Biodiversity Data Journal :
Research Article
Corresponding author: Milica Jovanović (
Academic editor: Yasen Mutafchiev
Received: 23 Mar 2021 | Accepted: 20 Aug 2021 | Published: 15 Sep 2021
© 2021 Milica Jovanović, Elisabeth Haring, Helmut Sattmann, Clemens Grosser, Vladimir Pesic
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Jovanović M, Haring E, Sattmann H, Grosser C, Pesic V (2021) DNA barcoding for species delimitation of the freshwater leech genus Glossiphonia from the Western Balkan (Hirudinea, Glossiphoniidae). Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e66347.
Glossiphoniid leeches are a diverse group and sometimes abundant elements of the aquatic fauna inhabiting various types of freshwater habitats. In this study, we sampled leeches of the genus Glossiphonia from the Western Balkan in order to test the suitability of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) marker sequence for species delimitation. Morphological analysis revealed the presence of four taxa, G. complanata with two subspecies, G. c. complanata and G. c. maculosa, the latter an endemic of Ohrid Lake, G. nebulosa and endemic G. balcanica. In total, 29 new barcodes of Glossiphonia were sequenced in the course of this study and compared with the available molecular dataset of the latter genus from GenBank/BOLD databases. The applied ASAP distance-based species delimitation method for the analysed dataset revealed an interspecific threshold between 4-8% K2P distance as suitable for species identification purposes of the Western Balkan Glossiphonia species. Our study revealed that morphologically identified taxa as G. nebulosa and G. concolor each consists of more than one clearly different phylogenetic clade. This study contributes to a better knowledge of the taxonomy of glossiphoniid leeches and emphasises future work on the revision of this genus using a standard molecular COI marker in species identification.
DNA barcoding, COI, freshwater leeches, Glossiphoniidae, phylogeny, species delimitation
Species of the family Glossiphoniidae Vaillant, 1890 are generally small, dorsoventrally flattened leeches, distributed in freshwater ecosystems on all continents except Antarctica (
Distribution and species boundaries of the leeches of the genus Glossiphonia, the most diverse genus of the family, have been studied by several authors by means of the DNA barcode region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene (COI) as a genetic marker (e.g.
At present, all of the European members of the genus Glossiphonia have been reported to also inhabit the Western Balkans (
In this study, we applied a standard DNA barcoding marker, a fragment of the COI gene, to analyse specimens of the genus Glossiphonia collected recently in various freshwater habitats (lakes, streams and springs) of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia). In addition, we analysed the available museum material originating from other European localities, including loci typici of some selected species (e.g. G. nebulosa) to obtain reliably identified sequence data. Moreover, we used DNA barcode sequences in both BOLD and GenBank to compare with the sequences obtained in our study. As a result, a dataset, including COI sequences of 29 specimens of Glossiphonia spp. plus four sequences representing two other genera (Helobdella, Placobdella Blanchard, 1893), was generated in order to contribute to a reference dataset applicable for DNA barcoding studies of the genus Glossiphonia in general and, in particular, in the Western Balkans.
Glossiphoniid leeches were collected from twenty-two sites in seven countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Germany, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia (Fig.
Distribution map of localities where glossiphoniid leeches were collected. (red dots – present study records, blue dots – records from previous studies where coordinates are available). Note that each point may represent more than one species. Country codes of those countries, from which we had material, are indicated. The map was created using QGIS 2.8.11 software.
Morphological analysis of 33 individuals was performed using a stereomicroscope (Novex). Leeches were identified to species level according to
DNA analysis was conducted in the Central Research Laboratories of the NHM. Leeches fixed in 96% ethanol were stored at 4°C. Tissue samples from individuals (approx. 2 × 2 × 2 mm) were separated using sterile scalpels and tweezers. DNA was extracted with the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer's protocol. The final volume of DNA solution was 40 µl.
The present study focused on the COI gene, which was amplified using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). For all sampled leeches, a 708 bp section was amplified, which contains the standard DNA barcoding region. The universal primers LCO1490, 5′GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG-3′ and HCO2198, 5′TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA-3′ (
Each reaction consisted of 0.5 units of TopTaq DNA polymerase (Qiagen), 2.5 µl 10× TopTaq PCR Buffer, 10 mM of each dNTP, 50 µM of each primer and 1 µl DNA template in a total reaction volume of 25 µl. The PCR cycling protocol included an initial denaturation at 94°C for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles of of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s, annealing for 30 s at 52°C and extension for 1 min at 72°C. The final step was an extension at 72°C for 10 min and a hold at 10°C.
