Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomic Paper
Corresponding author: Vitaly A Stolbov (
Academic editor: Nikolay Simov
Received: 13 Jul 2021 | Accepted: 07 Sep 2021 | Published: 13 Sep 2021
© 2021 Elena Kanyukova, Vitaly Stolbov, Sergey Ivanov
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Kanyukova EV, Stolbov VA, Ivanov SA (2021) Micronecta griseola Horvath, 1899 - a new species of the family Corixidae (Heteroptera) for the fauna of the Middle Urals. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e71545.
Micronecta (Micronecta) griseola Horvath, 1899 is a representative of water bugs of the family Corixidae. It is expanding its range eastwards according to our observations in Russia. In the last decade, the species has become more common in Western Siberia.
The article presents the first records of M. griseola from the territory of the Middle Urals (Russia). The distribution of the species and the features of its biology are considered.
expansion of the range, Ob-Irtysh Basin, Russia, new data
Water bugs of the Urals and Cis-Urals have not been sufficiently studied to date. Information on the finding of two species of the Corixidae family and two species of the Gerridae family in the Polar Urals is given by A.N.
In connection with the development of the national economy of the country in the 1920s , the employees of biological stations carried out an intensive study of water bodies and their inhabitants - the fodder base of fish. Extensive material on water bugs from the Volga, Oka, Kama and other water bodies, collected by A.L. Benning (
The number of erroneous indications also included the records of M. minutissima from the Southern Urals from the Orenburg Region (
The collection of material in the Middle Urals was done in the eastern part of the Sverdlovsk Region in the spring-summer period of 2020. Small rivers of the Pyshma and Tura River Basins (Ob-Irtysh Basin) were investigated. The material was collected with a hydrobiological net, by catching water near the coast and mowing aquatic vegetation. The determination was made at the Hemiptera Department of the Laboratory of Insect Taxonomy of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), with the preparation of male parameres and comparison with the collection.
The second author found M. griseola for the first time in the Sverdlovsk Region. Species of the genus Micronecta are the smallest representatives of the Corixidae family, the body length of the species ranges from 1.5 to 2.4 mm (Fig.
The range of distribution of the species is located in Western and Eastern Europe, from the British Isles (
Ecology and Biology
All of our finds of M. griseola were made in small rivers with different depths, flow rates and soil patterns; in three of the four rivers, higher aquatic vegetation was absent at the sampling site (Fig.
According to Wroblewski (1958), M. griseola lives in fresh flowing and stagnant water bodies and periodically occurring in large flocks off the coast. Most species of Corixidae hibernate in the adult stage, in contrast to the species of the subgenus Micronecta, which hibernate as translucent larvae of III and IV instars. Imagos disappear in late summer and autumn and they do not occur in early spring either. IV instar larvae often survive until spring. Micronects are polyvoltine and there are spring and summer generations (if the season is warm enough). In cold countries, one generation was recorded each summer (
In a previous work (
Finds of older larvae and some imagos in the last ten days of May in the Middle Urals make it possible to attribute them to overwintered individuals and to consider this time as the date of the appearance of the first generation of adults of M. griseola. The date of collection of imagos and young larvae in the rivers of the Middle Urals on 30 July 2020, makes it possible to think that these adults belong to the second (summer) generation, which, after laying eggs, gives rise to wintering larvae. Although, like many insect species, Micronecta's breeding times are extended during the summer and may overlap.
For the first time beyond the Urals, in Western Siberia, M. griseola was recorded in the Novosibirsk Region in 2010. All records from the southwest of Western Siberia in the Tyumen Region were made by authors within several years after 2017. Findings of M. griseola in large numbers in four rivers of the Sverdlovsk Region in 2020 suggest that this species has been actively spreading in recent years over the territory of the West Siberian Plain (Ob-Irtysh Basin).
In Europe, in recent decades, data on new finds of M. griseola in different countries have also been published (
The expansion of the ranges of a number of species in recent years has been noted in many regions, including Siberia. Often, in the case of terrestrial animal and plant species, this phenomenon is associated with global climate change (
The authors are grateful to D.A. Gapon (ZIN RAS) for help in material preparation and N.N. Vinokurov (Institute for Biological Problems of Permafrost, SB RAS, Yakutsk) for critical comments during the preparation of this article. This research was funded by the Tyumen Oblast Government, as part of the West-Siberian Interregional Science and Education Center's project No. 89-DON (2).