Biodiversity Data Journal :
Data Paper (Biosciences)
Corresponding author: Sonia Ferreira (
Academic editor: Ben Price
Received: 05 Jun 2020 | Accepted: 03 Jul 2020 | Published: 28 Jul 2020
© 2020 Sonia Ferreira, José Manuel Tierno de Figueroa, Filipa Martins, Joana Verissimo, Lorenzo Quaglietta, José Manuel Grosso-Silva, Pedro Lopes, Pedro Sousa, Joana Paupério, Nuno Fonseca, Pedro Beja
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Ferreira S, Tierno de Figueroa JM, Martins FM, Verissimo J, Quaglietta L, Grosso-Silva JM, Lopes PB, Sousa P, Paupério J, Fonseca NA, Beja P (2020) The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of Iberian Plecoptera. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e55137.
The use of DNA barcoding allows unprecedented advances in biodiversity assessments and monitoring schemes of freshwater ecosystems; nevertheless, it requires the construction of comprehensive reference collections of DNA sequences that represent the existing biodiversity. Plecoptera are considered particularly good ecological indicators and one of the most endangered groups of insects, but very limited information on their DNA barcodes is available in public databases. Currently, less than 50% of the Iberian species are represented in BOLD.
The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of Iberian Plecoptera dataset contains records of 71 specimens of Plecoptera. All specimens have been morphologically identified to species level and belong to 29 species in total. This dataset contributes to the knowledge on the DNA barcodes and distribution of Plecoptera from the Iberian Peninsula and it is one of the IBI database public releases that makes available genetic and distribution data for a series of taxa.
The species represented in this dataset correspond to an addition to public databases of 17 species and 21 BINs. Fifty-eight specimens were collected in Portugal and 18 in Spain during the period of 2004 to 2018. All specimens are deposited in the IBI collection at CIBIO, Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources and their DNA barcodes are publicly available in the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) online database. The distribution dataset can be freely accessed through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).
Plecoptera, occurrence records, species distributions, continental Portugal, continental Spain, DNA barcode, COI
In freshwater ecosystems, biodiversity assessments and monitoring schemes often require the identification of aquatic insect species (e.g.
Plecoptera is a neopteran exopterygote insect order characterised by a combination of mainly primitive characters, whose phylogenetic relationships with other insect orders are not completely resolved (
A total of 3718 Plecoptera species have been described all over the world and 489 of them have been reported in Europe (
The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of Iberian Plecoptera dataset contains records of 71 specimens of Plecoptera collected in the Iberian Peninsula, all of which were morphologically identified to species level, for a total of 29 species. This is the first IBI dataset on freshwater insects available in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). All specimens have their DNA barcodes made publicly available in the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD). Overall, this paper increases the available information on Iberian freshwater insects by sharing and publicly disseminating the distribution records and DNA barcodes of specimens from our reference collection.
This dataset aims to provide a first contribution to an authoritative DNA barcode sequences library for Iberian Plecoptera. Such a library should facilitate DNA-based identification of species for both traditional molecular studies and DNA-metabarcoding studies, as well as freshwater biomonitoring programmes and constitute a valuable resource for taxonomic research on Iberian Plecoptera and its distribution.
A total of 71 specimens of Plecoptera were collected and DNA barcoded (Suppl. materials
List of species that were collected and DNA barcoded within this project. " Indicate species new to BOLD database and * new BINs in BOLD database.
The name “The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of Iberian Plecoptera” refers to the first data release of DNA barcodes and distribution data of stoneflies within the InBIO Barcoding Initiative.
Pedro Beja (project coordinator), Nuno Fonseca (project chair), Sónia Ferreira (taxonomist and IBI manager), Joana Paupério (IBI manager), Pedro Sousa (project technician), Filipa MS Martins (PhD student), Joana Veríssimo (PhD student), all affiliated to CIBIO-InBIO and Jose Manuel Tierno de Figueroa (taxonomist), Department of Zoology, University of Granada.
Plecoptera specimens were collected in the field, morphologically identified and DNA barcoded.
Iberian Peninsula.
The studied material was collected in 40 different localities from the Iberian Peninsula (Suppl. materials
DNA extraction and sequencing followed the general pipeline used in the InBIO Barcoding Initiative (
All DNA barcodes sequences were compared against the BOLD database and the 99 top hits were inspected in order to detect possible issues due to contamination or misidentifications. Prior submission to GBIF, data were checked for errors and inconsistencies with OpenRefine 3.2 (
Specimens were collected in 40 different localities of the Iberian Peninsula. Sampling was conducted from 2004 to 2018 and consisted of direct search of specimens on rocks and vegetation of streams and river margins and in the use of entomological nets to intercept specimens in flight. Specimens collected were stored in 96% ethanol. A tissue sample (leg) was removed, from which DNA was extracted and the COI DNA barcode fragment was sequenced. Data generated were submitted to BOLD, GenBank and GBIF.
