Biodiversity Data Journal : Research Article
Research Article
Biodiversity between sand grains: Meiofauna composition across southern and western Sweden assessed by metabarcoding
expand article infoSarah Atherton, Ulf Jondelius
‡ Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
Open Access


The meiofauna is an important part of the marine ecosystem, but its composition and distribution patterns are relatively unexplored. Here we assessed the biodiversity and community structure of meiofauna from five locations on the Swedish western and southern coasts using a high-throughput DNA sequencing (metabarcoding) approach. The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (COI) mini-barcode and nuclear 18S small ribosomal subunit (18S) V1-V2 region were amplified and sequenced using Illumina MiSeq technology. Our analyses revealed a higher number of species than previously found in other areas: thirteen samples comprising 6.5 dm3 sediment revealed 708 COI and 1,639 18S metazoan OTUs. Across all sites, the majority of the metazoan biodiversity was assigned to Arthropoda, Nematoda and Platyhelminthes. Alpha and beta diversity measurements showed that community composition differed significantly amongst sites. OTUs initially assigned to Acoela, Gastrotricha and the two Platyhelminthes sub-groups Macrostomorpha and Rhabdocoela were further investigated and assigned to species using a phylogeny-based taxonomy approach. Our results demonstrate that there is great potential for discovery of new meiofauna species even in some of the most extensively studied locations.


Illumina Mi-Seq, High Throughput Sequencing, Acoela, Gastrotricha, Platyhelminthes, Macrostomorpha, Rhabdocoela, Species Identification


Meiofauna (i.e. animals that pass through a 1 mm mesh, but are retained on a 45 µm mesh; Higgins and Thiel 1988) have been relatively unexplored (Eisenhauer et al. 2019), despite the fact that they are an important component of benthic habitats and play key roles in their environments (Aller and Aller 1992, Schratzberger and Ingels 2018, Snelgrove and Smith 2002). Assessments of meiobenthic diversity have often been performed manually using traditional morphological approaches, whereby researchers pick individual animals from a sample and attempt to identify the animal to species level (Giere 2009, Higgins and Thiel 1988). Such explorations are time-consuming and require high levels of taxonomic expertise and are therefore, by-necessity, focused on a limited number of taxonomic groups. Moreover, there is potential for great amounts of missed diversity, as animals that are particularly small, delicate, or simply unusual may be missed or ignored, while the presence of asexual or juvenile animals could make identification impossible.

Nevertheless, there is a long history of studies on meiofaunal taxa in the North Sea and Baltic waters surrounding Sweden. For instance, Westblad (Westblad 1940, Westblad 1942, Westblad 1945, Westblad 1946, Westblad 1948) published a series of papers describing Acoela and Platyhelminthes from the Gullmarn Fjord and surrounding Swedish and Norwegian waters, while Swedish marine Rhabdocoela (Platyhelminthes) were assessed on several occasions by, for example, Karling (Karling 1956a, Karling 1956b, Karling 1963, Karling 1974), Luther (Luther 1962, Luther 1963) and Westblad (Westblad 1954). For a long time, the Kristineberg Marine laboratory was especially the focal point of many studies of meiofaunal diversity (e.g. Boaden 1960, Elofson 1944, Jägersten 1952, Odhner 1937 and many others) and broad meiofaunal surveys have more recently occurred at the the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences on the island of Tjärnö (Willems et al. 2009, Curini-Galletti et al. 2012) . As a consequence, the Swedish meiofauna is comparatively well known.

Further in 2002, the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken) established a 20-year project to improve the taxonomical knowledge of all Swedish multicellular organisms and new opportunities were provided for modern day surveys of many different meiofaunal groups, including such taxa-of-interest as Acoela (e.g. Kånneby et al. 2015), Gastrotricha (e.g. Kånneby et al. 2009, Kånneby et al. 2012, Kånneby 2011, Kånneby et al. 2013) and Platyhelminthes (e.g. Atherton and Jondelius 2018a, Atherton and Jondelius 2018b, Atherton and Jondelius 2019, Larsson et al. 2008, Larsson and Willems 2010). The intense sampling activities during these surveys resulted in discovery of species new to science and new records for Sweden. In addition, molecular barcoding sequences for both new and known species were attained and deposited in public databases. The availability of these and other DNA sequences allowed for the creation of reference databases, which are a critical component in the recently developed metabarcoding approach to biodiversity assessment.

High-throughput DNA sequencing of a subset of gene(s) extracted from environmental or bulk samples (i.e. metabarcoding; TABERLET et al. 2012) is a promising tool that allows for rapid and comprehensive examination of community compositions (Brannock and Halanych 2015, Leray and Knowlton 2016). Metabarcoding techniques have been previously used to assess metazoan colonies along autonomous reef monitoring structures (Leray and Knowlton 2015), planktonic assemblages (de Vargas et al. 2015, Lindeque et al. 2013) and marine benthic meiofaunal communities (Brannock and Halanych 2015, Cowart et al. 2015, Creer et al. 2010, Fonseca et al. 2014, Fonseca et al. 2010). Two prior studies used metabarcoding approaches to examine meiobenthic communities in Sweden (Haenel et al. 2017, Holovachov et al. 2017) with a primary focus on improving and testing methods of metabarcoding, including examining the effects of sediment extraction methods, the usefulness of different primer pairs and gene loci and the optimal strategies to assign and identify operational taxonomic units (OTUs).

In this study, five locations across the southern and western coast of Sweden were sampled and a high-throughput metabarcoding approach was employed to provide a snapshot of their meiobenthic communities using fragments of the mitochondrial COI and the nuclear 18S rDNA genes. How efficient was the metabarcoding approach in capturing previously-recorded species diversity? Will metabarcoding reveal hitherto undetected species, even in localities that have been extensively sampled with traditional methods? To address these questions, four meiofaunal groups previously surveyed as part of the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative and hence with available sequence reference databases were selected for further assessment and OTUs assigned to these groups were identified to species level.

Material and methods


Marine sandy sediments were collected from five locations within Sweden during May-June 2016 (Fig. 1). Sites 1 and 2 are situated near the Marine labs at Tjärnö and Kristineberg where, especially at site 2, there is a long history of taxonomic meiofauna studies (see Coull and Giere 1988, Swedmark 1964 on the history of meiofauna research). The remaining three sites span the Swedish southern coastline where little previous sampling of the meiofauna has occurred.

Figure 1.  

Location of each of the sampling sites along the Swedish western and southern coasts. (1) Tjärnö near the Tjärnö Marine Laboratory (formerly Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences Tjärnö), 58°52’41.0 N, 11°06’56.0 E; (2) Fiskebäckskil near the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences Kristineberg, 58°14’52.1 N, 11°27’05.8 E; (3) Halmstad at Påarp Beach, 56°36’10.0 N, 12°54’48.3 E; (4) Kåseberga, just east of Ales stenar, 55°23’00.6 N, 14°03’46.5 E; (5) Landön western side, 55°58’20.6 N, 14°24’29.6 E.

At each site, two or three replicates of 500 ml sediment were collected at 1.5 m depth, placed in jars and transported to the laboratory for processing. Sediments were placed in a 7.2% solution of MgCl2 initially for two minutes and then again for an additional five minutes. After both time periods, the samples were thoroughly mixed to suspend meiofauna and lighter sediment particles and the supernatant decanted through a 125 µm sieve. Samples were then fixed immediately in 95% ethanol for molecular analyses and stored at -20°C.

Library preparation and sequencing

DNA was extracted using Qiagen’s DNeasy PowerSoil Kit following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Primers were selected from Haenel et al. (2017) to target a 370 bp fragment of the 18S gene corresponding to the V1-V2 region, which have been shown to be effective for the amplification and identification of metazoan diversity in previous metabarcoding studies (Haenel et al. 2017, Holovachov et al. 2017, Leasi et al. 2018). In addition, the COI reverse ‘Folmer’ primer (dgHCO2198, Folmer et al. 1994), as well as a newly-designed forward primer, were used to target a 390 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) gene encompassing the ‘mini-barcode’ region (Leray et al. 2013). Following the dual PCR amplification method of Bourlat et al. (2016), Illumina overhang adapter sequences were appended to the primers for the first PCR (the amplicon specific PCR), while a second PCR (the index PCR) was then performed to incorporate Illumina index adapters. Suppl. material 1 lists all primer information.

The amplicon PCR reactions were performed using 0.2 ml PuReTaq Ready-To-Go PCR Beads (GE Healthcare) with 5 pmol each forward and reverse primers and 3 µl DNA and cycling conditions of 5 min at 95°C, 35 cycles of (30s at 95°C, 90s at 50°C, 60s at 72°C) and 10 min at 70°C. PCR reactions were checked on a 2% agarose gel and purified with Agencourt AMPure XP magnetic beads (Beckman Coulter).

