Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomic Paper
Corresponding author: Diego G. Pádua (
Academic editor: Jose Fernandez-Triana
Received: 10 Jul 2019 | Accepted: 06 Aug 2019 | Published: 23 Aug 2019
© 2019 Diego Pádua, Ilari Sääksjärvi, Ricardo Monteiro, Marcio Oliveira
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Pádua DG, Sääksjärvi IE, Monteiro RF, Oliveira ML (2019) New records of Ticapimpla Gauld, 1991 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) from Brazil and French Guiana, with taxonomic notes. Biodiversity Data Journal 7: e38141.
We report the genus Ticapimpla Gauld, 1991 from French Guiana and the species Ticapimpla amazonica Palacio et al., T. carinata Palacio et al., T. matamatae Palacio et al. and T. soinii Palacio et al. from Brazilian Amazonia. The new discoveries suggest that the genus is widely distributed in Amazonian lowland rain forests. In addition, we diagnose and illustrate the males of T. carinata and T. matamatae for the first time. Short diagnoses and layer-photos for all the Amazonian species are provided.
The genus Ticapimpla is reported for the first time from French Guiana and the species T. amazonica, T. carinata, T. matamatae and T. soinii from Brazilian Amazonia. In addition, the males of T. carinata and T. matamatae are diagnosed and illustrated for the first time.
Koinobiont, Amazonia, Neotropical, parasitoid wasps, Polysphincta genus-group, South America, tropical, rain forests, spiders.
Ticapimpla Gauld, 1991 is a small Neotropical genus belonging to the Polysphincta group of genera. Ticapimpla species structurally resemble species of Acrotaphus Gravenhorst and Hymenoepimecis Viereck. These three genera share the following set of features: 1) occipital carina strongly raised and forming a flange-like protuberance (in most species), and 2) epomia absent (
Ticapimpla includes five described species known from Costa Rica (
The aim of the paper is to report the genus for the first time from French Guiana and the species T. amazonica Palacio et al., 2010, T. carinata Palacio et al., 2010, T. matamatae Palacio et al., 2010 and T. soinii Palacio et al., 2010 from Brazilian Amazonia. In addition, we diagnose and illustrate the males of T. carinata and T. matamatae for the first time and provide diagnoses and layer-photos for all the Amazonian species.
The specimens examined in this paper are deposited in the following natural history collections: Invertebrate Collection of Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil - INPA (Curator: Marcio L. Oliveira), Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Pára state, Brazil - MPEG (Curator: Orlando T. Silveira), Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo state, Brazil - MZUSP (Curator: Carlos R.F. Brandão) and Zoological Museum, Biodiversity Unit, University of Turku, Turku, Finland - ZMUT (Curator: Ilari E. Sääksjärvi).
Morphological terminology follow
Digital images were taken using a CANON DS126461 digital camera attached to an OLYMPUS SZX16 stereomicroscope. The captured images were assembled with the software Zerene Stacker (Version 1.04) and edited in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
The distributional data of the species was obtained from the labels and
Ticapimpla amazonica Palacio, Broad, Sääksjärvi & Veijalainen, 2010 -
This species can be distinguished from all other species of Ticapimpla by the combination of the following characters: 1) tarsal claw without auxiliary tooth, with a quadrangular flattened lobe, lobe with inner margin slightly convex (tarsal claw simple, without auxiliary tooth or preapical lobe in male); 2) epicnemial carina short, present only ventrally; 3) fore wing infumate (or very faintly infumate) with a weakly yellowish band between junction of vein R1 up to pterostigma until middle of the vein M; 4) hind leg orange, with distal 0.6 of tibia and tarsus black; 5) metasoma orange with tergites VI+ black; 6) occipital carina not forming a strongly raised flange in the occiput (Fig.
Ticapimpla carinata Palacio, Broad, Sääksjärvi & Veijalainen, 2010 -
Male (Fig.
This species can be distinguished from all other species of Ticapimpla by the combination of the following characters: 1) tarsal claw with auxiliary tooth and with inner margin strongly concave (tarsal claw simple, without auxiliary tooth or preapical lobe in male); 2) epicnemial carina short, present only ventrally; 3) fore wing infumate, with a weakly yellowish band between junction of vein R1 up to pterostigma until middle of the vein M or very faintly yellowish with apex and area adjacent to pterostigma of fore wing clearly infumate; 4) hind leg orange, with distal 0.6 of tibia and tarsus black; 5) metasoma orange with tergites VI+ black; 6) occipital carina forming a strongly raised flange in the occiput (Fig.
Brazil*, Colombia, French Guiana** and Peru (Fig.
Ticapimpla matamatae Palacio, Broad, Sääksjärvi & Veijalainen, 2010 -
Male (Fig.
This species can be distinguished from all other species of Ticapimpla by the combination of the following characters: 1) tarsal claw with a preapical auxiliary tooth (tarsal claw simple, without auxiliary tooth or preapical lobe in male); 2) epicnemial carina entirely absent; 3) fore wing yellowish, with apex infumate and with an infumate median band extending backwards from anterior margin, just proximal to the pterostigma, right until the junction of the veins Rs&M with cu-a; 4) hind leg orange, with femur, tibia and tarsus black; 5) metasoma orange with tergites V+ or VI+ black; 6) occipital carina forming a strongly raised flange in the occiput (Fig.
Brazil* and Colombia (Fig.
Ticapimpla soinii Palacio, Broad, Sääksjärvi & Veijalainen, 2010 -
This species can be distinguished from all other species of Ticapimpla by the combination of the following characters: 1) tarsal claw without auxiliary tooth, instead with a preapical, flattened lobe, lobe with inner margin concave (tarsal claw simple, without auxiliary tooth or preapical lobe in male); 2) epicnemial carina short, present only ventrally; 3) fore wing very faintly yellowish, the fore wing with apex and area adjacent to pterostigma infumate; 4) hind leg orange, with distal 0.6 of tibia and tarsus black; 5) metasoma orange with tergites VI+ black; 6) occipital carina forming a strongly raised flange in the occiput (Fig.
Brazil*, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru (Fig.
We are grateful to all curators for the loan of material; the Zoological Museum of University of Turku for the use of the layer-image laboratory; the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for scholarship to DGP (159696/2015–1) and the project CNPq/PVE for the scholarship SWE model to DGP (208243/2017–8).