Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomic Paper
Corresponding author: Fernanda Herrera Mesías (, Alexander M. Weigand (
Academic editor: Dominique Zimmermann
Received: 05 Feb 2021 | Accepted: 16 Apr 2021 | Published: 14 May 2021
© 2021 Fernanda Herrera Mesías, Alexander Weigand
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Herrera Mesías F, Weigand AM (2021) Updates to the checklist of the wild bee fauna of Luxembourg as inferred from revised natural history collection data and fieldwork. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e64027.
Museums and other institutions curating natural history collections (NHCs) are fundamental entities to many scientific disciplines, as they house data and reference material for varied research projects. As such, biological specimens preserved in NHCs represent accessible physical records of the living world's history. They provide useful information regarding the presence and distribution of different taxonomic groups through space and time. Despite the importance of biological museum specimens, their potential to answer scientific questions, pertinent to the necessities of our current historical context, is often under-explored.
The currently-known wild bee fauna of Luxembourg comprises 341 registered species distributed amongst 38 different genera. However, specimens stored in the archives of local NHCs represent an untapped resource to update taxonomic lists, including potentially overlooked findings relevant to the development of national conservation strategies.
We re-investigated the wild bee collection of the Zoology Department of the National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg by using morphotaxonomy and DNA barcoding. The collection revision led to the discovery of four species so far not described for the country: Andrena lagopus (Latreille, 1809), Nomada furva (Panzer, 1798), Hoplitis papaveris (Latreille, 1799) and Sphecodes majalis (Pérez, 1903). Additionally, the presence of Nomada sexfasciata (Panzer, 1799), which inexplicably had been omitted by the most current species list, can be re-confirmed. Altogether, our findings increase the number of recorded wild bee species in Luxembourg to 346. Moreover, the results highlight the crucial role of NHCs as repositories of our knowledge of the natural world.
biological collections, Apoidea, taxonomy, DNA barcodes, Benelux
Natural history museums are important research and educational institutions, with a crucial role in the production and communication of scientific knowledge. Their associated natural history collections (NHCs) document what is known about the world’s bio- and geodiversity, provide resources and reference material for scientific research and outreach and contribute to the very basis of formal educational programmes (
In this study, we followed this approach and performed a revision of the wild bee collection material curated at the Zoology Department of the National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg (Musée national d'histoire naturelle de Luxembourg; MNHNL) to produce an updated species checklist of the wild bee fauna of Luxembourg. Additionally, specimens collected in 2019 during the pilot phase of the ongoing "Atlas of the wild bee fauna of Luxembourg” project were integrated in the analysis to evaluate the presence of potential new findings.
Relevant entries of 5,908 wild bee voucher specimens stored in the database of the MNHNL (accession number, preferred determination and gathering site) were downloaded as spreadsheets to evaluate the presence and distribution of Luxembourgish and non-Luxembourgish species in the collection (
Spreadsheets were manipulated using R version 3.6.2 (
From the pilot phase of the wild bee atlas project, 16 specimens were selected for molecular identification via DNA barcoding. The BF2/BR2 primer pair (
Potential new species discoveries originating from either the revised museum collection entries or the fieldwork material were inspected with a Keyence VHX-S660E digital microscope, using various morphological keys to evaluate diagnostic traits (Table
Taxonomic keys used for the morphological identification of wild bees to species level.
