Biodiversity Data Journal :
Data Paper (Biosciences)
Corresponding author: John D Lloyd (
Academic editor: Christopher Heckscher
Received: 01 Sep 2017 | Accepted: 15 Nov 2017 | Published: 22 Nov 2017
© 2017 John Lloyd, Christopher Rimmer
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Lloyd JD, Rimmer CC (2017) Surveys of Forest Birds on Puerto Rico, 2015. Biodiversity Data Journal 5: e20745.
The island of Puerto Rico supports a diverse assemblage of breeding birds, including 16 endemic species (
We provide data from one of the few spatially extensive surveys of forest birds on Puerto Rico. We sampled 211 locations in forests across the island during January–March 2015 using repeated point-count surveys. These data are suitable for use in estimating abundance, occupancy, and distribution of forest birds on Puerto Rico during the winter.
Puerto Rico, Bicknell's Thrush, Catharus bicknelli, point counts, birds, Elfin-woods Warbler, Setophaga angelae
Puerto Rico, the easternmost island of the Greater Antilles, is a hotspot of biodiversity (
Here, we provide data from repeated point-count surveys conducted at 211 locations in forests across the island during January–March 2015. At each point, an observer counducted 4 sequential surveys, each lasting 2.5 minutes, during which all birds heard or seen were recorded. In addition, the observer estimated the distance to each individual bird that was detected. The structure of these data makes them amenable to a variety of analytical approaches, including occupancy models, N-mixture models, and distance sampling (
The overall goal of this research was to describe the distribution and abundance of forest birds on Puerto Rico during the winter by conducting repeated point-count surveys of birds at forested locations across the island. The focal species for these surveys was Bicknell's Thrush (Catharus bicknelli) and thus surveys were concentrated in areas considered potentially suitable for this species. As such most, but not all, survey locations were in submontane evergreen forest or lower montane elfin, sierra palm, transitional, and tall cloud forest (
Surveys of Forest Birds on Puerto Rico, 2015
Christopher C. Rimmer, John D. Lloyd, and Jose Salguero Faria
The study area consisted of 211 locations on Puerto Rico where we conducted point-count surveys for birds during January–March 2015. Survey points were located by first drawing a generalized random tessellation stratified (GRTS) sample of 1-km2 cells that were identified from the Bicknell’s Thrush winter-habitat model (
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant no. 48324 and private donations from friends of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies
Surveys were conducted in forested areas at a variety of elevations on Puerto Rico.
We conducted standardized point-count surveys for birds at 211 locations on Puerto Rico during January – March 2015. Survey points were located by first drawing a GRTS sample of 60 1-km2 cells that were identified from a predictive model of Bicknell’s Thrush winter habitat (
Location of 1-km2 cells on Puerto Rico surveyed for forest birds during 2015. Geographic distribution of sampling locations was based on the predicted probability of occurence of Bicknell's Thrush: 29 cells had a high predicted probability of occurrence of Bicknell’s Thrush (black dots); 5 had a medium (black triangles) and 9 had a low (black squares) predicted probability of occurrence (note that GPS coordinates were not recorded for 1 cell in each category, so only the 40 cells with coordinates are shown).
At each survey point, an observer conducted 4, 2.5-minute counts during which all birds heard or seen were recorded (i.e., a repeated-counts design). Counts were conducted in sequence, one after the other. A 1-minute playback of Bicknell's Thrush vocalizations preceded the second and fourth counts. Individuals of all species detected during each count were recorded into four distance bands: 0–10 m from the observer, 10–25 m, 25–50 m, and >50 m from the observer. All surveys were conducted between sunrise and 10:00 Atlantic Standard Time. Surveys were not conducted during rain or high winds.
Step 1. Identification of sampling locations.
We downloaded the raster output of the winter habitat model of Bicknell's Thrush (
Step 2. Establishing sampling points.
We visited 43 of the selected cells during 2015 (due to the paucity of detections of the focal species, Bicknell's Thrush, we did not return as planned in 2016 to sample the remaining cells). In each cell, we identified 3–5 locations suitable for conducting point-count surveys. Point locations within each cell were chosen systematically based on ease of access - all points were located in forests adjacent to public roads or trails - and so as to cover as much of the cell as possible. Each point was also placed so that forest cover within a 50-m radius was at least 50%. We located survey points >250 m from one another so as to maintain the independence of counts at each point. The location of each point was established in the field using a handheld GPS unit. Coordinates were not properly recorded for 28 points and so the exact the location of the survey point is unknown.
Step 3. Conduct bird surveys.
At each survey point, an observer conducted 4, 2.5-minute counts during which all birds heard or seen were recorded (i.e., a repeated-counts design). Counts were conducted in sequence, one after the other. A 1-minute playback of Bicknell's Thrush vocalizations preceded the second and fourth counts. Individuals of all species detected during each count were recorded into four distance bands: 0–10 m from the observer, 10–25 m, 25–50 m, and >50 m from the observer.
Puerto Rico
17.375 and 19.125 Latitude; -67.875 and -65.0 Longitude.