The amplicons were checked by (1%) agarose gel electrophoresis. The QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen) was employed to purify amplifications products. Sequencing was performed in both directions at Microsynth (Balgach, Switzerland) using the PCR primers.
Sequences (both strands) were checked and edited using BioEdit (
Taxon names, locality information and accession numbers for the specimens used in phylogenetic analysis and distance estimations. Newly-sequenced taxa are shown in bold font. BOLD accession numbers are given for the sequences produced in the present study, while GenBank accession numbers are provided for published sequences.
Sample ID |
Locality (Country/Exact site) |
Coordinates |
BOLD / GenBank ID |
Source |
Glossiphonia verrucata |
ROMIZ I11753 |
Unnamed river, Croatia (CRO) |
ROMIZ I11755 |
Unnamed river, Croatia (CRO) |
Rio Sadde, Italy (IT) |
Chechuy River, Russia (RUS) |
Lake near Meget, Russia (RUS) |
Glossiphonia complanata complanata |
BH1_1 |
Krupa River near Vrbas, Bosnia and Hercegowina (BH) |
This study |
MN1_1 |
Karuč spring, Podgorica, Montenegro (MN) |
This study |
MN1_2 |
Karuč spring, Podgorica, Montenegro (MN) |
This study |
MN2_1 |
River Crnojevića, Cetinje, Montenegro (MN) |
This study |
MN5_1 |
Vitoja spring pool, Podgorica, Montenegro (MN) |
This study |
MN6_1 |
Dobro polje spring, Danilovgrad, Montenegro (MN) |
This study |
MN7_1 |
Mareza spring, Podgorica, Montenegro (MN) |
This study |
MN8_1 |
Karuč spring, Podgorica, Montenegro (MN) |
This study |
AUS_Hir:2_1 |
Kalte Wien, Vienna, Austria (AUS) |
This study |
Gcomp1 |
Stream from the lake Barschsee, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, type locality (GER) |
This study |
Gcomp2 |
Stream from the lake Barschsee, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, type locality(GER) |
This study |
Gcomp3 |
Small stream near Jesewitz, Saxony, Germany (GER) |
This study |
Durance river, France (FR) |
Europe (EU) |
Creek, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Nordwestmecklenburg district, Germany (GER) |
United Kingdom (UK) |
ROMIZ I11750 |
Korana river, Croatia (CRO) |
ROMIZ I11749 |
Korana river, Croatia (CRO) |
ROMIZ I11748 |
Korana river, Croatia (CRO) |
ROMIZ I11717 |
Sava river, Slovenia (SLO) |
ROMIZ I11743 |
Gacka river, Croatia (CRO) |
Glossiphonia complanata maculosa |
MAC1_1 |
St. Naum spring of Crni Drim, Ohrid Lake, North Macedonia (MAC) – type locality |
This study |
MAC2_1 |
Lagadin, Ohrid Lake, North Macedonia (MAC) |
This study |
MAC2_2 |
Lagadin, Ohrid Lake, North Macedonia (MAC) |
This study |
MAC3_1 |
Peštani, Ohrid Lake, North Macedonia (MAC) |
This study |
MAC4_1 |
Oteševo, Prespa Lake, North Macedonia (MAC) |
This study |
ALB1a_d |
Pogradec, Ohrid Lake, Albania (ALB) |
This study |
ALB1a_1 |
Pogradec, Ohrid Lake, Albania (ALB) |
This study |
ALB3b_2 |
Tushemisht, Ohrid Lake, Albania (ALB) |
This study |
Glossiphonia concolor |
Gconc1 |
Krakower Obersee, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (GER) |
This study |
Kila river, Sweden (SWE) |
Ukraine (UKR) |
Glossiphonia balcanica |
Gbalc1 |
Toplla spring, Dečani, Kosovo (KOS) - type locality |
This study |
Gbalc2 |
Toplla spring, Dečani, Kosovo (KOS) - type locality |
This study |
Glossiphonia nebulosa |
Gnebu4 |
Berliner Chausssee stream Nieplitz, Berlin, Germany -type locality |
This study |
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia (RUS) |
KOS1_1 |
Spring KS 40, Peje, Kosovo (KOS) |
This study |
KOS1_2 |
Spring KS 40, Peje, Kosovo (KOS) |
This study |