The index PCR reactions were performed using 0.2 ml PuReTaq Ready-To-Go PCR Beads (GE Healthcare) with 5 pmol each of Nextera XT Index Primer i5 and Nextera XT Index Primer i7 and 13 µl DNA. Cycling conditions consisted of 5 min at 95°C, 10 cycles of (30s at 95°C, 30s at 62°C, 30s at 72°C) and 10 min at 70°C. PCR reactions were again checked on a 2% agarose gel and purified with Agencourt AMPure XP magnetic beads (Beckman Coulter) using a 0.8 ratio to select for > 200bp fragments.

In order to minimise random sampling error, three libraries were created and run independently, each multiplexed to include amplicons from every sample. Libraries were pooled to equimolar concentration and sent to SciLifeLab (Stockholm, Sweden) for sequencing via the Illumina MiSeq platform with v3 chemistry. A total of 41,410,434 and 20,484,405 paired end reads of appropriate length were produced for 18S and CO1, respectively (Table 1).

Table 1.

Total number of reads per marker at each sampling location before and throughout the DADA2 quality control, chimera removal and OTU grouping process.

18S Input Filtered/Denoised Merged Non-Chimeric OTUs
1. Tjärnö 5837687 2071031 1947662 1418563 750
2. Fiskebäckskil 12355933 4086192 3428908 2414656 1102
3. Halmstad 7751818 2861465 2716815 2238364 946
4. Kåseberga 8978859 3378949 3094138 2076371 1232
5. Landön 6486137 2447217 2273099 1543469 749
TOTAL 41410434 14844854 13460622 9691423 3615
CO1 Input Filtered/Denoised Merged Non-Chimeric OTUs
1. Tjärnö 2574531 1202237 1118651 1076404 570
2. Fiskebäckskil 6379738 3130397 3019902 2946301 1172
3. Halmstad 3557580 1780771 1754494 1654651 350
4. Kåseberga 3162540 1474187 1445150 1254788 958
5. Landön 4810016 2350865 2303991 2125578 616
TOTAL 20484405 9938457 9642188 9057722 2482

Bioinformatic processing

Bioinformatic data processing was performed via QIIME2 (Quantitative Insight Into Microbial Ecology) version 2018.11 (Caporaso et al. 2010) following the procedures presented in Bourlat et al. (2016). Sequence quality was initially assessed using FastQC (Andrews 2010), with primer removal, further quality control, chimera removal and OTU grouping performed via DADA2. Example scripts are presented in Suppl. material 2.

Alpha and Beta diversity analyses

Overall species richness was calculated for each location in QIIME2 using the nonparametric Chao1 index (Chao 1984) with rarefied datasets to correct for bias due to unequal sampling size. One sample of the COI dataset with a very low yield (433 total sequences and 7 total OTUs) was excluded prior to all analyses. Rarefaction was performed without replacement to a depth of 141,711 for 18S sequences and 269,894 for COI sequences and was equal to the number of sequences in the smallest sample for each dataset. Alpha diversities amongst sites were compared by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM) tests were performed to assess Beta diversity and differences in sample community composition. Distance matrices of the rarefied 18S and CO1 sample datasets were calculated in QIIME2 based on the Jaccard index (Jaccard 1901) and Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM) tests were performed both pairwise and across all groups with 999 permutations. Example scripts for all alpha and beta diversity analyses are presented in Suppl. material 2.

Preliminary OTU assignment

For 18S sequences, preliminary OTU taxonomy was assigned using QIIME’s feature-classifier classify-sklearn with SILVA release 128 at 99% (Quast et al. 2013) and default settings. This identifies query sequences to phyla, based on similarity levels of 80% and to species at 97%. A total of 281 OTUs were identified as sequences belonging to four, previously relatively well-studied taxa of interest (Acoela, Gastrotricha, Macrostomorpha and Rhabdocoela) and further processed for phylogeny-based taxonomic assignment.

COI sequences were blasted against the full NCBI nucleotide database ( and MEGAN v 6.17 (MEtaGenomics Analyzer; Huson et al. 2011) was used to parse the results and assign preliminary OTU taxonomy (min. support 1; min. score 100; top percent 10; min. complexity 0). As with the 18S OTUs, a total of 58 COI OTUs were identified as sequences of interest and processed for phylogeny-based taxonomic assignment.

Phylogeny-based taxonomy assignments of taxa of interest

Reference alignments and phylogenetic trees were created in order to identify OTUs of the four taxa of interest and were constructed using 18S and COI gene sequences downloaded from GenBank. Datasets include 1) for Acoela, a total of 343 (18S) and 185 (COI) reference sequences, including a combination of sequences downloaded from GenBank, as well as new, previously unpublished sequences; 2) for Gastrotricha, 174 (18S) and 148 (COI) sequences, based on the combined dataset of Kånneby et al. 2013, Kieneke et al. 2012, Kolicka et al. 2018; 3) for Macrostomorpha, 239 (18S) and 95 (COI) sequences, based on Atherton and Jondelius 2019; and 4) for Rhabdocoela, 393 (18S) and 43 (COI) reference sequences representing all Rhabdocoela sequences currently available on GenBank. All reference alignments were carried out via MAFFT v 7 (; Katoh et al. 2019) and the maximum likelihood (ML) trees were built using RAxML v. 8.2.10 (Stamatakis 2014) with a GTR-GAMMA substitution model and 1000 bootstrap replicates. Specimen information, including GenBank accession numbers, can be found in Suppl. material 3 .

Query sequences were aligned against the appropriate reference database using MOTHUR v 1.39 (Schloss et al. 2009) with default settings. Taxonomic predictions were generated via PPlacer v 1.1 (Matsen et al. 2010). Taxonomic assignments were based either on high likelihood (above 90% threshold) of single placement or on high cumulative likelihood of multiple placements when all are within a single monophyletic clade (see Holovachov et al. 2017). All reference alignments and Placement trees are available as Suppl. materials 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.


Overall community composition

Illumina MiSeq produced at total of 41,410,434 raw reads of 18S and 20,484,405 raw reads of CO1, which were reduced following the quality filter step to 9,691,423 and 9,043,200 reads, respectively (Table 1). Reads were clustered into a total of 3,615 18S and 2,276 COI representative OTUs and an 80% similarity threshold was used to determine phylum level taxonomy. All MiSeq data underpinning the analyses reported in this paper are deposited at the GenBank SRA under project number PRJNA627723 (

For the 18S dataset, the majority of OTUs were assigned to either Metazoa (1,639 or 45%) or the SAR superphylum (1,313 or 36%), while 247 (6.8%) were unidentified (Table 2; Fig. 2a,b). For COI, 708 (31%) OTUs were assigned to Metazoa, 185 (8.1%) to the SAR superphylum, and 13 (0.57%) to Fungi, while a large portion of the OTUs (939, 41%) remained unassigned (Table 3; Fig. 2 c,d).

Table 2.

A summary of the higher-level identification results from each sample based on the 18S gene sequences. The numbers of OTUs and reads of each taxon overall and at each sampling location are listed.

Tjärnö Fiskebäckskil Halmstad Kåseberga Landön
1 2 3 4 5 Total
#OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads
Amoebozoa 1 / 2 6 / 124 0 / 0 19 / 998 1 / 2 27 / 1126
Archaeplastida 30 / 44634 35 / 29557 22 / 4583 45 / 43967 24 / 2415 105 / 125156
Excavata 0 / 0 2 / 22 0 / 0 4 / 1396 1 / 11 6 / 1429
SAR 201 / 23514 470 / 41770 214 / 51354 549 / 202797 269 / 68025 1313 / 387460
Other Eukaryote 6 / 409 16 / 682 23 / 2927 43 / 2581 32 / 1205 92 / 7804
Metazoa 465 / 1337416 452 / 2339150 619 / 2171876 373 / 1769973 358 / 1468426 1639 / 9086841
Fungi 20 / 11245 31 / 458 38 / 6056 87 / 50992 35 / 1690 168 / 70441
Other Opisthokonta 1 / 4 7 / 115 4 / 57 7 / 116 2 / 15 18 / 307
Unknown 26 / 1339 83 / 2778 26 / 1511 105 / 3551 27 / 1680 247 / 10859
Total 750 / 1418563 1102 / 2414656 946 / 2238364 1232 / 2076371 749 / 1543469 3615 / 9691423
Table 3.

