocks are released in many different shapes and sizes (Fig.
Types of pinning block.
The new tools to mount specimens and labels to uniform height portrayed here were initially conceived by the last two authors and complex practiced with success on parasitoid wasps specimens for numerous years. Subsequent updates and improvements was implemented by the first author. The new cost effective, light weight, and high quality commercial product is presented here, and compared to previous designs of pinning blocks by the first author.
To build this tools, measurements and primary design were made using Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2016 version M.49.0.0 software (Fig.
Step-by-step of construction of the pinning block mechanical.
For the quick access to details in the final version of the paper (*.pdf version) files *.DWG using Delcam ExchangeTM 2015 version 8.4.1004 software was used to convert DWG files (a file AutoCAD®) into U3D, that were then imported into Adobe Acrobat® Pro DC XI ver. 11.0.09 (see Suppl. material
Comparison of the important features of available pinning block on the market.
PB* features |
Mechanical PB |
Traditional wooden stair-step |
Flexible stair-step |
Hardwood |
rectangular wooden |
rectangular steel |
extravagant model |
Applicability |
always |
sometimes |
often |
very often |
always |
rarely |
Cost |
$5 .00 |
$3.00 |
$19 |
$6.45 |
$6.35 |
$39.00 |
No Price |
Material |
Plexiglas |
Wood |
Plastic |
Wood |
Wood |
Steel |
Silicone |
Precision |
Excellent |
Very Good |
Fair |
Good |
Very Good |
Excellent |
Poor |
Process Labeling |
1-Step |
3-Step |
3-Step |
5-Step |
3-Step |
5-Step |
3-Step |
Quality |
Good |
Very Good |
Poor |
Very Good |
Very Good |
Excellent |
Good |
Duration |
Short |
Average |
Fair |
High |
Fair |
High |
Fair |
Weight |
Light |
Average |
Light |
Average |
Average |
Heavy |
Average |
Final analysis |
Excellent |
Very Good |
Poor |
Good |
Very Good |
Excellent |
Fair |
The design of the Mechanical Pinning Block (MPB) model and step by step manufacturing are shown in more details in Figs
All the different tested pinning blocks can be used to produce regular labelled pinned specimens. Our MPB tool however achieves this in less time (see Suppl. material
Conventional pinning blocks are generally time-consuming and risky, which can be detrimental to specimens. The updated pinning block is a time-expedient technique which reduces risk to specimens. Currently the MPB can be used only for insects with small size, making it impractical for some orders such as Lepidoptera. In general, these tools cannot be used for insects with large size. A proper label increases the scientific value of a specimen because it provides the name of the insect and other information.
MPB is also ideal and perfect for quick arrangement to increase the visibility of specimens and labels by curators and student taxonomists, thus increasing the aesthetics and usability of the collection
Approximately 90% of the time required for digitisation is spent on capturing metadata and the labelling specimens; while the latter involves physical handling of the specimens and should be performed by experienced staff (
Based on the exhibited results (see final analysis in the Table
A further advantage of the MPB is that each component part is easy to replace, either for repair or when updated materials/designs are available. Authors are pleased to receive ideas and feedback of readers for the next generation pinning blocks. It is an honor to advance, accelerate, and provide excellent results in specialized tasks and projects, especially project digitisation specimens in the museum, essential supplies are provided to entomologists.
This work was financed by University of Zabol grant No. UOZ-GR-9517-2. Mention of trade names or commercial products (trademark symbols) in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and subsequently authors confirmation (with recommendation) and extremely thankful from this company. Many thanks are likewise to anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestion on the original manuscript.
Necessary ethical approval was obtained from the university ethics committee.
The tools were constructed by first author, and the later two author conducted laboratory tests in the museum Department of Plant Protection, University of Zabol. All four authors wrote the manuscript. This research was a part of Ph.D. dissertation of the second author at University of Zabol, Iran.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
Before initial design by the AutoCAD program we created an initial animation using the 3D Max program for our the better understand and draw in order to operate the project, in other words visualizing initial plan.
This supplementary files is containing two files. We for to make this tools first designed an initial plan in AutoCAD program. Then each of the designed segment was put together on one page. Finally, the final file using the computer personal transferred to the CNC machine that to perform the cutting operation on the Plexiglas.
To view details of the tools from different angles and to handle screen transitions and image swapping that an animation file was embedded in the Adobe Acrobat program.
This video shows how to work with the tools. Also, how to labeling, pinning and detail the tools is well illustrated.