Rank | Scientific Name |
species | Accipiter striatus |
species | Anthracothorax dominicus |
species | Anthracothorax viridis |
species | Ardea alba |
species | Brotogeris versicolurus |
species | Bubulcus ibis |
species | Buteo jamaicensis |
species | Butorides virescens |
species | Cathartes aura |
species | Catharus bicknelli |
species | Chlorostilbon maugaeus |
species | Coccyzus minor |
species | Coccyzus vieilloti |
species | Coereba flaveola |
species | Columba livia |
species | Columbina passerina |
species | Contopus latirostris |
species | Crotophaga ani |
species | Cypseloides niger |
species | Elaenia martinica |
species | Estrilda melpoda |
species | Eulampis holosericeus |
species | Euphonia musica |
species | Eupsittula canicularis |
species | Falco sparverius |
species | Geotrygon chrysia |
species | Geotrygon montana |
species | Icterus icterus |
species | Icterus portoricensis |
species | Loxigilla portoricensis |
species | Margarops fuscatus |
species | Megascops nudipes |
species | Melanerpes portoricensis |
species | Mimus polyglottos |
species | Mniotilta varia |
species | Molothrus bonariensis |
species | Myiarchus antillarum |
species | Nesospingus speculiferus |
species | Orthorhyncus cristatus |
species | Parkesia motacilla |
species | Passer domesticus |
species | Patagioenas leucocephala |
species | Patagioenas squamosa |
species | Petrochelidon fulva |
species | Progne dominicensis |
species | Quiscalus niger |
species | Seiurus aurocapilla |
species | Setophaga adelaidae |
species | Setophaga americana |
species | Setophaga angelae |
species | Setophaga caerulescens |
species | Setophaga citrina |
species | Setophaga discolor |
species | Setophaga magnolia |
species | Setophaga ruticilla |
species | Setophaga tigrina |
species | Setophaga virens |
species | Spermestes cucullata |
species | Spindalis portoricensis |
species | Thalasseus maximus |
species | Tiaris bicolor |
species | Tiaris olivaceus |
species | Todus mexicanus |
species | Turdus plumbeus |
species | Tyrannus caudifasciatus |
species | Tyrannus dominicensis |
species | Vireo altiloquus |
species | Vireo latimeri |
species | Zenaida asiatica |
species | Zenaida aurita |
2015-01-22 through 2015-03-30
This dataset is released to the public and may be freely downloaded. Please keep the designated Contact person informed of any plans to use the dataset. Consultation or collaboration with the original investigators is strongly encouraged. Publications and data products that make use of the dataset must include proper acknowledgment.
A data table containing information on species occurrences generated during sampling events conducted January - March 2015 on Puerto Rico. This data table is linked to the resource samplingEvents.csv by the eventID.
Column label | Column description |
parentEventID | Alphanumeric identifer that identifies survey points within a locality. Of the format: Site identifier-point identifier. |
eventID | Alphanumeric identifier for each survey occasion. Of the format: Site identifier-point identifier.survey identifier. |
occurrenceID | Alphanumeric identifer for the occurences during a survey event, of the format: Site identifier-point identifier.survey identifier-occurrence identifier. Occurrences consist of detections of individual birds or groups of birds. |
individualCount | The number of individuals represented present at the time of the occurrence. |
organismQuantity | A number value for the quantity of organisms. Same as individualCount. |
organismQuantityType | The type of quantification system used for the quantity of organisms. |
scientificName | The full scientific name of the organism associated with the occurrence. |
kingdom | The full scientific name of the Kingdom of the organism associated with the occurrence. |
phylum | The full scientific name of the phylum or division of the organism associated with the occurrence. |
class | The full scientific name of the class of the organism associated with the occurrence. |
taxonRank | The taxonomic rank of the most specific name in the scientificName. |
dynamicProperties | Additional characteristics about the record, indicating the distance in meters between the observer and the individual at the time of detection. |
A data table containing information on sampling events conducted January - March 2015 on Puerto Rico. This data table is linked to the resource associatedOccurences.csv by the eventID.
Column label | Column description |
parentEventID | Alphanumeric identifer that identifies survey points within a locality. Of the format: Site identifier-point identifier. |
eventID | Alphanumeric identifier for each survey occasion. Of the format: Site identifier-point identifier.survey identifier. |
samplingProtocol | The name of, reference to, or description of the method or protocol used during an Event. |
sampleSizeValue | A numeric value for a measurement of the size (time duration, length, area, or volume) of a sample in a sampling event. |
sampleSizeUnit | The unit of measurement of the size (time duration, length, area, or volume) of a sample in a sampling event. |
eventDate | The date-time or interval during which an Event occurred. |
eventTime | The time or interval during which an Event occurred, with a format of hh:mm-UTC offset[hh:mm] |
country | The name of the country or major administrative unit in which the Location occurs. |
countryCode | The standard code for the country in which the Location occurs. Codes here are ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes. |
locality | The specific description of the place where the sampling event occurred. |
decimalLatitude | The geographic latitude (in decimal degrees, using the spatial reference system given in geodeticDatum) of the geographic center of a Location. Positive values are north of the Equator, negative values are south of it. Legal values lie between -90 and 90, inclusive. |
decimalLongitude | The geographic longitude (in decimal degrees, using the spatial reference system given in geodeticDatum) of the geographic center of a Location. Positive values are east of the Greenwich Meridian, negative values are west of it. Legal values lie between -180 and 180, inclusive. |
geodeticDatum | The ellipsoid, geodetic datum, or spatial reference system (SRS) upon which the geographic coordinates given in decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude as based. |
dynamicProperties | Additional characteristics about the record, indicating whether or not a recorded playback of Bicknell's Thrush vocalizations was broadcast prior to the sampling event |
We thank Jose Salguero Faría for his able coordination of field surveys. We are grateful for the excellent field assistance provided by Alcides Morales, Julio Salgado, and Fabio Tarazona. We also thank Wayne Arendt and Joseph Wunderle for advice and guidance in the planning of this study. Logistics and permits to work within protected areas were facilitated by the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources.
Conceived and designed the experiments: JDL CCR. Performed the experiments: CCR. Analyzed the data: JDL. Wrote the paper: JDL CCR.