A summary of the higher-level identification results from each sample, based on the COI gene sequences. The numbers of OTUs and reads of each taxon overall and at each sampling location are listed.

Tjärnö Fiskebäckskil Halmstad Kåseberga Landön
1 2 3 4 5 Total
#OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads
Amoebozoa 16 / 7819 28 / 2111 11 / 1434 20 / 6587 45 / 71496 88 / 89447
Archaeplastida 14 / 969 21 / 2008 3 / 5437 10 / 3908 12 / 9621 46 / 21943
Excavata 1 / 67 1 / 254 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 321
SAR 60 / 10085 106 / 19381 10 / 3564 12 / 1312 41 / 7428 185 / 41770
Other Eukaryote 69 / 8516 104 / 18510 122 / 5430 32 / 5453 44 / 22356 202 / 60265
Metazoa 161 / 1026022 231 / 2663755 94 / 1545893 248 / 2072072 197 / 954152 708 / 8261894
Fungi 1 / 39 4 / 59 0 / 0 5 / 2281 6 / 221 13 / 2600
Other Opisthokonta 13 / 584 21 / 3210 6 / 11218 9 / 1258 57 / 9562 94 / 25832
Unknown 137 / 20211 346 / 233221 134 / 79906 134 / 30889 295 / 174901 939 / 539128
Total 472 / 1074312 862 / 2942509 280 / 1652882 470 / 2123760 697 / 1249737 2276 / 9043200
Figure 2.  

A graphical summary of the higher level composition for all samples combined by (A) the percent of OTUs as determined by 18S sequences; (B) the percent of sequence reads as determined by 18S sequences; (C) the percent of OTUs as determined by COI sequences; (D) the percent of sequence reads as determined by COI sequences.

Tables 4, 5 and Fig. 3 present the OTUs assigned to any Metazoan phylum. For 18S, more than two-thirds of the metazoan diversity based on number of OTUs was split relatively evenly between Arthropoda (624 of 1,639 total OTUs; 38%) and Nematoda (496 OTUs; 30%), with Platyhelminthes accounting for 14% (228 OTUs) and all remaining phyla accounting for only 11% (175 OTUs). A total of 7% (116 OTUs) of the Metazoan OTUs were unable to be identified to phylum level. Such results are consistent with other benthic metabarcoding studies based on the same gene region (Bik et al. 2011, Fonseca et al. 2014, Fonseca et al. 2010, Lallias et al. 2015).

Table 4.

A summary of the Metazoan OTUs identified from each sample to phylum level based on the 18S locus sequences. The number of OTUs and reads of each phylum overall and at each sampling location are listed.

Tjärnö Fiskebäckskil Halmstad Kåseberga Landön
1 2 3 4 5 Total
#OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads
Annelida 34 / 70747 31 / 184790 17 / 14337 3 / 95 5 / 1438 68 / 271407
Arthropoda 133 / 700309 154 / 1416897 316 / 1465985 87 / 488705 123 / 549241 624 / 4621137
Bryozoa 1 / 10 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 498 0 / 0 2 / 508
Chordata 0 / 0 1 / 40 3 / 131 1 / 9 1 / 4 4 / 184
Cnidaria 5 / 1181 13 / 31041 2 / 310 1 / 12 1 / 8 18 / 32552
Echinodermata 0 / 0 1 / 55 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 55
Gastrotricha 3 / 1439 1 / 592 7 / 8138 10 / 81062 4 / 9654 16 / 100885
Kinorhyncha 3 / 4241 2 / 4131 2 / 321 0 / 0 1 / 59 5 / 8752
Mollusca 3 / 120 6 / 668 0 / 0 2 / 2939 1 / 5 9 / 3732
Nematoda 194 / 454408 158 / 613752 126 / 272220 145 / 751010 113 / 299857 496 / 2391247
Nemertea 0 / 0 2 / 608 1 / 79 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 687
Platyhelminthes 60 / 44008 43 / 27391 73 / 372749 82 / 441294 78 / 602164 228 / 1487606
Porifera 1 / 18 1 / 46 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 64
Rotifera 1 / 16 3 / 110 2 / 82 3 / 148 2 / 696 8 / 1052
Tardigrada 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 2 2 / 50 1 / 38 3 / 90
Xenacoelomorpha 15 / 57360 17 / 58794 19 / 35249 7 / 1790 5 / 3804 37 / 156997
Unknown 12 / 3559 19 / 235 50 / 2273 28 / 2361 23 / 1458 116 / 9886
Total 465 / 1337416 452 / 2339150 619 / 2171876 373 / 1769973 358 / 1468426 1639 / 9086841
Table 5.

A summary of the Metazoan OTUs identified from each sample to phylum level based on the CO1 locus sequences. The number of OTUs and reads of each phylum overall and at each sampling location are listed.

Tjärnö Fiskebäckskil Halmstad Kåseberga Landön
1 2 3 4 5 Total
#OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads
Annelida 5 / 1119 7 / 7467 1 / 157 1 / 382 3 / 808 13 / 9933
Arthropoda 71 / 100897 96 / 98117 32 / 1204537 53 / 72619 86 / 754285 265 / 2230455
Bryozoa 1 / 45 1 / 68 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 113
Chordata 0 / 0 2 / 16 0 / 0 1 / 807 0 / 0 3 / 823
Cnidaria 6 / 280 3 / 498 0 / 0 1 / 717 0 / 0 8 / 1495
Echinodermata 1 / 34 1 / 44 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 78
Gastrotricha 2 / 576 3 / 800 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 / 1376
Mollusca 6 / 173 17 / 39808 14 / 241184 16 / 8113 25 / 63903 57 / 353181
Nematoda 17 / 2366 35 / 17031 5 / 886 45 / 507414 39 / 63713 106 / 591410
Nemertea 1 / 81 2 / 123 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 204
Onychophora 1 / 45 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 15 2 / 60
Platyhelminthes 5 / 471 4 / 7888 22 / 70161 32 / 321833 44 / 1139563 82 / 1539916
Porifera 2 / 149 1 / 730 0 / 0 1 / 11 0 / 0 3 / 890
Rotifera 0 / 0 2 / 32 0 / 0 1 / 438 0 / 0 3 / 470
Xenacoelomorpha 5 / 4866 13 / 88069 6 / 19537 3 / 1523 8 / 16178 25 / 130173
Unknown 38 / 914920 44 / 2403064 14 / 9431 43 / 40295 42 / 33607 134 / 3401317
Total 161 / 1026022 231 / 2663755 94 / 1545893 197 / 954152 248 / 2072072 708 / 8261894
Figure 3.  

A graphical summary of the Metazoa OTUs identified to phylum level for each sample, as well as all samples combined, as shown by (A) the percent of OTUs based on 18S sequences; (B) the percent of sequence reads based on 18S sequences; (C) the percent of OTUs based on COI sequences; (D) the percent of sequence reads based on COI sequences. 1: Tjärnö, 2: Fiskebäckskil, 3: Halmstad, 4: Kåseberga, 5: Landön. Total: all samples combined.

When assessing total number of reads for the 18S dataset, Arthropoda attains more than half the numbers of reads for all of Metazoa (4,621,137 of 9,086,841 total number of reads; 51%), with Nematoda (2391247; 26%) and Platyhelminthes (1,487,606; 16%) following in abundance (Table 4; Fig. 3a,b). All other phyla represent only 6.4% (476,080) of the total number of metazoan reads, with only 0.1% (9,886) remaining unidentified.

For COI, a large amount of the biodiversity could not be assigned to a phylum: approximately 19% (134) based on OTUs and 41% (3,401,317) based on the number of reads. Phyla with high biodiversity in our samples include: Arthropoda with 265 OTUs (37%) across 2,230,455 sequences (27%); Nematoda with 106 OTUs (15%) and 591,410 sequences (7.2%); Platyhelminthes with 82 OTUs (12%) across 1,539,916 sequences (19%); and Mollusca with 57 OTUs (8.1%) and 353,181 sequences (4.3%; Table 5; Fig. 3c,d).

Community composition at different locations across Sweden

18S. Fig. 4 shows the alpha diversity rarefaction and box plots for the 18S sequences of each sampling site. Though alpha diversity was consistent across all other sites, Kåseberga had a significantly higher number of OTUs and Chao1 diversity (p < 0.05) than the remaining locations. As can be seen in Table 2, Kåseberga attained much higher numbers of OTUs from every major category except Metazoa. Metazoan diversity of Kåseberga is relatively low, with only 373 OTUs across ~1.5 M sequences. Pairwise ANOSIM analyses (Table 6) indicated that sample composition differed significantly (p ≤ 0.011, R ≥ 0.31) between all sites, excepting Tjärnö and Fiskebäckskil (p = 0.115, R = 0.27). This is illustrated very clearly in the PCoA emperor plot, which shows four distinct clusters representing Halmstad, Kåseberga, Landön and Tjärnö+Fiskebäckskil (Fig. 4c).