BH3_1 |
Banja Luka, Near castle, Bosnia & Herzegovina (BH) |
This study |
Gnebu1 |
Toplla spring, Dečani, Kosovo (KOS) |
This study |
Gnebu3 |
Toplla spring, Dečani, Kosovo (KOS) |
This study |
Glossiphonia elegans |
ROMIZ I11505 |
Unknown pond, Nopiming, Manitoba, Canada (CAN) |
Lake Bemidji, Beltrami County, Minnesota, (USA) |
Glossiphonia baicalensis |
Lake Baikal, Russia (RUS) |
Outgroups |
Placobdella costata |
MN4_1 |
Oraška jama spring, Danilovgrad, Montenegro (MN) |
This study |
MN9_1 |
Crno oko spring, Podgorica, Montenegro (MN) |
This study |
Helobdella stagnalis |
BH3_2 |
Near castle, Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina (BH) |
This study |
MAC4_2 |
Oteševo, Prespa Lake, North Macedonia (MAC) |
This study |
In order to assess the genetic differentiation of species within our dataset of 47 Glossiphonia sequences, we used the ASAP procedure designated to a list of partitions of species hypotheses using genetic distances, calculated between DNA sequences and ranked by their ASAP-scores: the lower the score, the better the partition (
Morphological analysis of 29 specimens of the leech genus Glossiphonia from studied area of West Balkans revealed the presence of three species G. complanata, G. balcanica and G. nebulosa (Fig.
Photographs of selected leeches of Glossiphonia. A G. c. complanata, river Helme near Bennungen, Germany; B G. c. maculosa, Ohrid Lake, North Macedonia; C G. nebulosa, River Helme near Bennungen, Germany; D G. balcanica, Toplla spring near Dečani, Kosovo; E G. cf. nebulosa, Toplla spring near Dečani, Kosovo. Photos: C. Grosser (A, D-E), V. Pešić (B), J. Händel (C).
Glossiphonia balcanica and G. nebulosa closely resemble one another and can be distinguished by the colour, which is bright brownish in G. balcanica, but more greyish in the specimens of G. nebulosa from the Balkans (see
The final alignment comprised 52 sequences and had a length of 658 nucleotide sites. Of the 33 COI sequences generated in the present study, all were included in the final dataset for the phylogenetic analysis.
Both the ML and NJ trees, based on COI sequences, were in agreement regarding the general topology. The ML tree is shown in Fig.
Maximum Likelihood tree of Glossiphoniidae, obtained from 52 nucleotide COI sequences. Bootstrap values > 50% are provided at major nodes for both tree calculation methods (ML/NJ). In addition, posterior probability values ≥ 0.98 of the BI analysis are provided (third value). The results of species delimitation are indicated by vertical bars. Sequences generated in the course of the present study are given in bold. Country codes are the same as in Table 1. Asterisks mark specimens from the type locality.
In both the NJ and ML trees, Glossiphonia COI sequences are clustered into eight clades (Fig.
Glossiphonia balcanica, in our tree represented by two specimens from Kosovo, is the sister clade of G. complanata. This sister group relationship was supported with high support values. The third species in our dataset is G. concolor, of which we had only one sample from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (LCHME041-20). This sequence is very similar to the GenBank sequence of G. concolor from Sweden. In contrast, another published sequence (KM095097) from Ukraine is quite distantly related, clustering in the tree (albeit with no considerable support) with a published sequence of G. baicalensis (from Lake Baikal, Russia; AY047329). Another distinct lineage is formed by two GenBank sequences of Glossiphonia verrucata from Russia.
