Biodiversity Data Journal :
Short Communications
Corresponding author: Pablo Medrano-Vizcaíno (
Academic editor: Ricardo Moratelli
Received: 17 Aug 2018 | Accepted: 27 Nov 2018 | Published: 14 Dec 2018
© 2018 Pablo Medrano-Vizcaíno
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Medrano-Vizcaíno P (2018) The highest altitudinal record of the Mountain coati Nasuella olivacea (Gray, 1865) for Ecuador. Biodiversity Data Journal 6: e29160.
The Mountain coati Nasuella olivacea is a species of carnivorous mammal, several aspects of its ecology and natural history remain unknown. In Ecuador, its presence is reported in high Andean forest and paramo between 1,300 and 3,700 m a.s.l., being rare over 3,200 m. In this work, I present the extension of its altitudinal limit for Ecuador to 3,862 m a.s.l.; in addition, I report an event of a possible interaction between Tremarctos ornatus and N. olivacea.
cuchucho, Llanganates National Park, paramo, range extension, Procyonidae
The Mountain coati Nasuella olivacea, also known as cuchucho or andasolo, is a carnivore species that belongs to the Procyonidae family; it is very similar to the lowland coati (Nasua nasua), but a little smaller (
N. olivacea is a diurnal, terrestrial, arboreal and gregarious species, only adult males being solitary (
It is a rare species and information about ecology and natural history is unknown, but it could be similar to Nasua nasua (
According to the red book of mammals of Ecuador, it is a vulnerable species. Main causes for this category are deforestation, expansion of the agricultural frontier, roadkills and hunting. These are focal threats for populations survival (
For Ecuador, its presence range is about 20,000 km2 along fragmented areas. This factor obviously affects genetic flow amongst populations and reduces its viability (
This species is distributed along the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador, specifically in highlands and paramo areas (
For twelve days, between 4 October and 15 October 2017, together with people from the Ministry of Environment, we conducted a sampling expedition of medium and large mammals to the buffer zone of Llanganates National Park, located in Tungurahua and Pastaza provinces (Fig.
Records for Nasuella olivacea in Ecuador. Red star: this record (3,862 m a.s.l.); Orange circle: Previous highest altitudinal report with a supporting document for Ecuador (3,357 m a.s.l.) (
N. olivacea bones were found in a paramo area surrounded by scrublands. I registered geographical coordinates and altitude with a Global Positioning System (GPS) Garmin GPSMAP 64S.
This research was carried out under authorisation permission from the Ministry of Environment N°019-17LC-FAU-DNB/MA.
Skull identification was confirmed considering morphological characteristics described by
On 12 October 2017 at 11:47 am, in the Province of Tungurahua, Marcos Espinel Parish, Sunfopamba locality (-
As complementary information, it is important to add that coati bones were found near spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) faeces (Fig.
Furthermore, because the Andean bear (T. ornatus) is an opportunistic feeder and may be a scavenger and a predator (
It is important to highlight that coati bones were not found in any sample of bear faeces while conducting fieldwork, therefore, a reasonable answer would be that coati bones are not related to faeces. However, because there is not enough evidence to confirm or discard one of the possibilities mentioned in the last paragraph, it is interesting to show possible interactions between these two species.
Many aspects of ecology and natural history of N. olivacea are unknown (
I am grateful to Rodolfo Carvajal from Ministry of Environment of Ecuador for his help in the fieldwork, to Paisajes – Vida Silvestre Project - for providing financial support and field materials to monitor wildlife and to Miguel Pinto from Biological Sciences Institute (Escuela Politécnica Nacional), for his help in confirming the identification of the Andean coati.
There is no conflict of interest.