Table 6.

Results of the pairwise analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) analyses between each of the sample sites for both 18S and COI gene sequences. Significant p-values (p < 0.05) are in bold.

Pairwise ANOSIM Results
Gene Group 1 Group 2 R p-value
18S Halmstad Landön 0.3081 0.011
Halmstad Kåseberga 1.0000 0.004
Halmstad Fiskebäckskil 1.0000 0.002
Halmstad Tjärnö 0.9722 0.003
Landön Kåseberga 1.0000 0.005
Landön Fiskebäckskil 1.0000 0.001
Landön Tjärnö 1.0000 0.005
Kåseberga Fiskebäckskil 1.0000 0.001
Kåseberga Tjärnö 1.0000 0.002
Fiskebäckskil Tjärnö 0.2698 0.115
CO1 Halmstad Landön 0.6667 0.108
Halmstad Kåseberga 1.0000 0.098
Halmstad Fiskebäckskil 1.0000 0.063
Halmstad Tjärnö 1.0000 0.064
Landön Kåseberga 0.7778 0.092
Landön Fiskebäckskil 1.0000 0.032
Landön Tjärnö 1.0000 0.038
Kåseberga Fiskebäckskil 1.0000 0.034
Kåseberga Tjärnö 1.0000 0.034
Fiskebäckskil Tjärnö -0.1111 0.744
Figure 4.  

Diversity measurements, based on 18S gene sequences, including (A) rarefaction curves; (B) Chao1 diversity box plots; (C) principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) emperor plots for each sample site.

The majority of the diversity of every sampling location was assigned either to the SAR supergroup or to Metazoa. Halmstad in particular had much more diversity of Metazoans (619 OTUs across ~ 2.17 M reads) as compared to the other sites (358-465 OTUs across ~ 1.47-2.34 M reads), largely due to the abundance and diversity of the Arthropoda, which was higher here than any other site samples (316 OTUs, ~ 1.47 M reads). Table 4 and Fig. 3 show the Metazoan composition of each location according to amounts of 18S OTUs and reads. Within the metazoan phyla, Arthropoda, Nematoda, Platyhelminthes and Xenacoelomorpha were present in every sample, with Annelida, Cnidaria, Gastrotricha and Rotifera further present at every locale. Such diversity of interstitial taxa is expected in shallow, sandy marine waters.

A number of 18S OTUs were common along the sampled part of the Swedish coast (Table 7). Overall, a total of 37 OTUs were present in every locality, with two of these (one Arthropoda, one Nematoda) present in every single sample. The majority of these shared OTUs (28/37) were identified as Metazoa with the remaining either members of the SAR super assemblage (4), Archaeplastida (3) or Fungi (2).

Table 7.

OTUs of 18S and COI sequences that were present in at least one sample from all five localities. **OTUs that were further present in every sample.

OTUs Present in All Sampling Locations
Gene OTU Super Assemblage Phyla (Metazoa)
18S 90f6a60093b3fdc85ba7a1cb35057073 Archaeplastida
bed5cab4de8b0238d337199cbcbee51e Archaeplastida
fdbc082988924f7c1ecd32c8949fc3c1 Archaeplastida
22fa8218e35977d76ebdb9aeb305ac6a Fungi
b04cc75c142fdc390a9737cba8b3016e Fungi
eec420685696d90a0d07d87d1110ab7f Metazoa Annelida
4cc10b4ef5359220090acc37ec45e2c8** Metazoa Arthropoda
5279f7673b35821491c9532851458765 Metazoa Arthropoda
86fb00a9f505e8b809054f2b77be9c0f Metazoa Arthropoda
c1f41b8fe6a03d71ad363664c628eba3 Metazoa Arthropoda
d3a2d62586eef235d87bf5ea32a69eba Metazoa Arthropoda
dc820b776904fb714527a25dd072bf30 Metazoa Arthropoda
e8a53be7443a9c3919d5a70bc01c4e33 Metazoa Arthropoda
e92edef507628b3d47afa8f055b42c8d Metazoa Arthropoda
1c33f41b42787bd44f84b7928948c040 Metazoa Nematoda
39cbb16486c7a5fd5226e28238c4f361 Metazoa Nematoda
3d4364653ddb334a4bd6808b5cb1cddb Metazoa Nematoda
5efaede8aefab69c9471fb10ae896a26** Metazoa Nematoda
6308c0b4f2b682e85b3fcceec379c115 Metazoa Nematoda
7ad85c5748dc0f24ff0d0cf699142c8a Metazoa Nematoda
845b4bc23a0b60a614338ad5e16752e2 Metazoa Nematoda
a3647b4367700bb20211a2a8c9c6d15f Metazoa Nematoda
bd7d86e4c48f271d2b12f3ebe73a6e0a Metazoa Nematoda
bfc135032b34820cc5dcaa27fcb5d7a0 Metazoa Nematoda
ea4de89257c0302aa7191d662ac8ca44 Metazoa Nematoda
1ec64309427bdf249f924851356d587f Metazoa Platyhelminthes
25726baf15005d4fc2d1e47eb24465db Metazoa Platyhelminthes
525ec3abad4bf5a6324c56330686504f Metazoa Platyhelminthes
c741c7c5a6e916d37a4bf47635bf293d Metazoa Platyhelminthes
dcb254e4577a5beff4921ca44fc3533e Metazoa Platyhelminthes
e41276741e18d4b131ed89b4e11b6285 Metazoa Platyhelminthes
e875782ac3f5d26eaa6956dd4cc35685 Metazoa Platyhelminthes
1d5357d35317460eb71604b44982a32b Metazoa Xenacoelomorpha
0bd8922559eed4098d5ac4a255ba7871 SAR
64e1b3fa6bbd727a7ef9a9a3cd9eda42 SAR
9e872c52ece55247a0a784b494fd3fd6 SAR
ebd50793368d8f06efadf1e41e92c178 SAR
CO1 aee5e5584a107329178954de96480088 Metazoa Arthropoda
c091b08c6c169ead97f32db984eb9fe8 Metazoa Arthropoda
c44fd006d45976d3eca583816e631c4d Metazoa Arthropoda
cc05db8802aad5d02e18dd1f2780ed6c Metazoa Arthropoda
ff8981ce44e0943f8f2fe599e0c7af20 Metazoa Arthropoda
f660505d1d7e488403938eb904f64535 Metazoa Mollusca
17f8cd824b6985c53286f7fa0045669c** Metazoa Platyhelminthes
ee6c3481fe8b621d9a9ab8975fbb7418 Metazoa Platyhelminthes
3059851980624611c4b991bf0271ec64 UNKNOWN
0b5b6eeeeaeda4b023588ad575c77045 UNKNOWN

CO1. Fig. 5 gives the alpha diversity rarefaction and box plots based on the CO1 sequences for each sampling site. Although the Chao1 diversities of Tjärnö and Fiskebäckskil were overall slightly higher and that of Halmstad slightly lower, the alpha diversities based on CO1 sequences did not significantly differ between any of the sampling sites (p ≥ 0.05) and results from the pairwise ANOSIM analyses (Table 6) found the composition of each location differed significantly only between Landön and Tjärnö/Fiskebäckskil and Kåseberga and Tjärnö/Fiskebäckskil. As with the 18S results, the PCoA emperor plot found four distinct clusters (Fig. 5c) representing Halmstad, Landön, Kåseberga and Tjärnö+Fiskebäckskil.

Figure 5.  

Diversity measurements based on 18S gene sequences, including (A) rarefaction curves; (B) Chao1 diversity box plots; (C) principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) emperor plots for each sample site.

OTUs unidentified even to the level of larger assemblages accounted for a large amount of the CO1 datasets for every locale, fully dominating at three of the five locations. Otherwise, the majority of the known diversity was assigned primarily to Metazoa, although fewer metazoan phyla, in general, were represented at each site as compared to the 18S dataset. Of the metazoan phyla represented in the CO1 datasets, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Nematoda and Platyhelminthes were present in every sample, with Annelida and Xenacoelomorpha present at every locale (Table 5; Fig. 3c,d).

Ten CO1 OTUs were present in every location sampled, of which eight were identified as Metazoa (5 Arthropoda, 2 Platyhelminthes, 1 Mollusca) with the remaining two unable to be identified (Table 7). One Platyhelminthes OTU (further identified as a Proseriate) was recorded from every sample.