For the fourth species sequenced in the present study, G. nebulosa, we found two subclades, one formed by a specimen from the type locality in Germany (LCHME044-20), together with a specimen from Russia (MN295412). This clade is placed with high support (99%) as the sister group of a clade consisting of G. nebulosa specimens from Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Kosovo (in the tree designated as G. cf. nebulosa). Moreover, this subclade contains published sequences assigned to G. verrucata, originating from Croatia (MK479263-64) and Italy (AY96245) and rendering G. verrucata paraphyletic. Due to the position of G. verrucata specimens within the G. nebulosa clade, this species also appears paraphyletic.
Species from the two genera, Placobdela and Helobdella, analysed in this study as outgroup species, formed separate clades with a bootstrap support of 99%. Two specimens of P. costata are identical (BOLD BIN: AEC5178), while the two specimens determined as H. stagnalis are separated by a p-distance of 4.1% and also have separate BINs in BOLD.
The mean K2P values between the morphologically determined species of Glossiphonia ranged from 3.17% to 12.69% (Suppl. material
The highest mean intraspecific distances were observed within G. complanata (1.64%, max. 3.0%) and G. cf. nebulosa (1.31%, max. 4.0%), respectively. The mean intraspecific distance within the clade, herein labelled as G. nebulosa, amounted to 0.9% (Suppl. material
For the ASAP analysis, the sequences of G. verrucata from Italy (AY962459) were excluded from the further analysis because of having ambiguous nucleotides (see
Finally, the mPTP analysis grouped the Glossiphonia COI sequences into six main species also combining G. complanata and G. balcanica. In contrast to the ASAP results, the highly diverged lineages of G. baicalensis and G. concolor were grouped into one species (Fig.
Morphological analysis of the examined leeches of the genus Glossiphonia from the Western Balkans revealed the presence of three species, G. complanata, G. balcanica and G. nebulosa. Using DNA barcodes, the present study has revealed inconsistency between the past understanding of the taxonomic diversity of the above-listed three species, based exclusively on morphological characters.
Glossiphonia complanata was the most abundant species in our study. In the studied area, it is known by two subspecies, the nominal one and G. complanata maculosa, known only from Lake Ohrid (
In the course of the present study, only a single Glossiphonia specimen was found in Prespa Lake (MAC4_1; LCHME024-20) which was assigned to G. complanata maculosa, based on its characteristic colour pattern.
Our results suggest that some specimens, represented by published sequences in our dataset, were probably misidentified. Sequences of two samples from one unnamed river in Croatia (
Our study revealed that G. nebulosa consists of two phylogenetic clades questioning the status of the populations from Western Balkans. The mean K2P distance of about 4.9% was found between the north-central European clade of G. nebulosa containing a specimen from the type locality of this species in Germany (stream Nieplitz near Berlin) and the clade that encompasses specimens from the Balkans. This might suggest longstanding isolation between populations from north-central Europe and populations from south-eastern Europe.
Concerning the species delimitation analyses, the different results of the approaches did not provide convincing conclusions. For example, the mPTP analysis combined G. complanata and G. balcanica into one species which is rather unlikely, comparing the distance between these two lineages (6.14% K2P) with other inter- and intraspecific distances in the genus. Another unexpected result relates to G. complanata and G. balcanica: mean K2P interspecific distance between G. balcanica, an endemic species recently described by
The obtained barcode gaps of 4–8% K2P in our dataset of COI sequences is comparable to an interspecific threshold of 5–7% distance that
Financial support was partly provided within the programme for Scientific & Technological Cooperation in the framework of the bilateral Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the Republic of Montenegro. Assistance given by Julia Schindelar and Bärbara Tautscher with the molecular genetic analysis was greatly appreciated. Dejan Dmitrović and Violeta Bërlajolli contributed this study with leech material from Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo. We thank Joachim Händel for providing us with the photograph of G. nebulosa and Oliver Maček for help with databases.
No ethical principles were violated when providing this study.
The authors declare no conflict of interests concerning this study.
Interspecific mean K2P distances (below diagonal) and mean p-distances (above diagonal) and the standard deviations. Diagonal: the ranges of intraspecific genetic divergence are marked in bold font (the mean values are given in parentheses; K2P and p-distance gave similar results). The number of specimens considered for each species is indicated in parentheses. In the group of G. cf. nebulosa (n = 8), the three G. verrucata sequences from Italy and Croatia were included for the calculations.