Authors | Title | Used on | Citation |
Amiet F, Müller A, Neumeyer R | Fauna Helvetica 9. Apidae 2 | Colletes |
Amiet F, Herrmann M, Müller A, Neumeyer R | Fauna Helvetica 9. Apidae 4 | Hoplitis* |
Amiet F, Herrmann M, Müller A, Neumeyer R | Fauna Helvetica 20. Apidae 5 | Nomada |
Amiet F, Herrmann M, Müller A, Neumeyer R | Fauna Helvetica 26. Apidae 6 | Andrena |
Bogusch P, Straka J | Review and identification of the cuckoo bees of central Europe (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Sphecodes) | Sphecodes |
Falk S, Lewington R | Field guide to the bees of Great Britain and Ireland | Colletes |
Pauly A | Clés Illustrées Pour L’identification des Abeilles de Belgique et des Régions Limitrophes (Hymenoptera: Apoidae) II. Megachilidae | Hoplitis* |
Dathe HH, Scheuchl E, Ockermüller E | Illustrierte Bestimmungstabelle für die Arten der Gattung Hylaeus F. (Maskenbienen) in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz | Hylaeus |
Smit J | Identification key to the European species of the bee genus Nomada Scopoli, 1770 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), including 23 new species | Nomada |
*The key uses the synonym Osmia papaveris (Latreille, 1799) to refer to Hoplitis papaveris (Latreille, 1799)
Common names: Nomade funeste (French), Schwärzliche Wespenbiene (German)
Male: A small (4-6 mm) dark coloured Nomada presenting yellow maculations in the margin of labrum, malar area, apex of clypeus and in front of the eyes (Fig.
Nomada furva (Panzer, 1798) (Remerschen, specimen MNHNL39915). a. Dorsal view (scale bar = 1 mm); b. Lateral view (scale bar = 1 mm); c. Propodeum, showing tuft of pale hair; d. Abdomen, yellow spots/bands and notched tergite 7; e. Labrum tooth (scale bar = 100 µm); f. Femur 2. Photos: MNHNL. Background edited using GIMP 2.8.22 (
Voucher specimen (MNHNL39915): Adult male. Body length of 4.7 mm.
A bivoltine species that parasites the nests of small Lasioglossum, with a flight season that extends from the end of April until mid-September (
Nomada furva is classified under the IUCN category “Data Deficient (DD)”, meaning that there is a lack of scientific information to assess extinction risk (
Common names: Osmie du Coquelicot (French), Mohn-Mauerbiene (German).
Male: A medium sized (9-11 mm) mason bee with a black body covered in yellow-brown hair and short antennae (Fig.
Hoplitis papaveris (Latreille, 1799) (Mertert, specimen MNHNL21866). a. Dorsal view; b. Lateral view showing abdomen curvature; c. Abdomen, showing the two terminal lobules of tergite 7; d. Detailed view of the propodeum (shiny surface). Scale bars = 1 mm. Photos: MNHNL. Background edited using GIMP 2.8.22 (
Voucher specimen (MNHNL21866): Adult male. Body length of 8.8 mm.
A ground-nesting bee that builds its nest in sandy soil, using pieces of poppy petals (Papaver rhoeas) to line the brood cells (
Hoplitis papaveris is classified under the IUCN category “Least Concern (LC)” (
Common names: Nomade six-bandes (French), Langkopf-Wespenbiene (German), Six-banded Nomad Bee (English).
Female: A large (11-13 mm) black and yellow Nomada species. Yellow maculations are present in the pronotal lobes, tegula, as two small spots on the scutellum and as large yellow spots on the sides of tergites 1-3, that become bands in tergites 4-5 (Fig.
Nomada sexfasciata (Panzer, 1799) (Remich, specimen MNHNL25076). a. Dorsal view; b. Lateral view; c. Face, frontal view showing maculations, mandibles, clypeus, labrum and longitudinal carina; d. Face, lateral view showing elongated malar area. Scale bars = 1 mm. Photos: MNHNL. Background edited using GIMP 2.8.22 (
Voucher specimen (MNHNL25076): Adult female. Body length of 12 mm.
An univoltine species that parasites Eucera nests, with a flight season spanning from late April until late July on the European continent (
Nomada sexfasciata is classified under the IUCN category “Least Concern (LC)” (
Common names: Andrène deux-cellules (French), Zweizellige Sandbiene (German).
Female: A medium size ground nesting bee with brownish hair and yellowish scopae (Fig.
Andrena lagopus (Latreille, 1809) (Kehlen, specimen MNHNL100056; BOLD identifier MNHNL162-21, one middle leg was used for DNA extraction). a. Dorsal view; b. Lateral view; c. Wing, showing submarginal cells; d. Propodeum; e. Abdomen, showing band and punctures in the tergites. Photos: MNHNL. Background edited using GIMP 2.8.22 (
Specimen from pilot study (MNHNL100056; BOLD identifier MNHNL162-21): Adult female. Body length of 9.23 mm.