Species identification within taxa of Interest

Acoela. All but two of the 37 18S-based OTUs initially assigned to Acoela could be positively identified to species level following the phylogeny-based taxonomy assessment (Table 8). Overall, 15 different species of Acoela were identified from the samples, with multiple OTU placements occurring for seven species (2 each for Anaperus tvaerminnensis, Eumecynostomum macrobursalium, Mecynostomum lutheri and Philactinoposthia sp. 3; 3 for Arachaphanostoma sp. 1; 7 for Arachaphanostoma agile and 9 total OTUs identified as Arachaphostoma macrospiriferum). The remaining two OTUs were each placed with accumulated likelihoods above 0.90 in a monophyletic clade representing a single genus (Arachaphanostoma and Mecynostomum).

Table 8.

Alignment-based taxonomy assignments of taxa of interest based on 18S sequences. Species of Acoela, Gastrotricha, Macrostomorpha and Rhabdocoela that were identified are listed along with the total number of OTUs and number of reads assigned to each species from each sampling locality and overall. Species in bold are identified species with at least one OTU present at more than one sampling location. **Species that were previously found within Sweden.

Tjärnö Fiskebäckskil Halmstad Kåseberga Landön
1 2 3 4 5 Total
#OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads
Actinoposthia sp. 8 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 7 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 7
Anaperus tvaerminnensis** 0 / 0 2 / 33 1 / 5190 1 / 20 1 / 30 2 / 5273
Aphanostoma sp. AWHel19** 1 / 576 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 576
Archaphanostoma agile** 4 / 27639 5 / 22978 1 / 466 1 / 20 0 / 0 7 / 51103
Archaphanostoma macrospiriferum** 1 / 1772 1 / 688 9 / 24026 1 / 1615 1 / 3711 9 / 31812
Archaphanostoma ylvae** 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 / 4483 1 / 39 1 / 43 3 / 4565
Archaphanostoma fontaneti** 1 / 242 1 / 346 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 588
Eumecynostomum macrobursalium** 2 / 25304 2 / 29170 1 / 945 1 / 16 0 / 0 2 / 55435
Isodiametra sp. 2** 1 / 92 1 / 1497 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 1589
Mecynostomum auritum** 1 / 68 1 / 97 1 / 10 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 175
Mecynostomum lutheri** 2 / 683 2 / 1947 1 / 43 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 2673
Paramecynostomum sp. UJ0853 1 / 10 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 10
Paraproporus sp. 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 10 1 / 10
Paratomella unichaeta 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 79 0 / 0 1 / 10 1 / 89
Philactinoposthia sp. 3** 1 / 974 2 / 2038 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 3012
Archaphanostoma species 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 5 0 / 0 1 / 5
Mecynostomum species 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 75 0 / 0 1 / 75
Dolichomacrostomum uniporum** 1 / 1160 0 / 0 1 / 23356 1 / 5886 1 / 7690 1 / 38092
Microstomum crildensis** 2 / 906 1 / 1663 0 / 0 1 / 1495 0 / 0 2 / 4064
Psammomacrostomum sp. 1** 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 1142 1 / 52 1 / 496 1 / 1690
Macrostomum species 0 / 0 1 / 318 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 318
Microstomum species 3 / 3467 6 / 5539 2 / 168 1 / 912 0 / 0 7 / 10086
Dolichomacrostomidae species 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 5 1 / 5
Macrostomorpha species 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 39 0 / 0 1 / 39
Brinkmanniella palmata** 1 / 90 4 / 264 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 354
Cheliplana orthocirra 1 / 2182 1 / 6 1 / 5018 1 / 21891 4 / 63315 4 / 92412
Cicerina tetradactyla** 4 / 6419 1 / 29 5 / 29307 2 / 41527 4 / 86616 9 / 163898
Diascorhynchus serpens** 1 / 2469 0 / 0 1 / 243 2 / 7823 3 / 9383 4 / 19918
Gnathorhynchus inermis** 1 / 1240 0 / 0 3 / 5823 1 / 5471 2 / 21330 4 / 33864
Litucivis serpens 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 1429 1 / 1429
Odontorhynchus aculeatus** 0 / 0 1 / 21 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 21
Paracicerina laboeica 2 / 4058 0 / 0 4 / 63699 1 / 25718 1 / 30001 5 / 123476
Paracrorhynchus sp. TJ2014 1 / 287 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 287
Placorhynchus dimorphis** 1 / 141 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 1392 0 / 0 2 / 1533
Placorhynchus octaculeatus** 2 / 751 1 / 10 3 / 480 6 / 41174 2 / 590 10 / 43005
Prognathorhynchus busheki 1 / 830 2 / 2011 1 / 446 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 3287
Proxenetes quinquespinosus** 2 / 793 1 / 694 1 / 640 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 2127
Psammorhynchus tubulipenis** 2 / 314 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 314
Ptychopera westbladi** 0 / 0 1 / 15 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 15
Schizorhynchoides caniculatus 3 / 2407 2 / 55 9 / 72324 3 / 7928 12 / 114977 19 / 197691
Thylacorhynchus ambronensis 1 / 162 0 / 0 3 / 5685 0 / 0 1 / 1509 3 / 7356
Uncinorhynchus flavidus** 1 / 223 1 / 372 0 / 0 1 / 214 0 / 0 2 / 809
Zonorhynchus seminascatus** 2 / 50 2 / 63 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 113
Ceratopera species 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 3622 0 / 0 1 / 3622
Cheliplana species 2 / 194 0 / 0 2 / 1330 1 / 10 5 / 13949 8 / 15483
Gnathorhynchus species 1 / 152 0 / 0 1 / 456 1 / 99 2 / 2021 2 / 2728
Pogaina species 1 / 68 1 / 27 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 95
Proxenetes species 2 / 1672 2 / 2091 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 / 3763
Thylacorhynchus species 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 3732 2 / 304 3 / 2098 5 / 6134
Toia species 1 / 6 1 / 832 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 838
Cicerininae species 2 / 11 0 / 0 4 / 17 5 / 34 3 / 1041 13 / 1103
Gnathorhynchidae species 1 / 304 1 / 1264 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 1568
Promesostomidae species 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 311 3 / 950 3 / 10079 3 / 11340
Schizorhynchidae species 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 13 0 / 0 2 / 49 4 / 62
Schizorhynchia species 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 3 0 / 0 1 / 3 2 / 6
Thalassotyphloplanida species 3 / 268 3 / 350 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 11 8 / 629
Eukalyptorhynchia species 1 / 105 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 / 3636 1 / 37 4 / 3778
Neodalyellida species 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 244 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 244
Dalytyphloplanida species 1 / 366 1 / 386 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 752
Kalyptorhynchia species 1 / 27 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 27
Rhabdocoela species 1 / 21 1 / 236 1 / 103 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 360
Macrodasys sp2** 1 / 362 1 / 592 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 954
Halichaetonotus paradoxus** 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 911 1 / 375 0 / 0 1 / 1286
Turbanella cornuta** 2 / 1077 0 / 0 3 / 6495 5 / 79970 1 / 8684 8 / 96226
Chaetonotus species 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 2 1 / 2
Halichaetonotus species 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 499 2 / 47 1 / 268 2 / 814
Paraturbanella species 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 10 0 / 0 1 / 10
Turbanellidae species 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 3
Chaetonotida species 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 230 1 / 660 1 / 700 1 / 1590

For COI, 20 of the 25 Acoela OTUs were identified to individual species level (Table 9), with three additional OTUs placed within a single genus clade (Philactinoposthia). Of the remaining two, one was identified to family level only (Mecynostomidae) and the other was unable to be placed within a single monophyletic clade with high cumulative likelihood. Overall, five species (Arachaphanostoma agile, Arachaphanostoma macrospiriferum, Arachaphanostoma sp. 1, Paedomecynostomum bruneum and Philactinoposthia sp. 3) were represented, all with multiple OTU assignments per species.

Table 9.

Alignment-based taxonomy assignments of taxa of interest based on COI sequences. Species of Acoela, Gastrotricha, Macrostomorpha and Rhabdocoela that were identified are listed along with the total number of OTUs and number of reads assigned to each species from each sampling locality and overall. Species in bold are identified species with at least one OTU present at more than one sampling location. **Species that were previously found within Sweden.

