Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomic paper
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Academic editor: Michael S. Engel
Received: 26 Aug 2015 | Accepted: 26 Oct 2015 | Published: 26 Oct 2015
© 2015 Andrew Polaszek, Yuan-Tung Shih, Samantha Ward
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Polaszek A, Shih Y, Ward S (2015) A new species of Cales (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) parasitizing Bemisia pongamiae (Takahashi) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Taiwan, with a key to world species of the Cales spenceri-group. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e6352.
The genus Cales has been extensively revised recently and divided into two species groups, the noacki- and spenceri-groups
Cales motterni Polaszek, Shih & Ward sp. nov. is described from two females reared from the whitefly Bemisia pongamiae from Taiwan. The species belongs to the spenceri- group, and has a characteristic and unusual antennal clava. A key to the four species currently known from the spenceri-group is provided.
Parasitoid, taxonomy, whitefly pests
Species of Cales
Cales has always been a unique and enigmatic genus, with placement in the Aphelinidae regularly questioned and discussed (
A series of surveys was undertaken from 2004 to 2014 for the collection of parasitoid host whiteflies, scale insects and aphids in Taiwan. Whiteflies were identified by C.C. Ko, National Taiwan University, where the holotype and paratype are deposited. Collection and rearing methods during this survey are detailed by
Morphological terminology and the format for species descriptions follow
NTU: National Taiwan University
Colour: pale brown; vertex of head and anterior half of mesoscutum orange; posterior half of mesoscutum and scutellum brown; face and legs pale, almost white.
Head with transverse sculpture, face ventral to antennae with scattered slender setae Fig.
Cales motterni sp.n. can be distinguished from other species in the genus by the following combination of characters: antennal clava with several multiporous plate sensilla attached throughout their lengths; each side lobe of mesoscutum with one seta; fore wing with setae rather evenly distributed; a single row of small campaniform sensilla on dorsal surface of basal cell, just posterior to submarginal vein.
The species is named for Dr Jason Mottern, formerly of the University of California, Riverside, USA in recognition of his major contribution to our understanding of this unusual genus.
TAIWAN: Xindian District, Wulai.
A primary endoparasitoid of Bemisia pongamiae (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). No parasitoids have been recorded to date from this host (
The single female paratype is identical in all respects to the holotype. Cales motterni is an unusual species in several ways. Morphologically, the clava shows vestiges of having developed from a 2-segmented condition. This, plus the assumed plesiomorphic state of the wing setation, suggests it may be the most morphologically basal species known in the genus.
Cales motterni sp.n. is the only species of the genus currently known from Taiwan.
Key to Cales species in the C. spenceri- group Adapted from |
1 | Fore wing disc with setae arranged in three distinct rows (Fig. |
C. noacki species-group |
– | Fore wing disc evenly setose or at most with a suggestion of the setae forming rows (e.g. Fig. |
2 |
2 | Fore wing with longest posterior marginal seta 0.8× width of wing. Mesoscutum with posterior setae long, more than one-third length of seta extending beyond transscutal articulation when directed posteriorly. Australia. | C. spenceri Girault |
– | Fore wing with longest posterior marginal seta 0.5–0.6× width of wing (Fig. |
3 |
3 | Fore wing basal cell without campaniform sensilla, or sensilla present only as faint vestiges in proximal area posterior to submarginal vein. Fore wing with distinct infuscation posterior to submarginal and marginal veins. New Zealand. | C. berryi Mottern & Heraty |
– | Fore wing with one or two rows of small campaniform sensilla on dorsal surface of basal cell, just posterior to submarginal vein (arrowed, Fig. |
4 |
4 | Antenna with F3 elongate, about twice as long as wide; Clava with multiporous plate sensilla (arrowed, Fig. |
C. motterni Polaszek, Shih & Ward sp. n. |
– | Antenna with F3 transverse, a little wider than long; Clava with multiporous plate sensilla (Fig. |
C. orchamoplati Viggiani & Carver |
This study was partly funded by the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (Project No. 102-2628-B-002-019-MY3). We are grateful to John Noyes (Natural History Museum, London) for providing references.