The taxonomic annotation is supported by DNA barcoding data. The best percentages of sequence identity were achieved with two specimens of Andrena lagopus from France (100% each, BOLD identifiers FBHAP970-09 and POLLE2072-19), collected in Alsace and Indre et Loire.
A univoltine species, that specialises on crucifers (Brassicaceae) for pollen collection (
Andrena lagopus is regionally classified as “Least Concern (LC)” (
Common names: Sphécode de mai (French), Kortsnuitbloedbij (Dutch), Mai-Blutbiene (German).
Male: A medium sized Sphecodes species (6-8 mm) (Fig.
Sphecodes majalis (Pérez, 1903) (Manternach, specimen MNHNL100057; BOLD identifier MNHNL163-21, one middle leg was used for DNA extraction). a. Dorsal view; b. Lateral view; c. Antenna, showing flagellar segments; d. Left hind tibia, showing spines in pale pubescence; e. Tergites 4 and 5; f. Genitalia. Photos: MNHNL. Background edited using GIMP 2.8.22 (
Voucher specimen (MNHNL100057; BOLD identifier MNHNL163-21): Adult male. Body length of 7.19 mm.
The taxonomic annotation is supported by DNA barcoding data. A perfect match of genetic sequence similarity was achieved with a specimen of Sphecodes majalis from France (100%; BOLD identifier POLLE1165-19), collected in Loir et Cher.
A rare cuckoo bee that inhabits steppes and sunny sites, flying only during a short time span in spring from late March until mid-May, matching the flight season of Lasioglossum pallens (Brullé, 1832), its only known host in Europe (
Sphecodes majalis is classified as “Near Threatened (NT)” (
The 5,908 wild bee specimens registered in the MNHNL collection were distributed amongst 33 genera from six families (Andrenidae, Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, Megachilidae and Melittidae). Exact sampling sites and detailed information for each museum specimen are available at the Species Observation Database Service of the museum. From the 218 wild bee species listed in the database, 194 were present in previous species checklists, confirming that at least some individuals have been found in Luxembourgish territory. The remaining 24 species did not figure as present in the country in the literature sources consulted. These species were represented in the collection exclusively by individuals collected in other countries, except for five species, whose annotations linked them to at least one voucher specimen from a gathering site placed in modern Luxembourgish territory: Colletes fodiens (Fourcroy, 1785), Hylaeus styriacus (Förster, 1871), Nomada furva (Panzer, 1798), Nomada sexfasciata (Panzer, 1799) and Hoplitis papaveris (Latreille, 1799). In three of these cases, previous taxonomic annotations of the analysed voucher specimens and our morphological re-examinations were in agreement (for N. furva, N. sexfasciata and H. papaveris).
However, in the remaining two cases, the taxonomic annotations showed conflicting results. In the case of C. fodiens, there were two registered specimens (one male and one female) in the collection. The results of the morphological re-evaluation of both specimens were inconclusive. The female specimen (MNHNL41840), which was collected in 1999, lacked the conspicuous white-haired face and those hairs across the dorsal surface of the first tergite that characterise C. fodiens (sensu
In the case of H. styriacus, there were eleven female specimens in the collection. In all cases, the shape of the facial fovea matched the one of Hylaeus from the subgenus Paraprosopis (sensu
Finally, the DNA barcodes of two of the specimens from the pilot phase of the wild bee atlas project had a 100% genetic similarity in BOLD with sequences annotated as Andrena lagopus (Latreille, 1809) and Sphecodes majalis (Pérez, 1903), respectively. Both species have no previous records in the country, rendering those two entries the first documented findings.