Tjärnö Fiskebäckskil Halmstad Kåseberga Landön
1 2 3 4 5 Total
#OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads #OTUs / #Reads
Archaphanastoma agile** 2 / 1676 7 / 56506 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 7 / 58182
Archaphanastoma macrospiriferum** 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 5 0 / 0 3 / 37 3 / 42
Archaphanastoma ylvae** 0 / 0 1 / 12 5 / 19532 1 / 503 1 / 8 5 / 20055
Paedomecynostomum bruneum** 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 1017 3 / 16104 3 / 17121
Philactinoposthia sp. 3** 0 / 0 2 / 201 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 201
Philactinoposthia species 1 / 3090 2 / 31277 0 / 0 1 / 3 1 / 29 3 / 34399
Mecynostomidae species 1 / 93 1 / 73 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 166
Acoela species 1 / 7 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 7
Bradynectes sterreri** 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 14 0 / 0 1 / 14
Microstomidae 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 8 0 / 0 1 / 8
Austrorhynchus pacificus 1 / 8 1 / 13 13 / 18126 13 / 28311 11 / 62680 28 / 109138
Carcharodorhynchus sp. 24 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 35 1 / 35
Chaetonotida species 2 / 576 2 / 794 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 / 1370
Gastrotricha species 0 / 0 1 / 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 / 6

Gastrotricha. For 18S sequences, 10 of the 16 OTUs assigned to Gastrotricha were identified to the species level, with eight OTUs being placed with high likelihood as Tubanella cornuta and the remaining two OTUs as Macrosdasys sp. 2 and Halichaetonotus paradoxus (Table 8). Four OTUs were placed with high cumulative likelihood in single-genus clades (one each in Chaetonotus and Paraturbanella; two in Halichaetonotus) and one OTU was placed within a clade representing a monophyletic family (Turbanellidae). The last OTU could only be assigned to the order Chaetonotida.

Only three COI sequences were assigned to the phylum Gastrotricha and none could be identified to species level (Table 9).

Macrostomorpha. Fourteen of the 228 18S-based OTUs initially assigned to Platyhelminthes were identified as belonging to Macrostomorpha and, from these, four could be identified to species level (one OTU each Dolichomacrostomum uniporum and Psammomacrostomum sp. 1; two OTUs placed as Microstomum crildensis), with an additional eight placed in single-genus clades (Macrostomum, Microstomum). The remaining two OTUs could not be placed within a single, lower-level monophyletic clade (Table 8).

Only two of the 82 OTUs based on COI sequences were identified as Macrostomorpha. One was identified as Bradynectes sterreri, while the other was placed in a clade of Microstomum (Table 9).

Rhabdocoela. The majority (141 of 228) of the Platyhelminthes 18S OTUs were identified as Rhabdoceola. Of these, 78 were identified to species and 21 were placed within single-genus clades, with the remaining 42 only able to be identified to family or higher taxonomic levels (Table 8). Nineteen total species were represented, with the highest number of OTUs (19) placed with high likelihood as Schizorhynchoides caniculatus and 10 and 9 OTUs placed as Placorhynchus octaculeatus and Cicerina tetradactyla, respectively.

For COI, 29 of the 82 OTUs were identified as Rhabdocoela, and all of these were placed with high likelihood as a single species (Table 9). All but one of the 29 OTUs were identified as Austrorhynchus pacificus. The last was placed as Carcharodorhynchus sp. 24.


General Notes

This study supplements previous metabarcoding and traditional surveys of the Swedish coastal fauna. Results of both loci found high abundances of Arthropoda, Nematode and Platyhelminthes, consistent with metabarcoding studies utilising the same gene regions (Bik et al. 2011, Fonseca et al. 2014, Fonseca et al. 2010, Haenel et al. 2017, Lallias et al. 2015). Additionally, numerous other interstitial taxa such as Annelida, Gastrotricha and Rotifera were present and reflect the diversity patterns expected of shallow, sandy sediments.

While results between COI and 18S genes were proportionally consistent, there were nevertheless some discrepancies. Primer choice is well known to influence results in a substantial manner. Primer bias driven by mismatches with their target has been shown to skew the relative abundance of amplified DNA from mock communities and, in certain cases, prevent rare species detection (Elbrecht and Leese 2015, Piñol et al. 2015). The COI gene is limited in usefulness because the lack of conserved primer binding sites makes it challenging to design primers that amplify consistently across taxa. The primer pair in this study was designed to amplify a broad range of invertebrate taxa (Haenel et al. 2017) with some emphasis on Platyhelminthes. It is maybe for this reason that smaller phyla, such as Kinorhynchia and Tardigrada, were not evident in the COI dataset.

However, the largest discrepancy in results from the 18S and COI datasets was between the amounts of OTUs that remained unassigned even to higher-level taxa. While the unidentified OTUs for the 18S sequences remained below 10%, nearly half (41%) were unplaced for COI. COI remains the most common DNA marker for animals, but it is less well-used with non-metazoan organisms (Hebert et al. 2003, Leray et al. 2013). There are gaps even within Metazoa, especially in less well-studied taxa, and the Genbank database still lacks COI references for numerous families of marine invertebrates (Curry et al. 2018). Thus, unassigned OTUs may be primarily attributed to the incompleteness of the COI database, although COI barcode misidentifications in GenBank or methodological artifacts (e.g. PCR and sequencing errors or amplification of pseudogenes) also potentially contribute (Bucklin et al. 2016). As the OTUs were assigned to phylum based on an 80% similarity cutoff and COI is most appropriate for higher resolution identifications (Erpenbeck et al. 2006), it is not surprising that a large number of the COI OTUs were unable to be assigned to even a phylum, and our results are consistent with or better than previous metabarcoding studies (e.g. Cowart et al. 2015, Haenel et al. 2017, Leray and Knowlton 2015).

Finally, there were large discrepancies between the number of reads of a particular taxa and the number of OTUs assigned to that taxon. This can clearly be seen when looking at the 18S results (Tables 4, 5; Fig. 3), where Arthropoda and Nematoda attained fairly similar numbers of OTUs (624 or 38%, and 496 or 30%, respectively) but where Arthropoda almost doubled Nematoda in number of reads (4,621,137 or 51% compared with 2,391,247 or 26%). The influence of specimen biomass on sequence read abundance has been previously examined (Elbrecht and Leese 2015, Elbrecht et al. 2017, Thomsen et al. 2016) and a distinct positive correlation between the number of MiSeq reads and the size of an individual animal was found, such that much larger specimens were over-represented in metabarcoding studies when extracted in bulk together with smaller organisms. It may be, then, that taxa composed of smaller individuals are actually under-represented in the data (but see also Lim et al. 2016).

Community Composition at Five Locales

This study provides a snapshot of the meiofauna at five different loacations on the Swedish coast. We detected significant community composition differences amongst Locales at higher taxonomic levels, suggesting that metabarcoding even to this small extent can be useful for describing coarse level biodiversity trends. Rarefaction curves for both 18S (Fig. 4a) and COI (Fig. 5a) indicated that sequence variation within the samples was exhaustively captured. For 18S, the asymptote was reached after 20000 reads with each sample yielding between 358 and 619 OTUs and a total of 1639 metazoan OTUs for our five sample sites. Haenel et al. (2017) investigated the effects of sampling methods and primer choice on estimates of Swedish marine meiofauna. While they found lower sublittoral diversity, 266 OTUs in sublittoral sand samples from a single location, they also did not reach the asymptote after 20000 reads of 18S sequences. The alpha diversity of meiofauna along the Swedish west coast is high from a global perspective. The five sites sampled in this study yielded a higher number of OTUs than that detected by Fonseca et al. (2014) when using 18S markers to metabarcode samples from 23 littoral locations in the UK and mainland Europe or by Leasi et al. (2018) in 19 sites at sandy tropical beaches.

Results from the beta analyses identified four statistically-supported clusters corresponding to four distinct and diverse communities, with samples from Tjärnö and Fiskebäckskil grouping together to form a single cluster. The most strikingly different locale was Kåseberga, which unlike all other locations, was dominated by OTUs identified as belonging to the SAR super assemblage (549 18S OTUs) instead of to Metazoa (373 18S OTUs). Indeed, compared to the other Locales, Kåseberga had a much higher number of 18S OTUs from every major category except Metazoa, for which the diversity was comparatively low (Table 2). Further, though the overall biodiversity profiles within Metazoa were driven by commonly occurring taxa, several phyla (e.g. Bryozoa, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Porifera, Nemertea) occurred predominantly or uniquely within one or two Locales (Tables 4, 5).

Alternatively, a number of 18S OTUs and COI OTUs displayed broad geographic distributions and were present at every locality. Amongst the widely-distributed Metazoa taxa, the two COI OTUs identified as Platyhelminthes (one Proseriate, one otherwise unidentified flatworm) were perhaps the most unexpected, since free-living Platyhelminthes species are thought to have limited dispersal abilities (Palmer 1988). However, without further identification, more should not be inferred at this time.