Iberian Peninsula
35.97 and 43.99 Latitude; 9.55 and 3.34 Longitude.
This dataset is composed of data relating to 71 Plecoptera specimens. All specimens were determined to species level. Overall, 29 species are represented in the dataset. These species belong to 16 genera and seven families.
Rank | Scientific Name | Common Name |
kingdom | Animalia | Animals |
phylum | Arthropoda | Arthropods |
class | Insecta | Insects |
order | Plecoptera | Stoneflies |
family | Capniidae | |
family | Chloroperlidae | |
family | Leuctridae | |
family | Nemouridae | |
family | Perlidae | |
family | Perlodidae | |
family | Taeniopterygidae |
The sampled material was collected in the period from 22 June 2004 to 19 May 2018
The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of Iberian Plecoptera dataset can be downloaded from the Public Data Portal of BOLD ( in different formats (data as dwc, xml or tsv and sequences as fasta files). Alternatively, BOLD users can log-in and access the dataset via the Workbench platform of BOLD. All records are also searchable within BOLD, using the search function of the database.
The InBIO Barcoding Initiative will continue sequencing Iberian Plecoptera for the BOLD database, with the ultimate goal of comprehensive coverage. The version of the dataset, at the time of writing the manuscript, is included as Suppl. materials
It should be noted that, as the BOLD database is not compliant with the Darwin Core Standard format, the Darwin Core formatted file (dwc) that can be downloaded from BOLD is not strictly Darwin Core formatted. For a proper Darwin Core formatted file, see (Suppl. material
All data are available in the BioStudies database ( under accession number S-BSST402.
Column label | Column description |
processid | Unique identifier for the sample |
sampleid | Identifier for the sample being sequenced, i.e. IBI catalogue number at Cibio-InBIO, Porto University. Often identical to the "Field ID" or "Museum ID" |
recordID | Identifier for specimen assigned in the field |
catalognum | Catalogue number |
fieldnum | Field number |
institution_storing | The full name of the institution that has physical possession of the voucher specimen |
bin_uri | Barcode Index Number system identifier |
phylum_taxID | Phylum taxonomic numeric code |
phylum_name | Phylum name |
class_taxID | Class taxonomic numeric code |
class_name | Class name |
order_taxID | Order taxonomic numeric code |
order_name | Order name |
family_taxID | Family taxonomic numeric code |
family_name | Family name |
subfamily_taxID | Subfamily taxonomic numeric code |
subfamily_name | Subfamily name |
genus_taxID | Genus taxonomic numeric code |
genus_name | Genus name |
species_taxID | Species taxonomic numeric code |
species_name | Species name |
identification_provided_by | Full name of primary individual who assigned the specimen to a taxonomic group |
identification_method | The method used to identify the specimen |
voucher_status | Status of the specimen in an accessioning process (BOLD controlled vocabulary) |
tissue_type | A brief description of the type of tissue or material analysed |
collectors | The full or abbreviated names of the individuals or team responsible for collecting the sample in the field |
lifestage | The age class or life stage of the specimen at the time of sampling |
sex | The sex of the specimen |
lat | The geographical latitude (in decimal degrees) of the geographic centre of a location |
lon | The geographical longitude (in decimal degrees) of the geographic centre of a location |
elev | Elevation of sampling site (in metres above sea level) |
country | The full, unabbreviated name of the country where the organism was collected |
province_state | The full, unabbreviated name of the province ("Distrito" in Portugal) where the organism was collected |
region | The full, unabbreviated name of the municipality ("Concelho" in Portugal) where the organism was collected |
exactsite | Additional name/text description regarding the exact location of the collection site relative to a geographic relevant landmark |
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 668981 and by the project PORBIOTA— Portuguese E-Infrastructure for Information and Research on Biodiversity (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022127), supported by Operational Thematic Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), by EDP Biodiversity Chair and is part of the research conducted at the Long Term Research Site of Baixo Sabor, (LTER_EU_PT_002). FMSM was supported by FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/104703/2014 and JV by FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/133159/2017.
The file includes information about all records in BOLD for the IBI-Plecoptera 01 library. It contains collection and identification data. The data are as downloaded from BOLD, without further processing.
The file includes information about all records in BOLD for the IBI-Plecoptera 01 library. It contains collection and identification data. The data are downloaded from GBIF, without further processing.
COI sequences in fasta format. Each sequence is identified by the BOLD ProcessID, species name, marker and GenBank accession number, separated by pipe. The data are as downloaded from BOLD.