Therefore, the morphological and molecular evidence indicates the presence of five wild bee species that are missing in the most current checklists (Suppl. material
The taxonomic re-evaluation of the wild bee collection material curated at the MNHNL, together with newly-collected specimens from the pilot phase of an ongoing atlas project, revealed the presence of five additional wild bee species for Luxembourg. The geographic information stored in the records of the voucher specimens confirmed that at least some individuals have been found on modern Luxembourgish territory, during sampling campaigns performed over the last 20 years. Four out of these five species have not been described as present in the country in any previous publication (Andrena lagopus, Nomada furva, Hoplitis papaveris and Sphecodes majalis). The fifth species, Nomada sexfasciata, is missing in
Additionally, during database cross-checking, we discovered 15 occurrence records on GBIF of Stelis minuta Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825 (
Furthermore, the Checklist of the Western Palaearctic Bees (
Taken together, our validated findings raise the number of registered wild bee species in Luxembourg from 341 to 346 (Suppl. material
Although, in most cases, the visual inspection of the collection specimens confirmed the results of previous taxonomic assignments, there were two instances of disagreement in which the original taxonomic annotation could not be confirmed with our morphological re-evaluation.
In the case of the potential C. fodiens registered in the collection, traditional taxonomic techniques did not allow us to confirm the suggested annotation due to unfavourable specimen conditions. Even though the morphological assessment provided inconclusive results, molecular taxonomic tools might be able to provide further information regarding the identity of similar Colletes specimens. Given that the two closely-related species C. fodiens and C. similis have an estimated genetic distance of 2.17% (
The two new findings of Andrena lagopus and Sphecodes majalis require a special ecological discussion. Both were collected in 2019 during the pilot phase of a wild bee atlas project. In particular, the discovery of the ground nesting bee, A. lagopus, is locally relevant. This species is described as an oligolectic, warm-habitat-loving bee with an Atlanto-Mediterranean distribution (
Another interesting finding comprises the discovery of S. majalis in an orchard in Manternach. This cuckoo bee has a Western Palaearctic distribution that extends across Spain, Algeria, Belgium, southern France, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Switzerland, southern Ukraine, Croatia and The Netherlands, with a potential subspecies (Sphecodes majalis barbatus) in Turkey (
Since S. majalis and L. pallens demonstrate particular nesting and foraging behaviour, their apparent rarity might be an artefact of inadequate sampling techniques (
Our results highlight the importance of NHCs as sources for discoveries and critical re-interpretations of scientific knowledge. In combination with recent fieldwork material, four new wild bee species (A. lagopus, H. papaveris, N. furva and S. majalis) were added to the national checklist of Luxembourg. Additionally, we found evidence that supports the current presence in the country of a fifth species (N. sexfasciata), which was omitted during past inventories. With the addition of these findings, the number of wild bee species registered in Luxembourg has increased to 346. The wild bee collection curated at the National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg is preserved under suitable conditions, which will allow future generations of researchers to use, re-examine and debate it in order to answer scientific questions pertinent to their own historical time. As such, our results represent just a small fraction of the exceptional value that NHCs have as repositories for the documentation of the bio- and geodiversity of the world. Despite this great potential, the current decrease in the available funds to keep and curate NCHs threatens the future of several collections, especially the smaller ones, affecting our possibilities to continue profiting from them in the years to come. Therefore, support from the scientific community and funding bodies is imperative, so biological collections can keep growing, documenting and ultimately, fulfilling their role in society.
We thank Nico Schneider for his assistance during the morphological evaluation and his useful feedback. Andrea Jakubzik, Fernand Feitz and Svenja Christian are acknowledged for their original work on the museum specimens here described, without which this publication would not be possible. We would also like to thank Imen Kharrat, Dylan Thissen, Joana Teixeira and Claude Kolwelter for their collaboration in the field during the pilot phase of the wild bee atlas project. Amanda Luttringer and Stéphanie Lippert are also thanked for the help provided in the laboratory. Finally, we thank Dr. Stefan Schmidt, Dr. Patrick Lhomme and Prof. Dr. Michael Kuhlmann for their useful comments and feedback during the preparation of this manuscript. Financial support was received under the Bauer and Stemmler foundations programme “FORSCHUNGSGEIST! Next Generation Sequencing in der Oekosystemforschung”.