Taxa of Interest

A phylogeny-based taxonomy approach was used to identify OTUs that were preliminarily assigned to four meiofaunal taxa: Acoela, Gastrotricha, Macrostomorpha and Rhabdocoela. These four taxa of interest were selected because their biodiversity within the Swedish littoral sands is arguably well-known compared to most places worldwide. Each has been the focus of previous taxonomic research (e.g. Boaden 1960, Karling 1963, Karling 1974, Luther 1962, Luther 1963, Van Steenkiste et al. 2013, Westblad 1948, Westblad 1954), as well as modern surveys funded by ArtDatabanken and the STI (e.g. Atherton and Jondelius 2019, Kånneby et al. 2012, Kånneby et al. 2013, Larsson and Willems 2010) and DNA sequences of numerous Swedish species are available for each on GenBank. Yet, despite previous efforts, our results found OTUs from all four taxa of interest that could not be identified to species level, suggesting the possibility of new, unknown species within Sweden still remains.

Acoela. The reference alignment and subsequent tree used to identify OTUs of Acoela included a total of 343 18S and 185 COI sequences, with numerous new, unpublished sequences and sequences specifically attained from Swedish specimens collected over 25 years. Out of all four taxa of interest, the reference database for Acoela was the most complete and most targeted towards the present study. As such, it is unsurprising that so many of the 18S and COI OTUs could be identified to species level and it demonstrates the potential of the metabarcoding technique to monitor species, map their distributions and otherwise be of use in biodiversity surveys when a comprehensive reference database is available.

It is of particular interest to note, then, that despite the high amounts of reference data, there were OTUs that could not be identified to species level. The unidentified species of Arachaphanostoma and Mecynostomum based on the 18S gene could potentially be attributed to the fact that 18S does not necessarily differentiate between closely-related species (Tang et al. 2012). Archaphanostoma occulta and A. sublitorallis, for instance, have identical 18S gene sequences, though they are clearly distinguishable through 28S and COI gene sequences, as well as morphologically (Kånneby et al. 2015). Indeed, close examination of the 18S reference alignment shows other examples where the ~ 370 bp gene region targeted is identical in closely-related species (e.g. Eumecynostomum flavescens and E. westbladi; Mecynostomum predatum, M. haplovarium and M. auritum; Proporus carolinensis and P. brochii; Suppl. material 4). However, the COI gene is known to be highly variable between species and is commonly used to distinguish species of Acoela (Kånneby et al. 2015), as well as other meiofauna (e.g. Anslan and Tedersoo 2015, Atherton and Jondelius 2019, Kerbl et al. 2018), so a COI-based OTU failing to match any species would most likely occur only if that OTU represents a species which is not present in the reference database. The five unidentified OTUs based on COI sequences indicate that the Swedish acoel fauna is still incompletely known.

There were several occasions where multiple OTUs were identified as the same species of Acoela. The DADA2 pipeline of QIIME2 clusters OTUs from Exact Sequence Variants (ESV), such that each sequence haplotype is a different OTU (i.e. even a single nucleotide difference makes a new OTU) and assigning multiple OTUs to a single species may simply reflect the intraspecific genetic variation of that species. Every one of the five species of Acoela identified in this study included multiple OTUs based on the COI gene, demonstrating both the expected variability of this gene, as well as the ability of the metabarcoding method and phylogenetic placement technique to capture and assess that variability.

However as previously stated, the 18S locus, though useful for discerning deeper phylogenetic relationships (e.g. Creer et al. 2010, Holterman et al. 2006, Mallatt et al. 2004), may have limited ability to discriminate closely-related or cryptic species (Tang et al. 2012). Little or no intraspecific variation within the 18S genes of acoel species has been measured (Kånneby et al. 2015) and was expected, yet multiple 18S OTUs identified as the same species occurred seven times for Acoela, with as many as seven and nine different OTUs identified as Arachaphanostoma agile and Arachaphostoma macrospiriferum, respectively. Even if taking a conservative approach and attributing differences in OTU sequences to unusually abundant intraspecific variation or potential sequencing error, such differences should still be limited to only a few bp (Pfeiffer et al. 2018), but larger than expected variability nevertheless occurred in 18S sequences of, for instance, OTUs assigned to Mecynostomum lutheri, which differed by 15 bp (4.29%) and those assigned to Eumecynostomum macrobursalium, which differed by 19 bp (5.97%, Suppl. material 20). Further, though the majority of the nine OTUs assigned to Archaphanostomum macrospiriferum differed from each other by 1-3 bp, one OTU differed from the others by up to 35 bp (9.44%), on par with the number of differences between it and OTUs assigned to A. agile and higher than the number of differences, for instance, between OTUs assigned to A. ylvae and A. fontaneti (13-14 bp). The presence of COI OTUs that could not be assigned to any species as well as a set of 18S OTUs assigned to the same nominal species despite high sequence divergences indicates the presence of hitherto undetected diversity in the Swedish acoel fauna.

A total of 48 species of Acoela (41 described and 7 undescribed species) collected from Sweden were represented in the 18S reference alignment (currently 66 species of Acoela are known from Sweden, with the majority—63/66—recorded from the west coast; Kånneby et al. 2015). Of the 48 species represented, 25 (20 described, 5 undescribed) are known to occur at a comparable depth and habitat (interstitial sand, sublittoral ≤ 20 m depth) as the collected samples and thus may be reasonably expected to be present in the metabarcoding results. In total, 12 of these species (including 31 total OTUs) were detected in our samples (Table 8). Four other species of Acoela previously unrecorded from Sweden were also identified, including Actinoposthia sp. 8 (reference sequence collected from Helgoland), Paramecynostomum sp UJ0853 (New Caledonia), Paraproporus sp. 3 (Italy) and Paratomella unichaeta (unknown location).

Sites 1-3 on the west coast showed a much higher acoel 18S biodiversity, each having between 15-18 OTUs (9 or 10 species), as compared to Sites 4 and 5 along the southern coast (7 and 5 OTUs/species, respectively; Table 8). However, despite the high diversity, Sites 1 and 2 together were composed almost entirely of OTUs identified as species already known to Sweden, with only a single potential new record (OTU from Site 1 identified as Paramecynostomum sp. UJ08-53), a somewhat unsurprising result given the high degree of previous sampling efforts that have occurred at and near the marine labs at Kristineberg and Tjärnö. Three of the four OTUs identified as species not previously known from Sweden as well as both OTUs that could not definitively be identified were found only in the three less-well-studied southern Locales. The present study is limited in scope and the patterns are tentative, but the results from the 18S sequences indicate that the coast near Site 3/Halmstad, may represent a particularly good area for future sampling efforts, attaining both high amounts of overall acoel biodiversity (18 OTUs/9 species), as well as real potential for new species.

Gastrotricha. Gastrotricha of Sweden was relatively-recently surveyed (Curini-Galletti et al. 2012, Kånneby 2011, Kånneby et al. 2009, Kånneby et al. 2012, Kånneby et al. 2013, Todaro et al. 2011, Willems et al. 2009) and records, including some DNA sequences, were presented and published from each location. Currently, 46 species of Gastrotricha are known from Sweden, of which 35 inhabit marine or brackish environments. The 18S reference alignment included representatives from 19 of these 35 marine species (+15 of the 21 species known only from freshwaters), but only three species total, two described (Halichaetonotus paradoxus, Turbanella cornuta) and one undescribed (Macrodasys sp. 2), known from Sweden, were identified from the OTUs assigned to Gastrotricha. Six additional OTUs were found but could not be assigned to any of the Gastrotricha species in the reference alignment. As with Acoela, none the six unidentified OTUs of Gastrotricha was found in Sites 1 and 2, reflecting again how well-studied these sites are compared the southern coast.

Kieneke et al. (2012) tested the genetic variation of the 18S and COI gene in four species of Turbanella collected from the Baltic and North Seas, including from two locations on the southern Swedish coast. They found six distinct genetic clusters of T. cornuta with much larger between-group genetic distances (p-distance 12.1-18.8%) than within-group distances (maximum 1.5%) for the COI locus. Though only from a single gene, the results nonetheless reflect some potential for cryptic species. Our results further corroborate such potential, with eight OTUs based on 18S sequences all being identified as Turbanella cornuta. Five of the eight OTUs differed by no more than 5 bp from each other, as well as the three T. cornuta reference sequences, but the other two OTUs differed by 15 to 18 bp. At the very least, as with Acoela, our results suggest that there remains potentially undiscovered species of Gastrotricha within the littoral sands of Sweden.

