Biodiversity Data Journal : Data Paper (Biosciences)
Data Paper (Biosciences)
Dataset for mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) from Vaca Key, Monroe County, Florida USA
expand article info Lawrence J. Hribar
‡ Florida Keys Mosquito Control District, Florida, United States of America
Open Access



The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District has used dry ice-baited light traps to monitor mosquito populations on Vaca Key since 1998. The first site sampled was monitored continuously for almost 20 years until all vegetation was removed.

New information

This paper describes a dataset compiled over almost 20 years of continuous trapping along Manor Lane on Vaca Key, Florida.


Diptera, Culicidae, seasonal distribution, species composition, relative abundance



The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District conducted adult mosquito surveillance along Manor Lane in Vaca Key for almost twenty years. Surveillance was accomplished by use of dry ice-baited light traps. Traps were set and retrieved weekly except for interruptions due to unavoidable situations, such as storms and illness. Traps were provisioned with 2 pounds (ca. 1 kg) of dry ice, deployed in the late afternoon and retrieved the following morning. Traps were hung from the same tree limb each time they were set. Mosquitoes were returned to the laboratory, killed by freezing and identified to species. This paper reports data pertaining to 32 mosquito species.

General description


These data were collected to document the species composition, seasonal distribution and relative abundance of mosquitoes on Vaca Key, Florida.

Sampling methods


Monitoring of the mosquito fauna on Vaca Key began in the late summer of 1998 and continued until the winter of 2017. Collections were intended to be made weekly although, due to storms, illness and vacations, this was not always possible.

Sampling description: 

A battery-powered light trap (American Biophysics Company, Clarke, John Hock) was baited with approximately two pounds (ca. 1 kg) of dry ice and hung from the same tree limb once per week for over 19 years. The trap was deployed in the late afternoon and retreived the following morning. The trap collection was taken to the laboratory, frozen, and all mosquitoes separated, identified, and counted. Data were recorded in spreadsheets. Voucher specimens of all taxa are retained in the synoptic mosquito reference collection maintained by the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District. Data may be found in Suppl. material 1.

Geographic coverage


The trap was deployed on Vaca Key, Monroe County, Florida, USA. The coordinates of the trap location trap were: 24°42'78"N, 81°04'56"W.

Taxonomic coverage


Thirty-two mosquito species were documented during the sampling period.

Taxa included:
Rank Scientific Name Common Name
species Aedes taeniorhynchus Black salt marsh mosquito
species Deinocerites cancer Crabhole mosquito
species Culex nigripalpus
species Anopheles atropos
species Culex quinquefsciatus Southern house mosquito
species Anopheles crucians
species Culex bahamensis
species Aedes infirmatus
species Aedes atlanticus
species Psorophora ciliata
species Psorophora columbiae
species Aedes sollicitans Saltmarsh mosquito
species Aedes aegypti Yellowfever mosquito
species Aedes triseriatus Eastern treehole mosquito
species Uranotaenia lowii
species Anopheles quadrimaculatus Common malaria mosquito
species Culex erraticus
species Culex atratus
species Culex iolambdis
species Culex peccator
subgenus Culex (Melanoconion) Unidentified Melanoconion
species Culex salinarius
species Culiseta melanura
species Wyeomyia mitchellii
species Psorophora ferox
species Psorophora johnstonii
species Aedes tortilis
species Anopheles albimanus
species Aedes condolescens
species Culex declarator
family Culicidae Other unidentified
species Anopheles grabhamii
species Culiseta inorrnata
species Aedes albopictus Asian tiger mosquito

Traits coverage

The study site was described by Hribar (2002). Hribar et al. (2018) described population declines for the four most commmonly collected species

Temporal coverage


Data collection began on 17 August 1998 and ended on 27 December 2017.

Usage rights

Use license: 
Creative Commons Public Domain Waiver (CC-Zero)

Data resources

Data package title: 
Number of data sets: 
Data set name: 
Manor Lane BDJ
Data format: 
Data in spreadsheet, csv.

Number of adult female mosquitoes collected per trap per night. NA indicates that the species was not reported and so no numbers are available.

Column label Column description
Year Year of Collection
DOY Day of Year: Ordinal date of collection; 1-365, 1-366 for leap years
Date Date of collection, ISO 8601 forrmat (YYYY-MM-DD)
Season Season of collection, based on equinoxes and solstices: W, winter; S, spring; U, summer; F, fall (autumn)
Latitude Trap location coordinate; degrees, minutes, seconds
Longitude Trap location coordinate; degrees, minutes, seconds
Aeae Aedes aegypti
Aeal Aedes albopictus
Aeat Aedes atlanticus
Aeco Aedes condolescens
Aein Aedes infirmatus
Aeso Aedes sollicitans
Aeta Aedes taeniorhynchus
Aetr Aedes triseriatus
Anal Anopheles albimanus
Ancr Anopheles crucians
Angr Anopheles grabhamii
Anqu Anopheles quadrimaculatus
Csin Culiseta inornata
Csme Culiseta melanura
Cuat Culex atratus
Cuba Culex bahamensis
Cude Culex declarator
Cuer Culex erraticus
Cuio Culex iolambdis
Cuni Culex nigripalpus
Cupe Culex peccator
Cuqu Culex quinquefasciatus
Cusa Culex salinarius
Deca Deinocerites cancer
Psci Psorophora ciliata
Psco Psorophora columbiae
Psfe Psorophora ferox
Psjo Psorophora johnstonii
Urlo Uranotaenia lowii
Wymi Wyeomyia mitchellii
UINM Unidentified specimens (not Culex (Melanoconion))
UnCM Unidentfied Culex (Melanoconion) specimens


Sincere appreciation and thanks are extended to all Florida Keys Mosquito Control District employees who set and retrieved traps for all the years that collections were made at the Manor Lane site. Heidi L. Murray and David J. DeMay counted, sorted, and identified many thousands of the mosquitoes.


Supplementary material

Suppl. material 1: Manor Lane BDJ 
Authors:  Hribar, L.J.
Data type:  Count data in a csv spreadsheet.
Brief description: 

Approximately 19.5 years of near-weekly mosquito collections from Vaca Key, Monroe County, Florida.

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