Macrostomorpha. There have been relative few taxonomic studies of macrostomorphs in Sweden apart from a report by Westblad (1953) and a more recent series on marine and freshwater Swedish Microstomum (Atherton and Jondelius 2018a, Atherton and Jondelius 2018b, Atherton and Jondelius 2019). Nevertheless, the majority of the OTUs identified as belonging to this group of flatworms could be identified at least to genus level and records are overall consistent with that which has been previously reported. The 18S gene has been demonstrated to be poor at distinguishing between closely-related macrostomorph species (Atherton and Jondelius 2018b), which may be the most likely explanation for the inconclusive identification of so many single-genus OTUs; however, the unidentified Microstomidae OTU based on the COI locus suggests some—albeit limited—missed biodiversity.

Rhabdocoela. A little more than half (78 of 141) of the Rhabdocoela OTUs based on 18S data were identified to species level with a further 21 OTUs identified to a single genus. Most of the species (15 of 19) were identified from multiple OTUs and many of these (12 of 15) were collected from more than two distinct locations. The almost ubiquitous widespread geographic ranges and high genetic 18S diversity of the identified species suggests lots of untapped potential for new diversity within this group.

Juxtaposing the relatively well-curated reference database of Acoela, the Rhabdoceola COI reference database was clearly not sufficient for accurate OTU identification. Free-living Rhabdocoela have been recorded from the littoral and sublittoral waters of Sweden (Curini-Galletti et al. 2012, Karling 1974, Van Steenkiste et al. 2013, Willems et al. 2007, Willems et al. 2009), but very few Rhabdocoela COI sequences have been submitted to Genbank (only 43 at time of writing with no sequences of Swedish specimens). For COI, 28 of the 29 OTUs were identified as Austrorhynchus pacificus, while the last placed as Carcharodorhynchus sp. 2, but further inspection showed that none of these OTUs matched the Austrorhynchus pacificus COI reference sequence by over 90%. Undoubtedly, such results are more likely due to the paucity of the COI reference data than a true identification. Metabarcoding-based species identification requires a reference database of DNA sequences that is taxonomically complete and geographically comprehensive for each species and gene region (Bucklin et al. 2016) and such is currently severely lacking for this group of animals.


This study contributes to the growing body of research surrounding the methodology and applications of metabarcoding. Here, Illumina MiSeq technology was utilised to examine the metazoan community composition at five locations along the Swedish coastline and to assess the biodiversity of four meiofaunal taxa therein.

Our results provide a snapshot of the meiofauna communities in the sampled localities. It is evident that metabarcoding is an effective and efficient method for assessing biodiversity, but it is contingent on the availability of a comprehensive reference database and different representations of genes within public databases can thus affect the quality of the results. Of the four taxa examined in detail, Acoela had the most complete database. Consequently, we were able to identify nearly all OTUs initially designated as acoels to the species level. We can also conclude that unknown acoel species still exist even within the most well-studied parts of Sweden. In juxtaposition, the limited depth of the Rhabdocoela COI reference database meant that even though the rhabdocoel fauna of the sampled area has been extensively studied in the past using traditional methods, metabarcoding of the COI gene failed to provide any further information beyond a basic and ambiguous OTU count.

The differing data and results between 18S and COI also underline the importance of using multiple markers in biodiversity assessments. Within each of Acoela, Gastrotricha, Macrostomorpha and Rhabdocoela, our results showed numerous instances of COI OTUs that could not be identified as a single species, as well as multiple 18S OTUs assigned to a single species. Both instances are interpreted as potential evidence of new species and, taken together, suggests that knowledge of meiofaunal biodiversity is yet incomplete, even in those areas where taxa can be considered best known.


We are very grateful to the staff of the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Research at Kristineberg, the Tjärnö Marine Research Station, at the Stensoffa Research Station. Thank you also to Dr. Olga Pettersson, Dr. Mattias Ormestad, Dr. Beata Solnestam and the entire staff at SciLife Labs Stockholm and NGI Sweden for help with sample preparation and sequencing. We also thank Tatiana Feuerborn, Johan Nylander, Daniel Marquina and the staff at the DNA Lab of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, very much especially Dr. Rodrigo Esparza-Salas and Dr. Bodil Cronholm, for their efforts and help throughout the entirety of this project. This research was supported by a grant from the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (no. DHA 2014-151 4.3) to UJ.

Funding program

This research was supported by a grant from the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (no. DHA 2014-151 4.3) to UJ.

Grant title

Diversity and Taxonomy of Swedish Macrostomorpha


Supplementary materials

Suppl. material 1: Supplemental Data 1 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  Primer Information
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 1: Primers and Protocols for Nested PCR. For the primers, amplicon specific sequences are in bold, Illumina overhang sequences are in red and Illumina adapter sequences are in blue. The Green inserts for primers of PCR step 2 represent the location of the 6 bp Nextera XT i5 and i7 indices (Illumina, catalog FC-131-1001). 18S primers were from Haenel et al. (2017).

Suppl. material 2: Supplemental Data 2 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  Script Examples
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 2: Script Examples. Includes the scripts used to import the demultiplexed data from SciLifeLab (Stockholm, Sweden) into Qiime2, perform the quality control and chimera removal with DADA2 and perform the alpha rarefaction and other diversity measurements (Principal coordinate analyses, Analysis of Similarities etc.), as well as the scripts used for preliminary OTU identifications with SILVA release 128 and the alignment-based taxonomy assignments of taxa of interest.

Suppl. material 3: Supplemental Data 3 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jonelius, U.
Data type:  GenBank Accession Numbers
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 3: A list of all specimens in the reference databases for the four taxa of interest. Includes the Genbank accession numbers and/or specimen reference number, where applicable.

Suppl. material 4: Supplemental Data 4 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  DNA Alignment
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 4: Reference alignment for Acoela based on the 18S gene locus.

Suppl. material 5: Supplemental Data 5 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  DNA Alignment
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 5: Reference alignment for Acoela based on the CO1 gene locus.

Suppl. material 6: Supplemental Data 6 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  DNA Alignment
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 6: Reference alignment for Gastrotricha based on the 18S gene locus.

Suppl. material 7: Supplemental Data 7 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  DNA Alignment
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 7: Reference alignment for Gastrotricha based on the 18S gene locus.

Suppl. material 8: Supplemental Data 8 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  DNA Alignment
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 8: Reference alignment for Macrostomorpha based on the 18S gene locus.

Suppl. material 9: Supplemental Data 9 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  DNA Alignment
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 9: Reference alignment for Macrostomorpha based on the COI gene locus

Suppl. material 10: Supplemental Data 10 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  DNA Alignment
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 10: Reference alignment for Rhabdocoela based on the 18S gene locus.

Suppl. material 11: Supplemental Data 11 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  DNA Alignment
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 11: Reference alignment for Rhabdocoela based on the COI gene locus.

Suppl. material 12: Supplemental Data 12 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  Phylogenetic Placement Tree
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 12: Placement tree of Acoela based on the 18S gene locus.

Suppl. material 13: Supplemental Data 13 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  Phylogenetic Placement Tree
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 13: Placement tree of Acoela based on the COI gene locus.

Suppl. material 14: Supplemental Data 14 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  Phylogenetic Placement Tree
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 14: Placement tree of Gastrotricha based on the 18S gene locus.

Suppl. material 15: Supplemental Data 15 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  Phylogenetic Placement Tree
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 15: Placement tree of Gastrotricha based on the COI gene locus.

Suppl. material 16: Supplemental Data 16 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  Phylogenetic Placement Tree
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 16: Placement tree of Macrostomorpha based on the 18S gene locus.

Suppl. material 17: Supplemental Data 17 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  Phylogenetic Placement Tree
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 17: Placement tree of Macrostomorpha based on the COI gene locus.

Suppl. material 18: Supplemental Data 18 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  Phylogenetic Placement Tree
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 18: Placement tree of Rhabdocoela based on the 18S gene locus.

Suppl. material 19: Supplemental Data 19 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  Phylogenetic Placement Tree
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 19: Placement tree of Rhabdocoela based on the COI gene locus.

Suppl. material 20: Supplemental Data 20 
Authors:  Atherton, S. and Jondelius, U.
Data type:  No. Nucleotide Differences
Brief description: 

Supplemental Data 20. Pairwise number of base pair differences between OTUs identified as species of Acoela for the ~370 bp V1-V2 region of the 18S gene sequence. Ambiguous base pairs were removed for each sequence pair. Differences between OTUs identified as the same species are in bold.

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